Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 113: Aesthetic Taste

Cracker picked up the long sword and said with a sneer, "'Nautical Chart'? What stupid things are you talking about?"

"...It seems that I am talking too much." Victor's hands, feet and face were covered with metal zipper weapons again, and he put on a posture. "Let's continue."

Cracker laughed loudly, "That's right! Do you think you're stylish when you say something inexplicable? Roll pretzel——!"

The famous sword 'Pretzel' spins and accelerates at high speed in the hands of the cracker, stirring up a violent cyclone and stabbing straight at Victor! !

And the gears at the metal ankles under Victor's feet also rotated extremely fast, bringing out violent airflow and flames! With the sudden force, the top shell of the coral tree under Victor's feet disintegrated and shattered!

"Akahara Hound (hruntg)!!"

His right foot kicked violently on the side of the sword body wrapped in the gale with a trailing stream of flames. The force was so great that Cracker's right hand holding the sword was numb from the shock! It's not over yet! Victor used the momentum to turn around 360 degrees and kicked with a more violent backspin! Facing the violent kicking force and the turbulent high-temperature flames, Cracker could barely stand up with his long sword in front of him, but he was still so shocked that his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he slid back uncontrollably .

Of course, Victor's offensive did not end there. The continuous continuous spinning kicks were heavier than each blow. Even though the cracker resisted each blow with the domineering sword covered with the maximum strength, he still felt that his arms were about to go numb. , The red-hot flames flying and splashing even burned through his favorite cloak!

"Damn it!!!" Cracker yelled angrily, "Pierce him!! The sword of Damocles——!"

Three biscuit monster swords in the shape of spiral cones emerged out of thin air directly above the two warring parties, and then locked on Victor's head, throat, and heart, spinning and stabbing down at extreme speed! !

And Victor did not stop attacking and dodging the attack as Cracker expected, but kicked hard on the famous sword "Pretzel" sword that Cracker was blocking in front of him with a big roundabout kick, accompanied by a dull There was a loud noise, and the cracker couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But he was delighted in his heart. Although Victor's life-threatening style of play is fierce, if he fails to put his opponent to death, he will fall into a dangerous situation, such as... now! !

The piercing speed of the three biscuit monster swords was also extremely fast, and they shot to the top of Victor's head in the blink of an eye. But a pair of hands covered in blue armor emerged from the air, firmly grasping the two spiral swords, and let the fiercely rotating spiral sword and the palms explode with intense and dazzling clusters of sparks!

Chain Stands Steel Chain Fingers (sticky fgers)!

And the remaining spiral sword was also slammed into flying away from the predetermined track by an extremely fast red shadow,

It smashed the huge coral tree under its feet obliquely!

Accompanied by a strange sound, the red swift shadow soared in the sky, eyeing and locking the cracker that fell into the midair.

Chain double Aerosmith (aerosith)!

"One or two... both come in the way-!!!" The cracker almost exploded in anger, "Zipper boy, since you are going to die, then I will make you happy!! Hard biscuits..."

A huge amount of biscuit crumbs appeared beside Cracker, and they fell towards the ground at a high speed along with him. At the same time, the biscuit pieces are continuously spliced ​​and reassembled automatically, and a giant is forming rapidly!

Naturally, Victor would not allow Cracker to use this obvious trick. He stepped on the moon steps fiercely, and his whole body drew a sharp right angle in the air with the billowing flames and rushed towards the fast falling Cracker. The metal zipper cage hands on both arms also ignited fierce flames!

boom--! ! !

Victor's full attack was firmly blocked by an incomparably huge biscuit shield, and the chain weapon Beowulf (beowulf) only shattered the shield's biscuit surface, and then Victor was slammed into the air by this huge shield! !

Crashing and destroying several extremely huge coral trees one after another, Victor smashed hard on the hill on the west side of the port of entry. He couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of blood, barely got up, and manipulated the resin zipper to reattach the finely damaged bones in his body.

Not far away, a super-giant biscuit general that surpassed the giants slowly stood up from the huge coral forest. It had six arms, five swords and one shield. The obvious cracked burn mark on the shield was slowly Revert to the original state.

"...Hard Biscuit, General Weihe!!" An incomparably dull roar came from inside General Biscuit, full of jokes, "How is it!? Zipper boy, you have the confidence to defeat this invincible 'strongest armor' I made '!??"

Facing the overwhelming combat power, Victor stood up and patted the dirt on his body, and the steel chain fingers faintly appeared beside him.

"...indescribable aesthetic taste, Mr. Cracker."

Victor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and smiled confidently, "Then, let's start the second round!"


Fishman Island, Dragon Palace City.

Several figures quietly appeared outside the main gate of Dragon Palace City.

"Sure enough, it's really Doss. Dragon Palace City is almost unguarded now, Doss. Our outpost companions should have already occupied Dragon Palace City, Doss!" the burly hammerhead shark-man carrying a huge hammer said naively.

"There are only a few guards, and it's not worth mentioning! No matter what weapon or armor it is, it will be crushed by my Master Bodhidharma!!" The cigar Daruma Sharkman, who is short in stature but full of sharp teeth, smiled strangely. Said.

The tall king squid man held eight long spears in eight hands, and echoed, "Muhehe, that's right! We will kill all those who resist! Jieou, how do you say that?"

"...Killing all the witnesses is the most perfect infiltration." The bearded shark man covered in black and white stripes folded his arms and said with a sneer, "Although Hodi was captured, I saw that Otohime and Shirahoshi were both captured." Escorted back to Dragon Palace City, now the soldiers of Dragon Palace City are not here, as long as we capture them two, we can coerce them to release Hodi, and then we will do whatever we want with them... huh?"

These murlocs, who could tell at a glance that they were not kind, stopped in their tracks. Directly in front of them was the main entrance of Dragon Palace City. And on the steps there, sat a human being.

That human was sitting on the steps drinking, and beside him lay a dozen fighters from Murloc Street. Each Murloc warrior's body had horrible knife wounds with deep bone visible, and the bright red blood flowed down. The steps trickle down.

"We, our fighters were actually..." The king squid fish man showed a look of shock and anger, "It's a mere inferior race, so courageous!! Who are you? Report your name!!"

This human was wearing a wide d'Artagnan hat, an open windbreaker on his upper body, ripped jeans and pointed boots that didn't match his lower body, and a lute was placed beside him. He looked at the murlocs not far away in front of him with a little drunkenness, took out a stack of papers from his arms, shook them out, and said slowly, "Come and recognize them yourself, are you guys right? The king squid murlocs Icarus, Cigar Daruma Sharkman Daruma, Whiskered Sharkman Jaeo, Hammerhead Sharkman Dothan..."

The bearded sharkman Jieo took out a long metal chain, danced with the whining sound of the wind, and said in a cold voice, "We are right. What? Are you going to join our Murloc Brotherhood? It's a pity that we don't accept humans like this." inferior race!"

"It's really coming, the boss really has no plans... I have already asked these gentlemen lying on the ground a question, and now I will ask it again." Byron raised his neck and took the wine from the bottle He drank the wine in one gulp, and then wiped his mouth happily, "...can you please go back to Murloc Street honestly?"

"Muhehehe!! He's scared! He's scared!!" The king squid laughed loudly, "We want to capture Ottohime and Shirahoshi, if you don't dare to be our enemy, get out of here!!"

"Then I won't make any detours." Byron J. Gordon threw away the empty wine bottle, stood up slowly, and pulled out a dagger that was shining with cold light from the lute

"Please die honestly, everyone."


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