Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 388-The Storm in the Dark Night

Grand Line ‘New World’, an unknown sea area.

The night sky was densely covered with thick clouds, the violent storm and rain were mixed with silver snake-like lightning, and the huge thunder sound even overwhelmed the loud waves of the sea. This is a storm that can overwhelm large ships, and the seemingly harsh climate can only be called ‘common’ in New World’s many terrifying climate disasters.

The huge white whale-style pirate ship undulates on the rough sea, and the pirate flag with the smiley face of the Whitebeard skeleton hung on the mast. The flagship of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, the ‘Mobile’!

On the opposite side of this white whale ship is a larger three-mast pirate ship. At this time, the three-mast pirate ship has become tattered, and even the Pirate Flag has disappeared.

There was a faint flash of fire in the cabin of the three-mast pirate ship. The members of the Whitebeard pirate regiment took their weapons and walked in the smoke-burning corridors, and from time to time gave knives to the enemy crew members lying on the floor. More Whitebeard crews shuttled through the cabin rooms, carrying large amounts of treasure and supplies.

"Where did these guys come out? Seeing the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates group, they dared to rush up and shout to kill. It's a real life and death."

The captain of the fifteenth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fossa, is a tall, slender, and old-looking man with a strong Mediterranean hairstyle. He holds a long sword burning with blazing fire in his hand, and speaks to his companions while waving the flames. The long knife chopped off the necks of the enemy crew member who was lying on the floor.

Walking beside Foza is the fourth division captain Saqi. Wearing a white chef uniform with an exaggerated Pompadour hairstyle, he is the chief chef of the Whitebeard Pirates, frowning and saying:

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. There are fewer idiots who want to raid our Whitebeard Pirates through the storm and the night? Also, Foza, be careful of the flame knife in your hand. It’s burned out, and the treasures and supplies haven’t been transported yet."

"I see."

Foza scratched the top of his bald head, and he didn't know what mechanism was pressed to extinguish the long burning flame in his hand, leaving only a wisp of black smoke floating from the blade.

This unknown pirate ship sneaked to the back of the Mobike in the boundless darkness brought by the storm and wanted to sneak attack, but it fell short because the entire sea surface was illuminated by a sudden flash of lightning in the clouds. The next step is a slaughter. Although the Whitebeard Pirates pays attention to ‘benevolence and justice’, they never relent in the face of unruly enemies.

The internal space of the unknown Pirate Ship was a circle larger than the Moby Dick, the giant beluga ship, and Saqi and Fossa moved apart in front of a fork in the corridor. The latter went to give lessons to those on the enemy ship who were stubbornly resisting, while the former searched cabin by cabin for the hidden enemies and searched for treasure by the way.

Just as Saqi kicked the door of another room to scan the contents inside, a rough laugh came from behind him:

"Thief hahahaha! Saatchi! Are you here to search for treasure?"

Hearing this laughter, Saatchi couldn't help but curl up his mouth and smile, and turned to look behind him: "Aren't you too, Teach."

In the corridor stood a burly man carrying a wine bottle. He wears a black turban on his head. The black fluffy hair exposed under the turban is draped over his shoulders. He is wearing a white shirt and black jacket. His open chest and arms are covered with lush hair. He wears two necklaces with different fingers on his fingers. This style of gem ring, with two flintlocks pinned to the waist, has a rough appearance and a little stubble. At this time, he looked at Saatchi, and the teeth exposed in his grinning mouth were missing several:

"I just want to come over and try my luck, if I can find anything valuable?"

"That's right, after all, the rule of the Whitebeard Pirates is that whoever finds the loot belongs to whoever finds it."

Saatchi teasedly looked at the burly man named ‘Teach’: "Why, do you have something you really want?"

"Thieves hahahaha! Yes, yes, just in case you can find some amazing baby."

Teach laughed loudly, shaking the wooden corridor frame constantly: "If you can find Devil Fruit, you can sell it for a good price! Now the black market of Devil Fruit is rising, and it has already sold 300 million Berry's. The price is high."

Saatchi leaned over and let the door open to let Teach walk in. Then he carried the oil lamp and started patrolling the house, and said casually, "There is no way. These people simply don’t understand that the reason why a'miracle' is a'miracle' is because it cannot be copied."

Teach hooked his mouth and didn't refute what his best friend said, but looked inside the house.

Looking at the decoration style and the placement of objects, it should be the room where the high-ranking person in this nameless pirate group is located. The evidence is the beautifully decorated fixed table with a lot of debris, the half-table ink bottle and the several nautical charts soaked in ink, indicating that the owner of the room will study the route and make relevant plans.

The boards on the vertical table are covered with wanted orders with pushpins, most of which are bounties of between 100 million and 400 million. There is no wanted order from the officers of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and there is nothing on the table. The planning scheme of the sneak attack. This also shows from the side that the reason why the pirate group took advantage of the storm and night to attack the Whitebeard pirate group was a temporary decision that was completely dazzled by the interests.

"This pirate group is quite rich...not only does it have such a big boat, but it also has gorgeous decorations."

Saatchi looked at the decorations in the room, and he tweeted: "It's just that my brain is not so good."

Teach squatted on the ground and knocked on the boards one by one, trying to find the secret grid: "It's really stupid. Even the fierce chain and coral don't dare to attack the Whitebeard Pirates, Dad is the strongest man in the world! Tut... even There is no secret compartment, can this be called the captain's room?"

Saatchi put the oil lamp on the table, and grabbed the books stacked beside the table: "Some captains like to put their treasures under their eyelids. They think it's safer. Hey, the 62nd issue of The Fiery Female Pirate? Understand, I want this book."

"Thief hahaha! Saqi, be careful that the pages stick to the pages." Teach eagerly squatted to another stack of books and started looking for adult magazines.

Saatchi pointed his middle finger to Teach, and thought for a while, he used his thumb and index finger to twist the adult magazine with obvious flipping marks and threw it back into the corner.

When the magazine fell into the corner, it made a non-trivial crash, which caught Saatchi's attention. He took the oil lamp and walked to the corner of the room, and found there was a black box coated with matte paint.

The lock on the box was crushed by Saatchi. After opening the lid, a purple pineapple covered with a snail's spiral skin was greeted.

Devil Fruit!

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