Naval Headquarters—Marin Fando, in the office of Admiral "Buddha Warring States".

"Recently, there have been a lot of big things happening."

One of the highest combat forces in the Navy Headquarters, the general "Buddha's Warring States" sat behind the desk, put the information sheet on the table, then took off his glasses and rubbed between his eyebrows:

"Xiaohe, is there any definite news from Dressrosa?"

The 'Great Adviser' Granny Crane with her ponytails folded her arms and sat on the sofa. She sorted out her thoughts and said, "What is certain is that 'Tian Yasha' Doflamingo intends to subvert Dressrosa. and replaced it. For this, he brought all the elite of the Don Quixote family out, and their first half of the plan was completed perfectly. The entire Dressrosa fell into a crisis in just 2 hours. In the crisis of destruction!"

"Then, the fierce chain arrived?" 'Naval Hero' Garp took a bite of the rice cake and made a crunching sound.

"Yes, and the timing of intervening is very clever." Granny Crane chuckled: "The specific battle process is unknown because there are no eyewitnesses, but what is certain is that the famous tourist town of Dressrosa's Saibi O' was reduced to ashes."

"The number of civilian casualties is unexpectedly small." Warring States flipped through the information sheet, and said a little strangely: "Although it is a good thing, but usually a battle of this scale will involve a large number of civilians, why this time... ..."

Grandma Crane smiled and said, "It's Viktor, the Violent Chain. He used his fruit ability to send the civilians in the town and the Royal Army to a safe place, and then officially started the war with Doflamingo."

"Wow ha ha ha! No matter what his purpose is, at least this kid has done something worthy of praise!" Garp laughed loudly, revealing his mouth full of broken rice cakes: "You really deserve to be a [hero]!"

"Bastard Karp! If you spray broken rice cakes indiscriminately, get the hell out of here!!" General Zhan Guo was so angry that his eyeballs were about to protrude.

"In the end, Doflamingo died at the hands of the murderous chain, and the cadres of the Don Quixote family also died and surrendered." Granny He sighed leisurely: "Doflamingo is the king's Qibuhai Among them, the one who manages the private forces best is still seized by the evil chain to uproot the entire force. He is getting more and more terrifying."

"That kind of garbage on the sea, it's best to die." Zhan Guo took a sip of tea: "It's a fierce chain, and it has completely established its reputation in just a few months. [Fighting Battle on Luozhong Island], [Seven Water City Attack and Defense Battle] ], [The Fishman Island Incident], plus this [Dressrosa Incident], the people have already started calling him [Hero]. Hey, Garp, your hero title will be taken away Oh!"

"It doesn't matter, that kid of the fierce chain is doing a good job!" Garp took a big sip from his teacup nonchalantly.

Sengoku glared at Karp angrily, and then said, "Forget it, the battle between the Seven Martial Seas under the king will be left to Wu Laoxing to have a headache. Why hasn't Kuzan come yet?"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Zhan Guo's office.

"Please come in."

It was Lieutenant General Kuzan who pushed the door and came in, holding a stack of report cards in his hand: "Sorry, I'm late."

"It doesn't matter, the general selection is coming soon. Are you busy as a general candidate?" Zhan Guo smiled and waved his hands: "It's just a small meeting, and it won't take you a long time. Can you tell me the latest information?"

Kuzan scratched his head and flipped through the report: "In the Ice City of the New World, the Ice Witch and the Dilkaban brothers were all suppressed by the Whitebeard Pirates. 'Phoenix' Marco and 'Diamond' Joe There is no reason why I can't win the battle. In the final stage of the battle, Whitebeard led the pirates to the battlefield, and the Ice Witch had no choice but to surrender. Ice City has been included in the Whitebeard Pirates territory , he has two more powerful affiliated pirate groups under his command."

"The election of the mayor of the capital of seven waters has been voted out. A murloc has become the new mayor. His name is 'Tom'. It is said that he has a lot to do with the evil gang."

"The situation in the South China Sea continues to deteriorate.

The 48th branch and the 62nd branch fell one after another. The rookie pirate named 'Gulardo' was very powerful and ate a very strange animal-type devil fruit. The General Staff recommended a custom bounty of 80 million Berry. "

"Moonlight Moriah and his gang appeared in the 'New World' and defeated the 'Diamond Ape' Walter, who offered a bounty of 440 million Berry. The staff suggested that the bounty of Moonlight Moriah be raised to 400 million Berry 90 million berries."

"In addition, a strange thing happened in the West Sea..."


New World, Noram Island.

This is a typical tropical island, but at this time the island is starting to blow a comfortable early spring breeze.

An extremely huge ark was quietly docking in the waters on the west side of the island. Compared to it, Noram Island was like a small garden.

The base of the Don Quixote family is located on Nolam Island. Doflamingo also has an identity as the new emperor of the underground world - JOKER, who runs a number of illegal institutions such as 'Human Trafficking Office', 'Underground Auction House', 'Information House', and 'Gold Exchange' . The wealth he has accumulated is innumerable, and now it all belongs to 'Coral'.

Under the leadership of Baby5, the cadres of "Coral" successfully found the secret room where the treasure was hidden. Now, they are counting the treasure.

Robin was holding a small notebook and was reporting to Victor: "...all kinds of jewelry are being valued, and the cash alone is about 14 billion Berry, and these are the most precious of these treasures."

As she spoke, she opened two large boxes placed in front of Victor.

There are 5 strange fruits in the box on the left, and two long knives and a short sword in the box on the right.

Obviously, Robin and others don't know the details of these devil fruits and the three weapons.

Victor activated his special domineering aura—Apocalypse, and began to [interpret] these devil fruits and weapons.

After a while, Victor rubbed the space between his brows, and then wrote down the specific information of these items on the paper.

Liang Kuai Dao Fifty Works - "Tiger Pill".

The twenty-one work of the big fast knife - "Feidu cut".

Quick knife - "Yunche".

The animal is the fruit of insects, in the form of a praying mantis.

The animal is the dog fruit, in the form of a fox.

The animal is a bovine fruit, in the shape of a giraffe.

Superman is a thorny fruit.

Superman is a building block fruit.

Coupled with those huge amounts of cash and a lot of intelligence, these spoils of war will become nutrients for the 'coral' to thrive.

Victor flipped through the information that Robin handed over that was classified as [Extremely Secret], and suddenly let out a 'huh'.

He discovered a very interesting intelligence.

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