Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 402 Fighting Experience

The floor cracked and ‘Kamui’ Thor slammed into Victor like a cannonball!

The flame magic sword in Victor's hand ignited fiercely, and he swung a devastating horizontal slash at the coming Kamui.

Before the flame and the blade touched Kamui, they were stopped outside by a large swath of illusory light, Madara. Victor only felt that the magic sword in his hand was trapped in a thick quagmire. Whether it was slashing or drawing a knife, he encountered great resistance.

And ‘Kamui’ was completely unaffected, grinning wildly and fiercely squeezing the fist covered with black and blue Haki and blasted directly at Victor’s head.

"[Six Kings Spear]!"

There was a terrifying shock wave on the surface of the fist, but the edge of Victor's head was not rubbed. The shock wave that hit the air blasted the huge ruined wall behind Victor with huge cracks.

Victor backhanded the flame sword out of the quagmire of Hikari Madara and raised his left hand without a knife. The fingertips of his five fingers shone with metallic luster, and the target was Kamui's neck.

At this moment, a phantom flick of cotton thread echoed in Victor's mind, and the metal light on the tips of his five fingers dimmed immediately. A large amount of sparks appeared under his feet when he recovered sober in a short time, and the whole person suddenly retreated several meters to the rear in a strange posture, once again avoided Kamui's fist, and at the same time raised his eyes to look forward to the right.

I saw that the blonde woman's right ring finger was wrapped with blood-red cotton thread, and the other end of the cotton thread was pinched by the thumb of the left index finger and pulled into a straight line.


There was another rustle, and the cotton thread in the blond woman's hand trembled quickly without wind. At the same time, the blonde woman's face instantly turned pale, and a drop of blood dripped from the end of her nose.

Victor's evasive action ceased on its own. Not only that, he took the initiative to greet Kamui with his fist.

The attack failed.

When Kamui was only a few meters away from attacking Victor, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed, as if the foundation had been hollowed out before. He stabilized his figure quickly, and Victor also took this time to quickly get rid of the previous ‘death mode’ and regained his distance.


Victor narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the blonde woman, smiling, "This is a rare species."

Victor's combat experience is so rich, even without the help of [Apocalypse], the ability of the opposing team has been almost touched in just over ten seconds.

The tall man wearing a white cloak has a Paramecia [space] ability. The emptiness of light Madara not only allows him to move with his companions instantaneously, but also uses space to resist attacks, which is quite similar to his own'zipper space' , But the limit is not as big as the zipper space. Presumably, it is not impossible to tear the opponent's body with the help of spatial dislocation. [Apocalypse]'s flameout is probably also from this person's handwriting.

The blonde girl wearing a white dress and short dress should have Paramecia [Causality] ability. Unlike sugar’s ‘childlike fruit’, this blonde girl’s abilities are more suitable for actual combat. Her actions have been tampered with by the sound of cotton thread several times, and she is the most noteworthy and careful opponent in this battlefield. But looking at her like this, the price of this ability should not be small, so to speak...

Victor glanced at the white shadow floating in the distance. If you want to maximize the blonde woman's abilities, this top-level configuration team must have an [assistance], is that guy? I was disturbed twice in the Marineford fortress before, but this woman looked okay, and that Bai Ying's credit was almost always the result. In connection with his current actions, this kind of treatment needs to take the vitality from the body of others and pass it on to his teammates for treatment? This is because the vitality inventory is not enough.

Look at the sweaty blue-haired man. The skin on his forearms is too white and delicate, which is in sharp contrast with his upper arms. They were blasted off by his own flame sword and re-growth through temporary treatment? [Apocalypse] He is the big hand in the picture... As for the long square in the picture, the aspect ratio is exactly the same as the previous ‘training ground’. Is it a phantom or model he created with his ability? Using models to replace physical scenes may not be impossible to replace one's own or other people's bodies...a bit tricky ability, but considering the ‘pilot’ factor, it’s not a big problem.

[Space], [Causality], [Therapy]... Either way is a rare and rare ability. It must be possible that only Five Elders can make such a powerful team?

Surrounded by the [Shield of Gods] team, Victor tore off his black suit and slowly rolled up his shirt cuffs, his mouth slowly raised:

"Before starting the final battle, please ask you all to warm up for me."


In the distant sky, dark clouds are densely covered, and thunder and golden lights continue to flash between the clouds.

In mid-air, Kizaru had many burn marks on his body. He folded his hands and opened them, and a sword of light wheel appeared in his hand.

"[Heaven Cloud Sword]!"

The lightsaber brought a splendid trail and slashed fiercely on the golden trident, stirring up a splendid light wave like rain.

There was a large wound on Enel's ribs, and there was a burnt in the gap, which was obviously caused by the laser beam. The muscles of his arms bulged, and he firmly held the golden trident against the incoming lightsaber.

