Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 384 Golden Lion

It has been a week since leaving Baratti, the sea restaurant. In order to lay the foundation for Luffy and Zoro, Victor did not choose to use the "Nylon Zipper Sky Gondola" to walk the empty road. Instead, he spent four days driving with Straw Hat Crew to Cocoa. The village of West Asia is near the sea. Because Cocosia Village is one of the few islands in East Blue where hunters are stationed, the Straw Hat Pirates had to bid farewell to Victor and his team as they approached the coast of Cocosia Village.

During the period, Luffy and Zoro received Victor’s ‘easy and pleasant training’, yes, it’s very easy and pleasant. It was so pleasant that even Luffy, a ruthless person who had suffered from childhood training, was a little overwhelmed. He and Zoro gritted their teeth for four days. Although they were covered in bruises, they benefited a lot.

Even Victor has to admit that these two people are both talented. Especially Luffy, it only took four days to train Armament Haki's "seed". The talent is far superior to others, and only Victor himself can match it.

Although not talking about it, both Luffy and Zoro regarded Victor as a respectable master. When they parted, Straw Hat Crew was crying, and only Zoro stood firm with his arms standing beside the boat to maintain a cool man's posture.

Perhaps Victor would still be a little jealous of Luffy as the protagonist during the years when he first learned of the plot, but now he has no such ridiculous mentality. Helping these original protagonists is just a small episode in Victor's life, not worth mentioning.

After parting with Straw Hat Crew, the Beagle arrived at Cocosia Village.

The current Cocossia Village has been renamed Cocossia Town, and the town that has been expanded several times in size is quite prosperous and prosperous. First, it was possible to borrow the trade routes of the Coral Chamber of Commerce to sell a large number of high-quality oranges and handmade products, and also because the coral flags were hung to avoid the intrusion of pirates. The second reason is that this is one of the only two Hunter Association branch locations in East Blue. There are a large number of bounty hunters traveling to and from the town every day, making the town extremely lively.

Nami’s adoptive mother, Bell-mère, is now the head of the Orange Orchard in the town of Cocossia. In fact, she could have served as the mayor with her prestige, but she always said “too troublesome”, “boring”, “not that time”, etc. Reasons to shirk. Taking care of the orange grove and raising her daughter are her interests. The small home in the orange orchard is full of newspaper clippings. Nami's sister Nuoqigao has also become a formal caretaker of the orange orchard last year and enjoys it.

After staying in Cocosia Village for two days, Nami said goodbye to Bell-mère and Nuoqigao in the port, and then the Beagle took off to the distant sky.

It only took a day for Victor to find his goal.

East Blue, there is a huge floating Sky Island group floating above a certain sea area.

As the main island, the floating Sky Island is very large, surrounded by a large number of small islands like companion stars. There are even waterfalls and lakes on the islands, where a large number of dangerous beasts lurks.

Such a magnificent scene is not formed naturally, but a strategic flight base created by a large pirate using the ability of the fruit.

This floating island base flying at high altitude in East Blue is named-[StrongWorld].

"...So, that ‘Golden Lion’ is hiding in this floating Sky Island?"

Wearing a white cropped shirt and low-rise jeans, Nami set up a pergola and looked at the floating Sky Island group in the distance.

"The big pirate'Golden Lion' who competed with Roger at the same time... is a good opponent!"

Wearing an orange cowboy hat, Ace couldn't restrain his excitement: "Boss, leave it to me! I'll take care of him!"

Victor smiled and shook his head: "Ace, don't underestimate the Golden Lion. The Golden Lion fleet he led back then nearly wiped out the Roger Pirates in the waters of Atwor."

"Oh? Boss, can you tell us more about it?" Ace got excited, and later generations talked about the Battle of Atwor all vaguely, and few people knew the inside story. Ace knows that his boss has a very wide range of sources, and he can always know some very close consultations and secrets hidden in the long river of history that not many people know.

"Golden Lion's real name is Shiki (Shiki), and is known as the three legendary pirates together with Whitebeard and One Piece. He is the floater who ate the Paramecia Lion Fruit. Hearing the name, you can guess that those floating Sky Island are his masterpiece."

Victor took the steaming coffee from Little Berger, thanked him, and continued to tell a story:

"His ability is similar to my chain fruit. They are both'eroding' Paramecia abilities that cannot affect living entities other than themselves. All non-living objects touched by him and himself can be affected by Lion Fruit's ability. Affected to get rid of gravity and fly in the air, this powerful ability has earned him the title of'Flying Pirate'."

Ace tilted his head: "It sounds very similar to the fruitful ability of a lifetime master."

"It sounds similar, but it's actually quite different."

Victor shook his head, took a sip of coffee, and said:

"He used to be a member of Rocks Pirate, and together with'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate,'BIGMOM' Charlotte Linlin,'Beasts' Kaido, Captain John and other world-famous fierce men assembled under the command of the Crazy Pirate Rocks. In Rocks After the collapse of Pirate, everyone broke up and went their separate ways. The Golden Lion relied on its strong strength and outstanding leaders to recruit troops and gathered a large-scale flying pirate group and Golden Lion pirate fleet."

"The entanglement between Golden Lion and One Piece Roger lasted for decades. In the end, the two sides broke out in the New World sea area of ​​Atwall, which was later called the'Atwall Battle'. There were nearly hundreds of them. The Golden Lion fleet of huge warships surrounded the Pirate King Roger's Oro Jackson. You must know that the oppressive force created by the huge population gap in naval battles is a gap that cannot be filled by individual power."

"The Roger Pirates, which was at the end of the road, were rescued by the sudden violent weather. The unprecedented super storm sunk most of the Golden Lion fleet to the bottom of the sea, not to mention, the Golden Lion himself was also in the storm. Suffered an'accident' in the middle of the game. The stalemate on the battlefield was finally broken, and the Roger Pirates desperately escaped from the waters of Atwal. This great battle is also known as the'overture' before the opening of the great pirate era. "

During the conversation, the Beagle had flown close to the floating Sky Island group, and there was a flying island ship floating on the opposite side. It was the main ship ‘Lion Majesty’ of the flying pirate group.

Golden Lion has sensed that the foreign enemy has invaded the air domain and is ready to meet the enemy.

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