The sky was extremely gloomy, with dark clouds as thick as iron.

The wind is howling, the wind is mixed with the smell of damp and salty, and the rainstorm is coming.

On the west coast of South Nuuk Island, where there are huge banana rocks, there is a blond young man lying in the shadow of the rocks, holding a tattered package in his arms.

Li Quaid, the orthodox heir to the throne from one of the most wealthy countries in the South China Sea, "Sepiond", is about to perish on the small island of Nanuk located in the "paradise" of the great sea route.

This handsome young man with blond hair seemed to be in his early twenties. His luxurious clothes were smelly and torn and stained with blood. He had a terrible injury on his left shoulder, and even the bones inside could be seen. And his feet were festered everywhere, obviously he couldn't walk anymore.

The eyeball of Liquid's left eye has completely disappeared, and the left cheek is covered with cut scars. But there was a terrifying light in the only blue pupil left on his right.

【Why? 】

From the moment when the Seppiand Kingdom escaped, Li Quaid asked himself this question all the time.

Why? Why can these eleven countries form a coalition army to invade their own country without any scruple? Even blatantly employing pirate forces!

Why? The Kingdom of Seppinde has always pursued 'friendly diplomacy', and all these eleven countries have received the favor of the Kingdom of Seppinde. When they are invaded by pirates or famine, the Kingdom of Sepiend will always lend a helping hand in the first place. And they also gratefully declared that they would form an eternal alliance with the Kingdom of Surpind.

Why? Every year, the Kingdom of Sepiend offers an extremely large amount of "Heavenly Gold" to the World Government. Whenever the World Government has any needs, the Kingdom of Sepiend will do its best to meet them. But in the coalition army that invaded the kingdom, I saw with my own eyes that there were spies from the world government mixed in!

why why! ! ? ?

Li Quaid slammed his head back on the hard stone wall in pain, the pain in his heart seemed to be cutting his soul like thousands of knives.



For the first time since his birth, His Royal Highness, who has always been gentle and kind, truly felt the meaning of [hate]!

Liquad hates those eleven perfidious kingdoms! Hate those troops and pirates who invaded their homes, burned, killed and looted! Hate the world government that is behind the scenes! Hate... I was so stupid and always believed in other people's [Father King]!

He tried his best to look down at the package in his arms. The wrapping cloth with the emblem of the Xiz family tattooed on the outside was already torn, and the secret box that was as black as ink could be vaguely seen inside. This is the [National Treasure] sworn to be guarded by successive generations of the Shiz royal family. Before fleeing, his father handed it over to him.

It’s not that Li Quaid tried to open the box on the way to escape, but the tightly stitched box at the interface made Li Quaid unable to find any way to open the box, and the army of stalkers who were chasing after him did not give Li Quaid any Respite.

It's been three months, and I really can't escape.

In the early days of fleeing, I could exchange some money from the palace for food and medical supplies, but the method of chasing the army is very simple-whoever dares to help Li Quaid will be killed without mercy! Whoever provides the whereabouts of Liquide and even helps to catch him will be rewarded!

Several well-meaning residents who helped Li Quaid were massacred, and their heads were thrown at the door after a note was posted. Gradually, no one was willing to help Liquide any more. on the contrary,

His whereabouts were constantly reported, and several times he was almost caught by bounty hunters disguised as enthusiastic residents.

The chasing army didn't bother to cover up their whereabouts and purpose at all, in order to bring huge pressure that could not breathe for Li Quaid.

Li Quaid also understood that their main purpose was not himself, the crippled survivor of the Xiz royal family, but the box in his arms, the [National Treasure] guarded by the Xiz royal family for generations.

Of course, they would be delighted to be able to kill the last member of the Xiz royal family without any hassle.

At this time, a cannon rang! Then there was a huge explosion on the ground near the banana rock where I was!

"Hahaha!! Your Highness, don't hide, are you here?"

"Idiot! Don't fire randomly, what if [that thing] blows up!"

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, come out! We will give you a good time!"

"Huh? It's raining? This kid is lucky, the musket is all wet, so I can only hack him to death with a knife hehe..."

There was a chaotic noise from the coast, and the pursuing army had arrived. They are like cats playing with mice, playing with Li Quaid's psychological defense.

A total of 124 people chasing the army, this is obviously not an existence that the exhausted and seriously injured Li Quaid can contend with.

"...Is it going to end? That's fine, I'm too tired..."

Li Quaid collapsed under the shadow of the huge banana rock, looked at the black box in his arms, and showed a lonely smile at the corner of his dry and cracked mouth: "It's a pity... I don't know what you are in the end..."


Li Quaid raised his head and looked around blankly. There was no one there, only the pursuing army gradually approaching the island.


"Yes, who is it?" Li Quaid gritted his teeth and propped himself up, leaning against the rock wall, but he still couldn't find who was talking.


"Who the hell is talking!?" Li Quaid was shaken by the huge voice, his head was splitting, and he roared in pain: "What do you want!?"

【I want... to give you... strength】

"What? What power?" Li Quaid's remaining right eye gradually turned blue, but he didn't know it.

[The power of revenge...the power to vent anger and hatred...I just ask you need this power]

The surface of the pitch-black box began to climb out of spiral lines at some point.

"Yes...I need...I want revenge!" The corner of his right eye was full of blue fluorescent tears, ignoring the chasing army that was about to surround the Banana Rock area, Li Quaid shouted with all his strength : "Give it to me! No matter what the price is, as long as I can get revenge! I will make all the murderers pay with blood!!"

【Then...the deal is concluded】

Li Quaid stared blankly at his arms, the tattered wrappings had long been turned into fly ash, and the dark box was quietly opened at some point, inside lay a green pineapple covered with spiral patterns , the skin is like layers of feathers, gorgeous and weird.

【Eat can get the most terrifying power in this world】

[But as a price... your life after that... belongs to me]

:. :

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