Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 149 Four Seas Cruise

what is?

Few people know this term nowadays.

The original one dates back to more than 400 years ago. At that time, pirates were not as rampant as they are today. In addition to pirates, navy, and bounty hunters, there was another profession in the sea-explorers.

Treacherous climate, ferocious sea beasts, raging pirates, there are too many obstacles in this sea, and the islands that people explore are just the tip of the iceberg. And the explorers practiced it personally. Every time they landed on a new island and explored a new sea area, they would record it for future reference.

In that era, being an explorer was a highly respected profession.

The explorers of that era possessed strong curiosity, rich relevant knowledge, and of course the necessary strength. Most of the explorers belong to the expedition team sent by the kingdom they are in, because with the support of the kingdom, not only will they have cheap or even free supplies and ships, but if the kingdom they belong to is a member of the world government, they can even get the world government and naval asylum.

There are very few expeditions with a few people or even single-handedly. This kind of whimsical dreamer has long been buried in the sea.

However, in 1104 in the lunar calendar of the sea, an expedition team composed of only 10 people announced that it had completed the feat that was considered impossible.

The name of this expedition is——.

The lead explorer is named 'Saru d. Mardo', and he is a very outstanding botanist. In fact, most of the well-known explorers of that era were botanists and doctors, because only by studying the plants of different islands could it be possible to discover new medicines to ward off those 'terminal diseases' and 'plagues'.

The alien expedition set out from the East China Sea, passing through the Great Sea Route Mary Joya as a transit point, and successively traversed the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the West Sea, and the North Sea. Finally returned to the East China Sea again, the whole process lasted 7 years.

During the period, they discovered in the South China Sea that a special ingredient 'Collene' could be extracted from the bark of the Gona tree, which is a special medicine for specific diseases. In this way, the devil's infectious disease that once caused the death of millions of people in the North Sea, with a death rate as high as 90% or more, was conquered.

There are many similar great achievements. The alien expedition team traveled all over the world, saved many countries from the brink of plague and extinction, discovered more than 100 kinds of new plants, and conquered at least a dozen species and species.

Not only the navy, but even the pirates admire them very much. Gradually, there began to be what explorers would call the ultimate route for explorers. But since the Alien Expedition, there are very few expeditions that can complete the four-sea cruise.

And now,

Victor is determined to use the technology provided by the navy to restart, travel across the four major seas, and reproduce the glorious achievements of the foreign expedition team.


The Great Route "New World", Samuro Island.

This is a weird island covered with dark forests. The trees are in strange and hideous shapes. The black mountain in the center of the island is twisted. If you look at the whole island from top to bottom, it looks like a huge black bat with spread wings, so it is also called.

There are several simple and huge thatched huts on the west side of the island. In the largest thatched hut sits an extremely tall man. He is wearing a luxurious and complicated windbreaker. There are cross stitches from his forehead to his neck, and his body is full of muscles. Zha, it is the 'King of Zombies' Moonlight Moriah!

At this time, he was sitting with his legs crossed, leaning against the pillars of the thatched hut, reading the newspaper with relish.

The little fat on his body when he was in Xihai has long since disappeared, and the explosive muscles all over his body have stretched the luxurious windbreaker tightly. The only thing that is somewhat regrettable is his chin, which still has a 'streamlined transition' from the lower lip to the neck. It seems that his jaw shattered by Kaido can't be completely repaired.

"Lord Moriah! The phone bug is ringing!!"

A big man wrapped tightly in a brown bear doll's clothes ran over holding a beeping phone bug, "There are words on the shell, is that Mafia Victor!?"

As soon as the words fell, the brown bear was slapped hard on the back of the head, and a lion face wearing a baseball cap emerged from the air out of thin air. He poked the brown bear's head and said bitterly, "George the brown bear! You are smart, aren't you?" Huh? Of course Lord Moriah knows who is calling this phone bug, do you need to talk more? If you are so smart, why don’t you help repair the shack!!”

"Oh! Senior Abu!" The brown bear scratched the thick plastic head, and said in a low voice, "I just want to remind Lord Moria, lest he not know that this is the 'Wang Xiaqi' who defeated him." Wuhai' Mafia Victor's phone bug..."

"Shh!!! Shut up! You talkative big brain!!" Absalom was so frightened that his eyeballs were going to pop out, and with his fingers in front of his mouth, he said in a low voice angrily, "If you don't speak, will you die or not?" What's the matter? Get the hell out of here and fix the shed! Go right now! Now!"

"...Oh." The brown bear George handed the phone bug to Absalom in a daze, and then walked out with a flicker.

Abu Salom turned his head to look at Moonlight Moria, and found that the latter was suppressing his anger with twitching corners of his mouth, "... When you two are talking, do you think I don't exist? Put down the phone bug, hurry up I'm going to fuck off!!"

Absalom was so frightened that he put the phone bug in front of Moonlight Moriah and then disappeared in a flash.

Moonlight Moriah snorted, picked up the phone, hesitated for a while, and connected

"...Say something quickly!"

The phone bug's eyebrows and eyes became handsome, and he said in a gentle tone, "Long time no see, Mr. Moria, I often see your name in the newspapers recently. It's really strange, call me if you want to fight, I will also Can help."

"Do I know you this well?" Moonlight Moriah felt that every time he talked to this kid, he would be suffocated.

The face of the phone bug was not embarrassing at all, and he said with a smile, "This really makes me sad. This is a friendship between us, Mr. Moria. It is friendship when you come and go. I am still waiting for you to call me Woolen cloth!"

"...What's the matter with you? Tell me, can you? Or hang up the phone!" Moonlight Moria rubbed his temples, and repeatedly warned himself not to get angry with this kid, it's not worth it, it's not worth it...

"Okay, okay." The phone bug's expression finally turned serious, "Mr. Moria, how much do you know about the King of the South China Sea?"

"The King of Snakes?" Moonlight Moriah asked suspiciously, "What are you asking him for? Wait... where are you now?"

"Donghai, the next stop is the South China Sea."

Moonlight Moria looked like an idiot, "Cruising around the world? Are you crazy? This is not the era 400 years ago, among other things, the King of Snakes alone is not something you can easily deal with!"

"It's not challenging at all, how can it be called 'controlling the world'?" Phone Bug said with a smile.

Moonlight Moriah said seriously

"The King of Snakes can't be considered a challenge, it's a proposition! His power spreads all over the South China Sea. Once you enter the range of the South China Sea, you will be like an insect that has fallen into a spider's web, and there is no possibility of turning around. Bypassing the South China Sea, this That's my only advice to you."


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