The flame sword in Victor's hand reversed half a circle, and the backhand was about to chop the sneak attacker in half.

But at this time, there was a sound of string plucking lingering in his mind. For some reason, Victor should have completed [The future attacker cut into two pieces] became [Future attacker booming] .

It's not a forced change in behavior, but a natural one. Even the thoughts in the mind and the actions in the hands have changed very naturally.

He turned the hilt upside down and banged his fist against the incoming fist. The huge power was transmitted to each other and burst out, but weirdly did not have much influence on this training ground.

At the same time, Victor took advantage of the time when the smoke and dust were scattered by the shock wave. He was an unusually burly man with a height of about 5 meters. He was wearing a delicate white suit and pure body. White cloak. He wears a half-section tool on his face, and the mask is all golden, only with holes in his eyes.

At the moment of contact, Victor estimated the strength of the opponent-pure strength is extremely strong, comparable to the physical strength of the [Sea Emperor] level. And this costume and action feature, is it CP0?

For some reason, his [Apocalypse] has not been activated since it entered the range of Marineford fortress, leaving only the purely powerful Observation Haki. The sudden loss of the [Apocalypse] that he had relied on since childhood made Victor a little uncomfortable, but he was quickly adjusting his state to deal with the next battle.

Don't think too much, the enemy must have used some [means] to limit his special experience [Apocalypse].

I thought about it so much, but it only happened in an instant. The huge recoil force shook Victor back to offset the impact, but the other party grabbed the storm-Kun Xiong rushed into the smoke behind him with the help of recoil force.

Victor frowned slightly, and the flame magic sword in his hand ignited fiercely. He wanted to directly burn the fortress to ashes.

Lift the table, he's OK.

But it's another if there is no sound of string plucking, no, it's not so much the string plucking, it's the sound of cotton thread vibrating. With the sound, the flame sword in Victor's hand went out naturally, and more than that, Victor himself seemed a little at a loss as if he didn't know what to do next.

Immediately after the entire training ground began to shake violently, Victor was awakened suddenly, a strange feeling of being out of [space] filled his whole body, and an incomplete picture flashed in his mind twice as if the signal was disturbed. Disappeared, it was [Apocalypse] trying to warn Victor!

There is a pair of huge hands on the incomplete picture, and between the palms is a small rectangle.

not good! Victor stroked his left hand in the air, only to find that the air here did not accept the erosion of the zipper. Air zipper, invalid!

Accompanied by a sudden sense of weightlessness, the ‘training ground’ with Victor in it shrank silently and quickly, turning into a small rectangular model, which was held in by huge hands.

Then his hands were slammed together, and the rectangular block model was instantly annihilated.

Located in the deepest part of Marineford Marine Fortress, there is a huge enclosed space. The flickering and dimming of the lights inside was obviously due to the impact of the previous Ark of Enthusiasm on the circuit here, but it didn't matter, the fierce chain had been destroyed here.

There are several people sitting or standing in the empty room.

The burly brown-haired man just threw the violent-kun bear aside and laughed wildly: "This is the strongest chain in the world? It's so funny, Weiquack!"

In the corner sits a slender blond woman, wearing a white dress, a white cape on her shoulders, and her short golden hair hanging over her shoulders. Sitting on a luxurious velvet cushion seat as a lady, she gently loosened the cotton thread wrapped around her fingertips, then took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the blood overflowing from under her nose, and whispered softly:

"You can't say that,'Kamui'. This person is very strong. The use of [Causal Weaving] on him twice just now is the limit, but from the results, it is considered successful. The'curator', nothing special Is it the case?"


The curator Cobb, with short blue hair and goggles, kept his hands folded and smiled nonchalantly: "It's a pity that this'training ground model' made of special materials is a masterpiece that I like very much. Yeah. I have to go to those old men for reimbursement afterwards, tusk!"

There was a cough from the figure hanging upside down on the roof. This was a tall man with a white cloak all over his body. His gravity seems to be reversed, even if he hangs upside down on the roof, no clothes hang down. He coughed for a while before speaking, his voice was full of magnetism and mellow:

"The information is correct, the fierce chain relies too much on his special knowledge and air zipper. As long as he [ferry] into a closed void space, he is like a turtle in the urn without any resistance."

A pale and skinny palm rested on the shoulder of the blonde beauty before, and the dripping blood under her nose stopped immediately, and her face began to return to normal.

The blonde girl turned her head and smiled slightly: "Thank you, ‘compassion’."

Standing behind her is an unusually tall figure, shrouded in a white Kabuto cap cloak, only revealing a faintly visible white mask. The surface of the mask without any gaps is painted with rough facial features. Hearing the blonde beauty’s gratitude, He did not respond in any way, but retracted his skinny palm into the wide cuffs, and then closed the two cuffs. Kabuto slowly receded into the shadow on his chest.

'Kamui' Thor stomped on the head of the violent-kun bear that fell on the ground, and sparks burst out from below when he ran the sole of the shoe. The extremely hard metal material seemed to have no resistance to the great power of'Kamui' force:

"This [thing] is still conscious? It almost broke a big deal! Vegapunk is really unreliable..."

"Be careful, don't break it. Vegapunk still needs this [thing] as a model to make enough products." The blonde beauty has a soft tone, but the words are full of malice: "Listen to the conversation before the fierce chain , This [thing] still has a daughter? Send CP9 to South Blue to catch it. Many Celestial Dragons should like the high-quality female slaves like the first queen of the Sobel Kingdom very much."

"Speaking of which, how about the boss?"

‘Kamui’ Thor kicked the Yu-kun bear aside, and the latter’s head shrank into a large piece and seemed completely unable to move.

Charon, the ferryman who hung upside down on the roof, coughed again and slowly said, "The boss has always been fascinated, so I can't guess...Huh? What's wrong with you, the curator?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the ‘curator’ and saw that his face was no longer lazy, his face was full of cold sweat, and his folded hands were constantly trembling as if trying to suppress something.

The blonde beauty's face changed, she immediately took out a small bundle of bright red cotton thread from her arms and began to wrap it around her right index finger.

The ‘ferryman’ hanging upside down on the roof clenched his fists with both hands and then slowly opened it, with the illusory light Madara lingering in his palm.

Muscles all over ‘Kamui’ suddenly bulged and veins swelled.

But it was too late, and I saw the ‘curator’ Cobb let out a muffled grunt, and violent flames exploded between his hands.

The flame that destroyed everything instantly engulfed this closed room!

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