Even though he is extremely talented, it has only been two years since he acquired Armament Haki, and the higher-level ‘Emission’ and ‘Physical Armed Color’ have not yet been learned, and he is still a little powerless to face the veteran powerhouse Kizaru.

Kizaru opened the golden trident with a backhand sword and flew a kick directly on Enel's shoulder. A violent laser beam instantly broke through Enel's armed defense, punching his shoulders through. The latter snorted and flew straight back, tumbling many times in the air to stabilize his figure.

Before he could relax, the overwhelming arrow of light struck. As a last resort, Enel had to turn into a thunder and rush into the dark clouds to avoid a wide range of attacks. But in the next second, the huge light blade across the sky slashed from top to bottom, directly smashing the dark clouds where Enel was hiding!

Seeing Enel falling down from the sky, Kizaru kicked it away, and a violent energy stream gushed from the soles of his feet, focusing into a beam cannon that destroys everything and lased towards Enel!

"[Tianyu Shi]!"

As soon as the beam cannon was formed, it was blocked by the scrolling flame Uzumaki. The flames condensed into a huge red lotus fist, and slammed directly on the incoming beam cannon, instantly bursting out a huge shock wave and dazzling light.

"Ouch? "Fire Fist" Ace, are you here to die too?"

Kizaru held up the huge light blade "Ten Beam Sword" in his hand and slashed towards the flame vortex below. The tricks were not old yet, he suddenly dispersed into particles of light vigilantly and wanted to avoid it.

late! A golden hook pierced Kizaru's shoulder fiercely from behind, which was the best result of the latter's efforts to dodge. Fast, ruthless, accurate, as deadly as a lurking crocodile suddenly preying on lightning!

This is the fighting style of the original Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile.

Kizaru was full of light, endless arrows of light blasted in all directions, shooting the "sand crocodile" Crocodile behind him into a sieve. However, the well-prepared Sand Crocodile had already elementalized its body in advance, and it was able to avoid most of the Arrows of Light, and the remaining few attacks did not cause much damage.

His golden hook, which replaces his left hand, is not an ordinary commodity. Not only is it warmed by the sand crocodile with Armament Haki all the year round, it is also covered with poison! Seeing that the penetrating injury on his shoulder was corroded by the golden hook, the great cloak of justice behind Kizaru turned into a light wheel and split the end of the hook. Before he pulled out the remaining hook to fight back, the airspace below suddenly Ignite a fierce flame!

"[Great Yan Jie·Yan Wang Tower]!"

The huge pillar of fire engulfed the place where Kizaru was, and the flames were undulating layer by layer, not only the destructive power was amazing but also the restraining power was extremely strong! A few seconds later, a laser beam barely blasted through the huge pillar of fire that penetrated the world and fled outward.

The light had just recondensed into Kizaru, who was burned all over. A double-headed single-stranded demon pestle made of thunder light shot from far and near quickly, and Kizaru was directly penetrated from his chest!

The brown sunglasses had already shattered, and Kizaru couldn't help but spit out a hot blood, when the sound of thunder came from a distance.

"[Desert King Kong Sword]!"

The yellow sand on the top of the head flew and gathered into four huge sand blades, and the tips of the blades gathered in one place and slashed at the severely injured Kizaru below!

Kizaru struggled hard, raised his head and waved the reappearing lightsaber "Sky Cloud Sword", trying to split the huge sand blade above his head. When he recovered, a huge fire man appeared in front of him.

"Fire Fist" Ace's body has been enlarged several times, his head full of flames turned into flaming long hair dancing, and the skin of his body turned red with flame-patterned Haki patterns on his body, the raging flames turned into a cloud of fire entwined around his body, and his left hand opened. In the front, with his right hand clenched in the back, he assumes the posture of Nioh, and floats in the air with the help of the flames jetting from under his feet.

[Yan Wang Wushen·Fire Spirit God] (Hinokami)!

"Although you won't be able to win by three, this is war. Farewell, Kizaru..."

The flame on the surface of the right fist surging rapidly, and finally turned into a solid black flame-like Haki. Ace took a deep breath and twisted his whole body power towards Kizaru, who had nowhere to dodge, and blasted his right fist! The black flame, which exhausted all the power of Ace, spurted out in a spiral, turning into a sword of black flame across the sky, and blasted towards Kizaru! Kizaru tried his best to get rid of the shackles of the magic pestle, but at the end of the force, he was too late. He could only watch the black flame getting closer and closer, finally occupying the entire field of vision!

"[Hei Tian Yuan]!!!"

The black flame that burned everything was exactly the same as Victor's ‘Ming King’s Spiritual Fire’, which was so unstoppable. The roaring sword of black flame lasted for dozens of seconds before it gradually extinguished, and there was no longer a trace of Kizaru in the sky.

Admiral of Headquarters, ‘Kizaru’ Polusalino, lost!

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