Said it was missing, in fact, everyone knew very well that Kata Kuri and Akainu died together.

This is also the first major attrition on Coral's side.

Although everyone is mentally prepared, after all, the opposite is the World government and Naval Headquarters, which have dominated the sea for eight hundred years. Kata Kuri has to face one of the most powerful Admiral of Headquarters in history,' Akainu 'Sakazuki.

But really facing the death of his comrades in battle still made the cadres on the coral side feel depressed.

As Victor said when he mobilized before the war, this most magnificent war in history is bound to completely change the future of the entire sea. Whether it is coral or the world government, there are bound to be victims.

The power hierarchy that dominates this world has rotted to its roots. It is time for the Great War to reshuffle the entire world!


boom--! !

The huge golden shock wave destroyed everything within the attack range. Jinbei and Hao Xue puffed up Armament Haki to withstand the aftermath of the terrifying shock wave.

This is a corner of the battlefield on Anwan Plaza. Naval Headquarters Marshal ‘Buddha Sengoku’ is leading a large number of Marine’s top combat forces to fight against Coral’s powerful cadres.

Alternate Admiral "Momousagi" Gion holds the famous sword "Jin Pira", and fights with the "Red Sparrow" dancing red girl with a sword. The two sides played fast, just the overflowing sword wind while fighting the swords caused countless cracks in the surrounding ruins.

Jinbei and Hao Xue, the two great murloc karate masters, joined forces to fight Naval Headquarters Marshal "Sengoku of Buddha". Both sides are good at using "ripple" and "shockwave", constantly exploding loud vibrations across the sky.

The alternate Admiral's "Tea Dolphin" is a master of physical skills. He and the alternate Admiral's "Bronze Horse" Colum teamed up to fight the "Sand Crocodile" Crocodile and "Fire Fist" Ace. Sand Crocodile and Ace have just joined forces to kill Admiral Kizaru, just as morale is strong, even if they lack a lot of physical strength, they can't fight against their opponents.

With a loud noise, Tina'Black Prison' leaped backwards and slid back more than ten meters before stopping the castration. She held her right hand with several broken fingers and looked to the other side, her tone of chagrin Na was so careless... I didn't expect a petite girl like you to have such a powerful force."

Opposite her stood a thin and small girl, who was the "Gang Fist" sugar! Wearing a light green bear cloak, her zipper gloves on both hands are covered by pure black Haki, she put on a fighting posture and eagerly said: "Don't be stupid, auntie, you are not careless, you are not as good as me!"

Big, big aunt? The blue veins on Tina's head suddenly sneered, and she sneered: "Don't talk too arrogantly for children, they are easy to be beaten by adults!"

The sugar sticks out his tongue, and the black Haki on the zipper glove starts to flow like: "I've said so much, don't you want to start a fight? Auntie, you are very interesting, try not to die."

"[Doll Interceptor]!"

I saw the ground suddenly shattered, and the sugar instantly turned into a fuzzy green shadow, and rushed to Tina "Black Prison" like a lightning. His right arm bent forward slightly and swept straight toward Tina's neck, directly asking Tina to Head moving!

What a shameless little girl, she said kindly but beckoned me to death. Tina cursed secretly, and her black gloved arms and her rose-red professional military uniform extended at the same time. Numerous black iron fences spread rapidly from the outside of her arms like feathers, forming a spiral cage, which was about to rush straight forward. The sugar locks up!

"[Wrapped feather fence]!"

"Black Prison" Tina, the imprisoned person who has eaten the fruit of Paramecia's grid, as long as the target touches her body or extension, it will be locked tightly by steel locks or iron prisons.

But once again, Sugar's feet exerted strength, and the figure that had been blurred due to the high speed disappeared.

Marine Six Styles·Shaved? How could Tina, who is also a Six-type master, didn't recognize this trick, she immediately turned her head and waved the black iron fence that spread out on her arm, sweeping towards the sugar behind her.

But sugar is faster!

"[Little Bear Blast Bomb Punch]!!!"

The petite sugar buries herself into Tina’s arms, struggling to be locked in her neck by the black, but her small fist, which contains a powerful armed color and full body strength, bursts out with unprecedented impact force, slamming hard. On Tina's shoulder.

The powerful impact even broke the black fence surrounding it. Tina's right shoulder trembled and deformed like a wave. Her whole body spun and flew out quickly, smashing more than a dozen ruins of buildings and smashing them among the rubble. Arouse a lot of stone dust and smoke.

Sugar couldn't help vomiting a big mouthful of blood foam. Her chest was pierced by two broken black-barreled guns, and her small white neck was also smeared with blood by the previous black jail. It's not that she didn't want to smash Tina's head directly, but Tina reacted too quickly and locked her neck with a black jail, causing her fists to smash.

The injury was very serious. The wound on the neck looked serious, but in fact it was just a skin wound without hurting the trachea. The most serious is the two black guns in the chest, the left lung is penetrated, the typical symptoms of open blood pneumothorax. With a ‘hissing’ sound in his breath and blood constantly pouring from his mouth and nose, Sugar shook his body and knelt to the ground all of a sudden, holding his breath with difficulty.

You can't go on like this, otherwise you will definitely die! Granulated Sugar looked at her hands tremblingly, and the zipper gloves on her hands began to squirm and deform, and finally turned into two strings of lovely metal wristbands worn on each of their slender wrists.

Hallucinations? No, no, Grana shook his head vigorously, and the corners of his blood-stained mouth suddenly rose up. What? I said it very harshly, but in fact I have long been freed...What a duplicity. Shaking, she lifted her right hand and touched her left hand. She turned into a bear doll with two cute metal bracelets on her hands.

When there were two screams, two black-barreled guns covered with Bloodline fell to the ground and rolled aside. There were two breaches in the chest of the bear doll, and a little cotton was exposed in the breaches. It struggled twice and then fell weakly to the ground.

No sleepy...want to sleep...

Granulated Sugar didn't know the effect of such a serious injury on the toy body, let alone whether such a fragile toy body could survive such a hellish battlefield to the end.

It doesn't seem to be too bad if you die in a toy body like this, at least it won't make your sister sad. The childlike fruit's ability will definitely make her forget that there is such a sister who always makes her angry.

If I can still wake up, if I can survive this war by chance, I want to... meet the great demon who reborn himself, and say to him... thank you.

The black buttons used to act as eyes on the bear doll's face gradually lost its luster, and she lay quietly among the gravel.

A fierce battle like this is just a small epitome of this war. Whether it is Marine, hunter, or coral member, everyone is fighting for their ideals.

But in the end, it is the leader who symbolizes the highest combat power that can determine the direction of the war.

Victor's battle with [The Shield of God] has also entered a white-hot stage.

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