The sea restaurant ‘Balati’, the lobby on the first floor.

The customers are almost gone, and most of the civilians have no appetite to continue eating after being stimulated one after another.

Captain Marine, who was also dining in the lobby on the first floor, originally planned to say something to Zoro and the new pirates, but as soon as he saw Ace and Nami’s ship approaching the restaurant on the sea, he immediately bowed his head and ran back to the Marine battleship. Shang left at the fastest speed.

In the past two years, the Hunter Association's power has grown stronger, and the folks have highly recognized the Hunter Association. Among the four great seas, West Blue is the lair of the fierce chain. Needless to say, South Blue is the base of the Hunter Association. The North Blue countries have shivered in the shadow of Germa over the years, that is, the weakest East Blue can give Marine. Improved face.

For some reason, the Coral and Hunters Association had no idea of ​​entering East Blue at all, that is, they built a few branches sporadically to pretend to be. Therefore, there are more pirates in East Blue than the other three open seas, and they are more ‘dish’.

For example, for this evaporating'chief' Crick, the World government offers a bounty of 17 million Berry, while the hunter's association gives a bounty of 12 million Berry. It is such a pitiful amount that can be paid in East Blue. Dominated for many years.

East Blue's weakness can be seen in Madara.

"So, Ace, you won't arrest us?"

At the table, Luffy took the time to talk while eating Hesai: "Great, it would be very hard if you still want to fight Ace with you."

"Idiot, don't squirt when you eat! Ah, I'm sorry, my brother is causing trouble to everyone."

Holding the fork, Ace wiped his face and reprimanded Luffy, and then solemnly bent down to apologize to the others at the table. He was very polite, and the three people in the straw hat group hurriedly stood up and replied.

As the great benefactors who saved the sea restaurant Barati, Ace and Nami naturally received sincere gratitude from all the chefs and the highest level of hospitality. The chefs showed off their best dishes to present their benefactors, and even the head chef, Tetsuo, who had not cooked for a long time, personally cooked and presented his most proud "Fried Fresh Scallops with Foie Gras".

Take Mortros fresh scallops from Flying Shark Islands, soak them in ice water, quickly cool them, add seasonings, and fry them until golden on both sides. Windmill asparagus takes the stamens and blanched them with salt water as the plate decoration. Finally, the most classic Aquitaine foie gras is slightly fried and placed on the fresh shells. After adding the secret sauce, it is complete. It seems simple, but every step requires the heat to be adjusted to the ultimate level, which is an extremely test of the chef's skill.

Nami took a sip, and his eyes immediately brightened: "It melts in your mouth, it's so delicious... Chef Tetsuo, this dish is really delicious!"

Zhefu, who was standing by, graciously stroked his chest with one hand and leaned slightly: "It's an honor for you to like this dish, Miss (Mademoiselle)."

The waiters and chefs around are whispering, they have never seen their chef and boss so gentle and easygoing. It seems that Sanji's gentlemanly demeanor and chivalry spirit are all learned from a philosopher. Of course, this aspect of nympho is Sanji self-taught.

"Where is Mr. Victor? Didn't he come to East Blue this time?" Sanji was a little curious, and he wanted to thank Victor in person. That revolver has now become an inseparable part of Sanji's life. He uses "Kick" in close combat and "Spear" in long range. Sanji has now figured out a set of perfect combat skills.

Nami lifted the glass and shook it, smiling slightly:

"Master has things to do, so let's come here first."


East Blue, ‘the town of beginning and end’, Logue town.

This is where Roger was born and died, and it has become the most famous tourist attraction in East Blue. At the dock, there is a huge Marine warship moored, the bow of which is like a huge dog's head biting a bone.

"Wow hahaha! Smoker, what's the matter with you kid?"

In an office in the Logue town Marine resident, Garp, with gray hair and full of aging, laughed with a teacup.

The topless Smoker with his silver hair combed back, a huge scar extending from his left shoulder to his right waist, and a terrible scar on his left face. The death battle on Cake Island that year left him an indelible mark. He bit two cigars and looked at Garp with a calm face: "It's just a job transfer, it's not a big deal."

Over the years, Marine’s internal situation has continued to change, and meritorious officials like Smoker have been suppressed just because of grievances for Garp. It stands to reason that Smoker could have been promoted to Vice Admiral long ago with the strength and merits of Smoker, but he is still just a Naval Headquarters colonel, and was sent directly to the weakest East Blue by his superiors this year, asking him to guard Logue town.

In other words, Smoker basically has no future.

Garp smiled and gradually fell silent, looking down at the tea cup in his hand for a long time without speaking.

"Mr. Garp, it's none of your business. I wanted to leave the misty place a long time ago. It would be nice to come here for a leisurely time." The tops of the two cigars at the corners of Smoker's mouth flickered, and a spit was slowly expelled. Smoke: "...Is Tina okay?"

"Why don't you call her if you care about her so much?" Garp raised his eyelid and glanced at Smoker.

Smoker leaned back on the sofa, looked up to the ceiling, and slowly said, "I feel confused, Mr. Garp. What we represent... really [justice]?"

"Justice is not just casual words, but the values ​​in your heart."

Garp blew the heat on the edge of the teacup: "If you are confused, find the ‘thing’ that makes you confused, question your heart, and ask to understand."


Smoker looked at Garp in shock, and said in a complicated tone: "Mr. Garp, you..."

"Speaking of which, there are more pirates in East Blue than in the other three sea areas."

Garp changed the subject abruptly: "Have you encountered any more powerful characters?"

"It's all stinky fish, rotten shrimps, it's not worth mentioning." Smoker waved his hand: "I have to say that the hunter's association of the fierce chain guy really put the reins on this'era of rampage', and curbed the era of big pirates. , It also restricted Marine."

"Eight years ago no one could have imagined that a son of a poor fisherman could change the entire era."

Garp took a sip of tea and said slowly:

"I really don't know what he is planning..."

The central square of Logue town was crowded with people, and the execution platform that witnessed the opening of the great pirate era stood quietly.

Amidst the crowds coming and going, a figure wearing a black cloak stood still, silently looking at the execution platform in the distance. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked behind him, only to see a blond man wearing a black cloak and a black felt hat smiling and looking at him.

"Meeting for the first time, the'revolutionary' dragon."

The blond man held up the black felt hat on his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

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