Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 100 Demonstration

"咈咈咈咈... It's finally here. How do you plan to pay for the pigeons of us seniors who have been released for such a long time? Zipper boy..."

'Tian Yasha' Don Quixote Doflamingo jumped from the balcony railing and walked towards the conference hall, his wobbling walking posture was particularly insolent.

"He is the rumored 'bad chain'? He just looks like a skinny little boy. He really has the ability to destroy supernovas?" On the other side, 'Sand Crocodile' Crocodile sat at the round table, the scarlet flame of his cigar shining brightly. Dark, the frequency is as fast as the thoughts in his heart.

When Doflamingo, who was walking aggressively, walked more than ten meters away from Victor and Snake, his face suddenly changed, and he stretched out his right hand and waved violently! Accompanied by the fluttering pink feathers, the ashen-faced Doflamingo retreated several meters, and the frivolous smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared.

Snake Girl turned her head to look at Victor suspiciously, while Victor put his hands in his pockets and said relaxedly, "The ground here is slippery, be careful not to fall, senior."

"Guhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! You can't play anymore, you flamingo!" Crocodile couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's kind, kid." Doflamingo forced a ferocious smile on his mouth, but his heart was full of surprise. When he approached Victor just now, he planned to use the invisible 'parasitic thread' to manipulate Victor's body to make him look ugly in public, and if the situation was ideal, he could even provoke a fight between him and the Pirate Queen. But as soon as he got close to the boy's body at a distance of ten meters, the invisible parasitic line that he quietly extended was cut off by an invisible attack. Not only that, but he was also under a fierce and secret attack! Even if he blocked it in time, he still suffered a small loss.

It's really worthy of being a madman who can destroy supernovae, interesting! Doflamingo licked the blood that quietly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, stretched his arms, bent his back slightly, and suddenly entered a fighting posture!

Hawkeye put his feet on the round table and leaned back on the chair with his arms folded, looking like he was watching a good show, and he was only short of a good bottle of wine.

But the sand crocodile and the tyrant bear have no intention of stopping the fight at all. The former also wants to see a good show, but the latter doesn't know what to think.

"Heh heh... Zipper boy, aren't you too crazy?" The smile on the corner of Doflamingo's mouth became more ferocious, and he said with a strange smile: "Or, your parents died too early to teach you anything Is it [Rule]?"

Victor's posture with his hands in his pockets remained unchanged, and the smile on his face was still gentle, but his momentum was steadily increasing.

Marshal Sora was the first to notice that the cups on the round table were shaking, and then the people in the room noticed that the furniture and the roof were also shaking. It was as if some terrifying monster was lurking in the wall, wriggling slowly.

"Mr. Doflamingo, is he trying to pick a soft persimmon to stand out?" Victor's casual blond hair fluttered slightly, and there was a strong [will] in his blue eyes: "...It's a pity, you chose the wrong person gone."

The walls are starting to crack! Thick bulges surged up under the thick carpet and kept wriggling. The glass of the window was the first to fail and shattered! Then there was the ceiling, and large pieces of rubble kept falling. The balcony crawled upside down, completely sealing off the exit. And the door behind Victor and Snake was automatically closed and twisted into a seamless metal twist.

The entire conference hall is alive.

"Father chain!! What do you want to do!?" Marshal Kong slapped the table, stood up and roared loudly.

But Victor ignored the other voices at all, and slowly pulled his hands out of his pockets and spread them upwards, with a metallic pulse flowing on them. Following his movements, countless sharp spiral steel cones made of zippers burst out of the wall, like densely packed jagged fangs of evil beasts, and the entire closed huge conference hall looked like a hungry beast, sending out The ear-piercing roar of metal friction!

Serpentine standing next to Victor took a few steps back vigilantly, while Sameiro, the huge python next to her, had already put on a threatening gesture of demonstration in vain.

"That idiot turkey, I have already said that he has a bad mouth and will offend people sooner or later.

Crocodile took a sip of his cigar indifferently, relying on himself as a user of the rustling fruit of the natural system, he was not worried about being swallowed by this weird room.

"This is..." There was a trace of cold sweat on Doflamingo's forehead, and he found that the awakening of the ability of the thread fruit he was proud of could not affect any objects in this conference hall at all. Only the awakening ability of the same level can restrain the awakening of superhuman fruits. Could it be that this kid also...? ?

Now he also found that he had kicked the iron plate. According to the information, this kid is only 17 years old, and it took only a few months to eat the chain fruit, how could he achieve such a level of fruit development! Monster, this guy is a real monster! !

"Victor, you are a good boy, don't be angry." At this moment, a kind voice came from the round table. It's Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, Granny Crane known as the 'Great Staff Officer'! The old lady with a ponytail sat unhurriedly at the round table, leaning her elbows on the table, looked at Victor and said softly: "I have been chasing Doflamingo for so long, and I know this guy is What kind of scum. If a person is bitten by a dog, should he bite it back? Don't be as knowledgeable as a dog..."

"...Is it Staff Crane? I would like to thank you and General Warring States for your help before [that matter]." When Victor, who was originally astonishing, looked at this kind old lady, his murderous aura also weakened: "...Okay Well, this time I will show you some face."

Victor snapped his fingers, and the entire closed conference hall regained its calm. The sharp chain teeth slowly retracted into the ceiling and walls, and the balcony also turned back to its original state with a loud 'creak'. The twisted metal shell on the door resembled The spring snow melted away. Everything was restored to its original state, except for the broken ceilings and walls, and the scattered glass shards seemed to be crying about the weird scene that happened here before.

Doflamingo, who was standing stiff not far away, straightened up, and quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Victor, who was still standing at the door, looked at Grandma He, and said gently, "However, I don't agree with what you said just now, Staff Officer He."

"Oh? Which sentence?" Grandma He, known as the "Great Advisor", put her hands on her chin and asked with a smile.

"If I'm bitten by a dog, of course I won't bite back." Victor smiled slightly: "I'll just kill the dog so that it doesn't hurt anyone anymore."

Hawkeye, with his feet on the table, suddenly laughed softly when he heard this.

interesting guy.

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