Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 412: The Ending Battle

The gusty wind whizzed, and the black cloud turned into Uzumaki slowly scrolling above the sky.

The black dragon made of steel flapped its wings, and the black dragon scales shining with metallic color were row upon row. The horns were bent upward, and the scarlet eyes lit by the firelight stared maliciously at the angel in the opposite beam of light.

Wearing a black suit and black velvet cloak, Victor carried the flame sword on his shoulders, and stood casually on top of the black steel dragon with one hand in Kabuto.

In the beam of light that penetrates the sky and the earth, angels with white cloaks float out of thin air. The beautiful face, both feminine and heroic, has no waves, and the voice is ethereal and sweet: "Target confirmed, Mafia Victor. Seraph, begin to purify."

Infinite brilliance hovered and condensed in his hands, and finally appeared as a simple golden cross sword. The sword body was entangled in a double spiral. At first glance, it was only 1 meter long, but when you look closely, you find that the sword body spreads infinitely to the end of time. .

"Realization, to the dragon sword-[Askalon]."

There was a sudden burst of golden light in the angel's eyes, and the golden cross sword in his hand also radiated infinite light Madara around. Each burst of light Madara will be dotted into a star in the dark sky, and then turned into a bright golden cross light.

The sky is like stars shining.

With the swing of the golden cross sword in his hand, countless golden cross light blades swept toward the black steel dragon and Victor like a tide!

Before Victor took the shot, the black steel dragon Nidhogg at his feet could not wait to open a huge mouth. Dark red flames surged between the sharp teeth of spiral chain piles, and the huge spiral fire column turned into a dragon. The breath came out!

The high-speed jet of flame dragon's breath instantly cleared the large cross light blades that enveloped the area, and the originally holy starry night sky was stained with desperate dark red by this extinct flame. As the black steel dragon shook the dragon's head abruptly, the flame dragon's breath also brought a large area of ​​flame waves in the sky and instantly made a large rotation of nearly 180 degrees!

Wherever they went, the cross light blades were detonated by flames and turned into golden balls of light flashing away, and the sky suddenly intertwined with a dazzling sea of ​​stars.

The flame magic sword in Victor's hand reversed half a circle, turning around and slashing fiercely on the golden cross sword that appeared behind him at some unknown time.

The flames collided with the light, bursting out a dazzling light that couldn't be seen directly.

The blonde hair danced wildly in the wind, Victor was extremely fast, and instantly slashed dozens of slashing jabs from different angles, and the angel Seraphim also waved the golden cross sword in his hand at the same speed without a word, not only dripping water to the ground. After all the offensives of the Flame Demon Sword, Victor was still cruel from time to time, and Victor was always able to open the zipper one step ahead of time and dodge the golden cross sword.

Close combat is a competition against Haki.

Victor's swordsmanship is wild and arrogant, while Angel Seraphim happens to be the opposite, extremely good at defensive counterattacks.

When the flames of the flames of the sword of destruction are swept in front of the angel, they will always be blocked by the Shiratori wings behind him. The six white wings that radiate with brilliance seem to be mixed with the extremely powerful Armament Haki, which cannot be destroyed at all. .

Every time the golden cross sword collides with the flame demon sword, it will explode the stars in the sky, and then it will become a golden cross light blade all over the sky.

The black metal scales on the surface of the black steel dragon are extremely strong, and even if the cross light blade smashes on the dragon scales, it will only explode in vain and burst into brilliant light rain. The black steel dragon ‘Nid Hogg’ was bathed in the rain of blades of light, spreading its huge wings and carrying the two fighting men and flew in the direction of the Red Line.

The huge black-blue air current Uzumaki above the sky drifted away rapidly in the direction of the black dragon's movement.

"The opposite is likely to be a trap, don't let the leader fight alone! You all get on board!"

The blood-stained Hao Xue Yiji Murloc Karate Proudly forced Garp back temporarily and yelled at the other coral officials.

The others only hesitated for a while, and then all ran in the direction of Ark’s Proverbs and Helding the Giant Heaven.

Only Gulardo and Gekko Moria stayed.

"Do the two juniors also want to be heroes? Let's give the opportunity to the old man."

Regardless of the wounds and blood on her body, Haoxue took out a small wine gourd from her arms, and said in a severe tone: "All back to the boat!"

"Hehehehe...Old man, don't do it as soon as you get old. You have Alabasta's [Hao Shui], right? After drinking that thing, although you can gain a short-term powerful force, it will also give you a few He died in a minute. The crocodile fool would actually give you this forbidden thing... Victor won't forgive you for doing such a stupid thing, old man."

Gekko Moria, who was also injured on her body, twisted her neck and made a dull creaking sound, and the two large knives in her hand began to wrap around with dark shadows: "I can block all the Marines alone, and you should go back to the boat and wait for me Guy. Come back!"

The human-shaped Gurado straightened his black one-eye mask, and then pulled off the black windbreaker to reveal his muscular shirtless body: "...It's not just the two of us."

The buzzing sound fell from the sky, and the'blind man' wore a purple bathrobe throughout his life, stepped on the floating rock and slowly landed beside Hao Xue and others: "Sorry, it took some time to repel the enemies who invaded the Ark. A meager force."

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder, and the four stood in a row. Behind them were the Ark'Proverbs' and huge albatross, full of coral cadres and hunters taking off in the direction of the Ark of Enthusiasm.

Garp crawled out of the gravel, patted the dust on his body, and sipped bloody sputum on the ground: "It looks like you can't go after the Ark of Passion and the Furious Chain without knocking down these four people."

Sengoku of Buddha, who forcibly burned his left arm with golden Buddha fire to stop the bleeding, said firmly: "Then defeat them!"

"How many people are left?" Garp glanced at Eagle Eye and Aokiji who were still fighting on the ice in the distance, and asked Sengoku.

"A lot of good players are dead, Marine is going to be completely broken..."

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Sengoku's eyes were reddish, and his heart was very sad. I didn't expect to witness the demise of Marine during my tenure.

Garp patted Sengoku on the shoulder and comforted: "Old friend, as long as we have a clear conscience, our justice will never die."

Sengoku nodded, changed back to the giant golden Buddha posture, and roared: "Sergeants of Marine, today we have defended justice with our lives and the glory of our hearts! Now, let me attack!! "


All the remaining Naval Headquarters officers regrouped under the call of Naval Headquarters Marshal Sengoku to start the final death fight with the four Hao Xue.

Marine's ending battle has begun.

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