Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 142 Are you a navy?

Nami and Nuo Qigao threw themselves into Bermer's arms, crying loudly. Bermer also hugged his two daughters tightly in fear.

That's right, maybe Bermer was willing to sacrifice his life for his two daughters at that time, but now that he has a chance, who would want to die in the hands of pirates for no reason?

But that young man... Bermer bought newspapers despite his poverty. This kind of unparalleled handsome appearance, and that black suit that has become a custom... Shouldn't such a big man compete with those monsters for territory in the New World? Why did it appear in the East China Sea?

Aaron has no time to pay attention to these weak humans now, and all his attention is on the blond young man on the roof:

"who are you?"

Victor, who didn't know when an orange appeared in his hand, began to peel the orange slowly, and said lazily: "Me? I'm just a customer who came to buy oranges. I heard that there is a Bermer orange orchard in Cocoyasi Village. Said that the oranges produced here are very delicious, I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene when I first arrived here."

"Interesting?" Aaron was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "Hahahaha!! Yes, that's right! Interesting!! Seeing his 'kind' being enslaved by us murlocs like livestock, isn't it very interesting? "

He threw away the discarded musket casually, moved his shoulders and said with a smirk: "I don't know how much I have, but I want to learn how to be a chivalrous man like others? Idiot...pay the price of your life for your innocence."

Aaron made up his mind, he must capture this crazy kid and torture him to death in front of all the villagers in Cocoyasi, to make an example to others!

"NO, NO, NO..." Victor, who was sitting on the roof eating oranges, waved his right index finger lazily: "Your opponent is not me, there is an angry old man who wants to have a good chat with you. But It's too noisy here, isn't it? Let me help the old man clear the scene first..."

Victor's eyes froze suddenly, and the eyes of the murlocs who were ruthlessly beating the villagers suddenly turned white, and then they collapsed to the ground foaming at the mouth. There are only three cadres left, including Aaron and Cro Obi.

The villagers of Kekeyasi Village put down their hands protecting their vital organs in a daze, and slowly got up from the ground, completely unaware of what happened.

Ah Jian, covered in blood, was helped up by several villagers. He was closer to the hut and clearly heard the conversation between Aaron and the young man on the roof. He couldn't help feeling a burst of expectation—no matter who it is, please save this village, save Bermer and her daughters!

Croobi and the other three murloc cadres looked at Aaron tremblingly, their faces full of horror. They are pirates who sailed in reverse from the New World and came to the East China Sea, and they have heard about domineering. Needless to say, this very representative scene in front of me...

Domineering color domineering! !

Aaron's eyes were red, and his mouth full of sharp steel teeth creaked: "You, who are you!!"

Victor smiled without saying a word, just raised his finger and pointed to the direction behind Aaron and others.

Aaron and the others turned their heads and found a burly murloc walking towards the hut step by step.

"Those lightning-shaped eyebrows..." Crooby said in horror, with sweat dripping all over his body, "Yes, it's Haoxue! Brother Aaron, what should we do!?"

Aaron was also covered in sweat. He bit the bullet and stood in front of the three murloc cadres, silently watching Haoxue walk in step by step.

When the villagers saw another tall murloc who could be seen as a stubble coming, their moods fell to the bottom of the valley. But the sharp-eyed people found that the faces of Aaron and the others obviously did not look like they saw the expressions of the friendly army, and hope was rekindled in their hearts.

Not long after, Haoxue walked up to Aaron, stood still, and looked at him coldly.

Aaron swallowed, and then said with difficulty: "Old man Haoxue, you..."

boom--! !

I haven't finished talking yet.

Aaron was slapped hard on the face! The slap was so powerful that Aaron was sent flying and crashed into the porch of the cabin.

Blood was flying all over the sky, and with it were scattered teeth.

Whether it was the surrounding villagers or the three murloc cadres, they all shut their mouths tightly and did not dare to make any sound.

That mighty Aaron was as vulnerable as a child in the face of this burly murloc with lightning-shaped eyebrows, even a child could feel the infinite murderous aura emanating from that burly murloc!

Trembling all over, Bermer hugged Nami and Nuo Qigao tightly in his arms, trying to block them with his not-so-broad back.

Victor raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene, and nimbly jumped from the roof to Bermer's side holding the unfinished oranges, blocking the astonishing murderous aura that Haoxue inadvertently exuded at the moment.

Aaron, who was bruised on the side of his face, barely got up from the debris, spat out the broken teeth and blood in his mouth to the ground, and then stared at Haoxue: "Why hit me! We are all compatriots..."

Before the words fell, it was another slap in the face!

After hitting and breaking three or four orange trees one after another, Aaron's face became more balanced on both sides, but the jagged nose, which was as firm as steel, was twisted into three pieces at this time.

Aaron, who barely got up, tore off the hat on his head angrily, and roared indiscriminately: "You old man!! Are you crazy!!"

Hoxue walked slowly towards Aaron while flexing his wrists, suppressing his anger in a hoarse and deep voice: "Jinbe did not hesitate to be called a 'running dog' in order to save you from the Navy, how about you? That's how you repay him of?"

It’s okay not to mention Jinping, but when Jinping was mentioned, Aaron’s eyes immediately became bloodshot: “That bastard with strange power!? Did I ask him to save him? I voluntarily killed those humans, and it’s not as good as being caught by that bastard bastard Man! Who told Jinbe to save me! It was humans who killed Boss Tai. From the moment Boss Tai died, I swore to make human blood pay for it! What do you know, a traitor who is half buried in the ground!! Since you If you defected to this human being, then don’t blame me for giving you some flair..."

Aaron opened his mouth wide, and all the teeth that had been smashed by Haoxue fell off, and then brand new, sharper and harder fangs grew out very quickly! Then he exerted a sudden force on his feet, and his whole body shot towards Haoxue like a revolving cannonball, and his mouth full of fangs turned and bit towards Haoxue's chest!

He is a racist through and through. Even though he was humiliated by Haoxue in such a public way, he still didn't intend to kill the other party, but only prepared to teach the other party some lessons.

But the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel. Before Aaron's teeth bit Haoxue, his face was grabbed by a thick webbed palm, and then his head was squeezed and he was smashed hard on the ground! !

"It is because of the existence of garbage like you that the wish of the murlocs to [return to the sun] has been difficult to achieve!"

Haoxue looked at Aaron who was completely knocked to death, and said disdainfully: "The World Conference two years later must not be disturbed because of you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the three murloc cadres: "Starting today, the Aaron Pirates will be disbanded!"

You have big fists, you have the final say. The three murloc cadres obediently expressed that they had no opinion.

Victor did not express his opinion from the beginning to the end, because he believed that Haoxue could handle this matter perfectly. He turned around and found that Nami and Nuo Qigao, who were being held in Bermer's arms, were looking at him with a little curiosity.

"Big brother, are you here to save this village? Are you a navy?"

Because her adoptive mother is a retired navy, Nami still has a good impression of the navy.

"We are not the navy..." Victor smiled slightly when he heard the words, knelt down and touched her little orange head, and said gently:

"We are customers who come to buy oranges, that's all."

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