"You mean...he's Kidd's distant cousin?"

In the hospital in Mordred Town, the tall doctor 'dr Summer' with a combed-back hair glanced at Kira, and then looked back and forth between Kidd and the seriously injured man lying on the hospital bed. said

"Hmm...it's true that he has no eyebrows and has fierce eyes...but Kidd, how did your cousin get so badly injured? Also, what's his name? I'll have to register later."

"His name... called (rodan)!!" Kidd scratched his blubbering red hair, and came up with a name on an idea. "Cousin Raton was attacked by a bear! So he was seriously injured!"

dr Summer nodded, "There are claw marks on his body, that's right. What about the scorching marks and the gap in his left rib? What's the matter with his mouth?"

"...???" Kidd was dumbfounded, how could he think of so many reasons?

Or did Kira make up a story in the shortest time possible?

"That's right, Doctor Summer. Cousin Raton...he planned to come to Mordred to visit Kidd who lost his parents. Unexpectedly, he was hit by a shipwreck near York Island. Cousin, he swam desperately." , It can be regarded as swimming to the "dense forest coast" of York Island. But how big is York Island, my cousin got lost like this, and when he was tired from walking, he built a fire and planned to roast something to eat, but accidentally attracted a wild giant bear .Cousin Raton started a shocking fight with the giant bear, and for a while, the giant bear used a "spiral burst punch" to penetrate the edge of the left rib, but the cousin also tried his best to beat the giant bear to the ground Bruises all over the body! Finally, the giant bear took advantage of his cousin's unpreparedness and resorted to "Kuma Heaven and Earth Return" to throw his cousin into the fire, and even picked up a flaming sledgehammer to smash his mouth into pieces! Cruel, especially cruel! In the end, my cousin burst out with infinite potential and tore the giant bear into pieces, and then found me and Kidd. We brought my cousin to you, the doctor, well, that’s how it happened.”


Whether it was Kidd, Dr. Satsuma, or the seriously injured man on the hospital bed, they all looked at Kira silently. After a long time, Kidd woke up like a dream and shouted loudly, "No, that's right! Cousin! You are hurt so badly!!"

As he said that, Kidd threw himself to the side of the hospital bed and began to cry loudly, and the seriously injured man could only reluctantly pat Kidd on the back in cooperation.

Dr. Summer scratched the back of his head, and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll treat him first, but you two have to pay for the consultation and medicine expenses."

The two children, Kidd and Kira, can be regarded as grown up by the residents of Mordred Town. Both of them lost their parents when they were young. Without guidance, they will inevitably go astray. The adults in the good town have been guiding them intentionally or unintentionally, but it didn't make them go too far.

This seriously injured man with fierce eyes knew that he was not a local.

But since Kidd and Kira brought him to the clinic, he couldn't ignore a life and just disappear before his eyes. Forget it, just save it, anyway, those two boys don't have the money to pay the consultation fee, so they don't care about this one more time.

Thinking of this, Dr. Summer sighed, kicked Kira and Kidd out of the ward, and began to give first aid to the seriously injured man.

Kidd looked at the closed door of the ward, and murmured, "Kira...what kind of person did we save?"

"I don't know." Kira shook his head, "But there is one thing I can be sure of—he is definitely not an ordinary person. Kidd, do you want to just continue hanging around in Mordred Town?"

Kidd, who was only 13 years old, had extremely firm eyes, "I don't want it! I want to go to sea and become the new One Piece!"

Having said that, both of them are very clear that there is an excellent opportunity in front of them, and it depends on how to grasp it.

"Speaking of which, what is his identity?" Kira folded his arms and tilted his head. "Do you think he is your enemy?"

Kidd laughed, "Don't be funny~~ How could someone be an enemy of the King of Snakes and escape alive?"


Two days later, Gulardo finally woke up.

He found himself in a slightly old ward with bandages all over his body.

After clenching his fist, his strength recovered a lot. After touching the left rib, the wound was treated well. I moved my mouth again, and found that the upper and lower jaws were fixed by something like plaster, so I simply stopped opening my mouth forcibly.

fiasco! Biggest fiasco since going to sea!

The huge flying snake soaring in the storm, shrouded in thunder, completely shattered Gullardo's self-confidence and pride.

Flying, stealth, manipulating the weather, driving thunder and lightning... The opponent has no weakness at all, and is as strong as a god. No, judging from the type of devil fruit eaten by the King of Snakes, the other party is the real one!

But things are both good and bad. After suffering a disastrous defeat under the King of Snakes, the body was injured to the limit, and the spirit that was affected and destroyed by the devil fruit all the time in the past was relieved. Is this a blessing in misfortune?

If he continues to be controlled by the instinct of the devil fruit, sooner or later he will completely become a residual instinct. The old witch doctor in the tribe was right, the animal-type devil fruit is the most dangerous type to the user, if there is not enough willpower, it will only become a tool controlled by the devil fruit.

Just as Gullardo was trying to divert his attention to relieve the pain with his random thoughts, the door of the ward was pushed open.

The blond-haired Kira and the red-haired Kidd were arguing quietly and entered the room, and then they were surprised to find that the seriously injured man who had been rescued was sitting on the hospital bed and staring at them indifferently.

"You, are you awake?" Kidd stammered, he couldn't be blamed for being nervous, it was because the pressure from the other party was too strong.

Kira was a little calmer, trying to improve the relationship, "Dr Satsuma said that you will not wake up for at least a week, and your physique is really good~ Fa Fa Fa Fa!"

While talking, Kira found that the other party's eyes were on the board in his hand, and he lifted the board generously and shook it, "Your mouth can't recover, since you can't speak, I think you can use writing instead, you say Woolen cloth?"

After taking the board and pen, Gulardo took a look at the two of them, then scribbled and wrote on the board, and showed them to them after writing.


Kira and Kidd tilted their heads at the same time, brother, what are you writing? We all know the words, but how can we compose sentences and not understand?

Seeing that the two did not admit it, Gullado shook his head slightly, wiped off the handwriting on the board and wrote a line seriously, then lifted the board up.


Dolphin? Is this guy mocking the way the two of us were beaten into pig's heads that day? Kidd and Kira were so angry that their mouths were crooked, and they could only try their best to persuade themselves that the opposite person was a seriously ill patient and couldn't bear to be beaten.

It appears that communication between the three is still a long way off.


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