"What? [Nation of Fog] started to move? Is the direction determined?"

"Confirmed! The target direction is Naval Headquarters ‘Marineford’!"

"Where's the reconnaissance ship? Continue reporting!"

"The 17 reconnaissance ships have heard nothing, and it is presumed that they have all been sunk by coral."

"The bastard, Fierce Chain... is taunting Marine blatantly?"

At 6:10 am, Naval Headquarters ‘Marineford’, Central Coast Plaza.

Marine Marshal Buddha Sengoku wears a white cloak of justice, and his white military uniform is covered with various medals on his chest. He stood in the middle of the town on the high platform of Anwan Plaza, beside him was a sweaty communicator reporting the latest situation.

On the command podium of the military port, the three Admiral ‘Akainu’, ‘Aokiji’, and ‘Kizaru’ stood in a row and stood in battle.

Hundreds of thousands of elite Marines gathered in military ports and squares, and hundreds of giant Marine warships loaded with artillery shells protected the justice waters in front of Marineford tightly.

With such a strong defensive force, Sengoku does not believe that the fierce chain has the ability to break through the Marine blockade and head to the Holy Land Mariejois. This is simply a proposition.

To reach the Holy Land Mariejois, you must first pass through the "Justice Sea" guarded by hundreds of Marine ships, and then break through the army of 100,000 elite soldiers and three Marine Admiral. Only after completing this impossible achievement can you have a chance to see it. The'Red Seaport', over there, the elevator'bubble pod' that can fly to the Holy Land Mariejois has already been completely destroyed. Want to reach Mariejois at the top of the Red Line, unless all of them climb by hand!

According to the data collected over the years, the speed of the Ark of Passion is about 22 to 27 knots. When they arrive in the justice waters, they will face hundreds of Marine warships and overwhelming artillery shells.

Come on, the fierce chain, like the moth that pounces on the flames without hesitation, kill itself!


The majestic sea of ​​fog envelops the endless sea. If you look down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, you can find a large group of endlessly hovering sea of ​​fog that is moving fast in the direction of Naval Headquarters.

The Tactical Arms of the Ark of Passion [Mist-home] (Mist-home)!

Thousands of large and small hunter warships are also wrapped in the country of fog. The foggy sea with a radius of more than 10,000 meters moves extremely fast. As it travels, the sky also changes color, and the thick cloud layer is like a block of lead. In fact, there is faint thunder.

The moving speed of the country of fog is getting faster and faster, it is like a huge storm circling on the sea, the incredible speed has reached 90 knots, and it is still improving!

If this continued, the two sides would collide head-on in the "Justice Sea" within three hours, and the reconnaissance ship sent by Marine detected the movement of the Ark of Enthusiasm and reported it to Naval Headquarters and was sunk.

Inside the Nation of Mist, whether it is the Ark of Passion or the thousands of warships wrapped in the internal ocean currents, all sailed smoothly. This is because the internal ocean current and the external state of the Mist Land are completely different. Under the influence of the country of fog, all the covered seas will become the unique climate of the Ark of Passion. Sea breeze, waves, temperature... everything is within the range set by the [Country of Fog].

"Non-combatants please evacuate to the Penrose Underground Corridor. Repeat, non-combatants please evacuate to..."

"No. 001 to 210 cylinder pressure is stable!"

"The speed is 110 knots, stable!"

"The maintenance team reports that the sequence gun has been checked and there is no abnormality."

"Nibelungen's core fog area runs at full power and is stable!"

Thousands of transparent ghosts flew quickly in the sky. They were all eyes and ears of Perona, the'Princess Mononoke', who acted as auxiliary watchers. The chief watcher, Princess Violet, stood on the top of the tower, looking through the layers. The layer of mist pointed directly at the justice sea in the distance and continuously reported Marine's movements.

‘Princess of the Weather’ Nami sits in the Wujie Pagoda, and together with the Snow-snow Fruit ability ‘Snow Girl’ Monet controls the core fog area of ​​Nibelungen, fully operating the [Nation of Fog], and is also responsible for the overall course and weather changes.

The black cloak was hunting in the wind, and Victor put his hands in and Kabuto stood in the bow area of ​​the Ark of Passion. The blond hair was drawn back into a meticulous back, a black suit, a black tie, a black shirt, and black leather boots. Only the chest was pinned with a white rose in full bloom.

The meticulous all-black costumes and white flowers express the solemnity of the heart for the tragic fight that is coming.

Killing is not for any personal grievances, only for the future of this world.

As we get closer and closer, we can already see the panic in the justice waters far away, and Marine did not expect the Ark of Passion to come so fast!

The marines on the warship watched with stunned eyes that the sea of ​​fog that covered the sea and the sky in the distance was rapidly approaching the justice sea area, followed by an endless cloud of overwhelming clouds.

When approaching the justice sea, the movement speed of [Nation of Fog] started to slow down, as if it was preparing for something. The Marine soldiers seized the opportunity to turn the bow and tried to line up and shoot at the passionate ark behind the dense fog with artillery.

Victor took out the gold pocket watch and looked at it, then held up the small phone worm in his hand:

"let's start."

Following the command of the leader, the Ark of Enthusiasm was fully operational.

"Confirm, guns 001 to 040 have been loaded!"

"A total of 32 marine warships are targeted, and the error correction is complete! Confirm again and the error correction is complete! The countdown is 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"


boom------! !

I saw dozens of dazzling incandescent flashes in the foggy sea, and the Marine fleet that had not fully opened its battlefield was caught off guard. The sea area facing the Ark of Passion was directly enveloped by a violent explosion that soared into the sky!

The sea was blown to pieces, and the Marine warships that bore the brunt turned to ashes! The steel deck and hull were instantly melted into hot red molten iron and then shattered by the high-temperature blast wind, and the thick planks turned into fly ash. The seamen on the warship were evaporated by the high temperature without any pain in the first instant!

Dozens of violent explosions swept away hundreds of Marine warships in the justice waters directly, clearing a ‘road’ leading to the Naval Headquarters naval port. For a time, the sea was enveloped by the billowing heat waves and unquenchable flames, and the sky was reflected in an ominous dark red.

"What, what is that?"

The Buddha Sengoku did not know when he stood up from the large seat, his face pale: "Impossible, there is no [artillery] in the world that can do this..."

Looking at the sea of ​​fire rising into the sky on the distant sea, the Marine soldiers gathered in the Naval Headquarters and the square are panicked. This is not a weapon that should exist in the world!

In the first round of confrontation, Naval Headquarters, the naval forces, took a heavy hit!

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