Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 128 Last Words

The flames all over the sky reflected the night sky red.

The twisting heat wave incinerated the woods around the town.

Disaster wand (evata), also known as [Magic Sword Levantine]! One of the most [vicious] magic swords in the myths and legends of Victor's dream world.

In Norse mythology, this [Fire Demon Sword] has a brilliance that surpasses the sun. Also known as the "Wand of Disaster", at the end of Ragnarok, Surut, the king of giants, took it to fight the gods and killed Frey. After all the gods died, he used Levantin to burn the entire world.

'Just wave it, and it will destroy everything, burn everything'!

With just one blow, the [Sixteen Holy Bullet God Thread] that Doflamingo was proud of was directly burned to ashes by this flame demon sword at the moment of contact. Afterwards, the entire town of "Sybio" was enveloped by this strong explosion and flames!

At this moment, the residents of the small town who were sent to a safe place by the "Nylon Zipper Sky Cable Car" watched helplessly as the town was engulfed by the violent fire.

"I'm not dreaming... the town was..."

"Is this the Qi Wuhai under the king? It's too powerful..."

The residents fell to their knees helplessly, watching the town they had lived in all their lives gradually turn to ashes.

At this time, a hoarse voice roared.

"Don't stand still! This distance is still dangerous, keep running and go to the beach!"

The residents turned their heads and found that it was King Riku who was screaming with all his might. His throat was already tearing and spurting blood, but he was still doing his best to make the residents escape. The strength of the two Qiwuhai kings is too strong, and it is safer to run to the seaside.

"King Liku..." The residents of the small town also felt that something was wrong now. The behavior of King Liku and Wang before was too weird. If it was that Tian Yasha or the murderous chain, it could explain it.

King Liku fell to his knees, slammed his forehead on the ground, and said in a trembling voice, "I dare not ask everyone to forgive me. But this incident is a conspiracy planned by Tian Yasha, and we are all pawns planned by him." , fortunately, the 'bad chain' arrived to stop him. Please believe me! I implore everyone, act quickly!"

The residents looked at each other and nodded slowly. Those still able to move helped the wounded, and the king's soldiers were also awakened and joined the rescue team. The people moved toward the seaside under the leadership of King Riku.

Among the ruins of the small town 'Sepio'.

There are burning flames and traces of explosions everywhere. The Demonic Sword of Flame in Victor's hand has returned to the form of the purple puppet "Melancholy Blues". At this moment, it is supported by the "steel chain fingers" and is slowly recovering its energy.

Victor slowly walked towards the ruins in front of him, and the flames were gradually extinguished wherever he went.

Among the ruins, Doflamingo was lying on the rubble with burns all over his body. He no longer had any physical strength to resist. He didn't know how many bones in his body were broken, and his skin was severely burned.

He was dying.

Da da da……

Victor walked up to Doflamingo who was paralyzed on the ground, looking down at this once mighty man. After a long time, he took out a phone bug with a silver casing from his pocket and dialed the number on it.

The phone bug suddenly woke up, and then changed into an old look. Looking at the dying man in front of him indifferently, he said slowly, "Doflamingo, the world government has made a decision to deprive you of the title of [Shichibukai under the King]."

"Ahem... Phew... as expected." Doflamingo, who was lying on his back among the gravel, coughed two mouthfuls of blood clots, and then said with difficulty, "Throw away after use, isn't this your usual style?" ? This time it's me, next time... huh... next time it's the turn of the evil chain, right?"

"Inferior divisive drama." The slightest smile on the phone bug's face did not respond. "Stop him, Victor. The things I promised you will be delivered in three days."


The phone bug got hung up on the other end. Victor put away the phone bug silently, then looked at Doflamingo with his hands in his pockets, and said slowly, "Mr. Doflamingo, is there anything else you want to say?"

Doflamingo coughed twice in pain, tried his best to move his body, leaned his head on a piece of gravel, and then said out of breath, "Huh... there is nothing to say. Even if I didn't You mocked your family members at the Wu Hai meeting, you still won’t let me go, will you?”

"...That's right." Victor smiled lightly, "But at least you won't be beaten so hard before you die, you asked for it."

"咈咈咈咈...cough cough..." Doflamingo laughed, and then the veins in his neck bulged from the pain of his broken ribs, "Phew... your kid's mouth is really poisonous... Don Quixote The base of the family is on Noram Island, go and take everything, this is the reward due to the winner. I only have...one request...one request..."

He stared at Victor, and said with difficulty, "Those cadres... at least let those children go... They were just bewitched by me, and their nature is not bad..."

With his hands in his pockets, Victor silently looked at Doflamingo who was lying on the ground. After a while, he nodded slightly, "... yes."

After finishing speaking, Victor pulled out the silver ornate revolver from his waist, and pointed at Doflamingo's forehead from a distance, "...do you have any last words?"

Doflamingo, who was badly burned all over his body, was lying halfway among the gravel, exactly the same posture as his younger brother Rosinetti before he was shot dead by him. His eyes have begun to slacken, and he doesn't know who he is talking to, he just murmured softly


boom----! !

Victor put one hand in his pocket, and the other hand holding the revolver slowly dropped. Smoke still lingers at the muzzle of the gun, and it lingers for a long time.

After a while, Victor stepped forward and gently closed Doflamingo's eyes. Then he snapped his fingers, and the steel chain fingers stepped forward to carry Doflamingo's body on his shoulders, and Melancholic Blues flew out of the burning ruins of the town together with Victor behind him.

In the night sky, three figures quickly flew towards Wangzhi Heights. Victor stroked his chin while flying, and wondered if Perona could handle the cadres of the Don Quixote family alone. Maybe it would be safer to send her another helper?

Dressrosa, King's Highlands.

A series of explosions sounded in the corridors of the palace. Perona was hiding in embarrassment. There were several powerful masters on the opposite side, and it was still difficult to deal with it by herself. It would be great if my brother sent one or two more helpers!

But there are several cadres of the Don Quixote family lying on the ground over there, and it is not known who killed them. Cannibalism perhaps? Or is there another master in the palace?

A little distracted, Perona was almost hit by a domineering bullet covered in armed colors! She was so scared that she hurried into the air, and countless miniature ghosts greeted the enemy as if they didn't want money.

Gradius was covered with scars, holding a firecracker, and kept firing bullets covered with armed domineering towards Perona. He is the strongest other than the three top cadres, for the sake of the young master's plan, he must take down this ghost girl here! And the weapon girl baby5 also turned her right foot into a musket and shot indiscriminately in the direction of Perona.

Beside Gladius, Snow Maiden Monet clutched her broken right arm, and sat on the ground trembling tremblingly. Although I don't know who beat him like this, but that enemy is definitely a terrible enemy.

Not far away, the bodies of Senor, Rao G, Chora, and Mahabasis lay on the ground.

Yes, corpses. They were all beaten to death, and the injuries on their bodies were terrible, but none of them could remember who did it.

And in the corner of the unnoticed corridor, there stood a dumb teddy bear doll with lightning-shaped eyebrows, standing in the corner blankly watching Perona and Gladius engage in [explosive battle] .

"Who can tell this old man... what the hell is going on?"


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