At the Sound Wharf in Alghero Town, the merchant ship 'Croissant' docked slowly.

There are some traces of gunfire on the ship, which is not surprising. Ever since the pirate king Goldo Roger yelled the words that changed the times before his execution in 1500, the era of great pirates has begun.

Countless pirates flock to the sea just to compete for the legendary One Piece, which represents endless wealth. Of course, the traditional pirates who like to rob houses are also indispensable.

When Victor returned from the country of flowers, Victor and his party encountered at least 4 raids by pirates. One of the pirates was very clever. Go up to rob? He didn't even dare to say anything at the scene, so he speeded up and fled.

The other three pirate groups were not so lucky. Not only were all the pirate ships sunk, but all the surviving pirates also walked on the springboard to feed the sharks. Capone Becky is particularly knowledgeable in this regard, and Victor left it to him and Klansner to deal with it.

However, these pirate groups are all particularly unpopular, and none of the captains offered a reward of more than 10 million. During the battle, Victor asked Perona to bomb directly from a long distance. By the way, he discovered that Mim was actually very talented as a gunner, which was a surprise.

On the Xiangyin pier, a large group of black-clothed gangsters stood in black. They lined up in two rows and stood straight, waiting for the ship to dock completely.

The first one to come down was Victor with half-length blond hair casually. He was wearing a black delicate suit. Originally, Perona wanted to put a black velvet cloak on him, but he refused because the weather was too hot.

Then came Perona, who was wearing a black one-piece pleated skirt and red and black striped knee socks. She held up a small parasol and followed Victor step by step.

Then came Capone Becky in a striped suit, Cransner in a black overcoat and a civilized wand, and Meme in a shirt and overalls.

The last one to come out was Wu Hongji. She was wearing a red long dress that Perona bought in the Kingdom of Flowers, and she was carrying the famous knife 'Red Siam'. She was a little cramped.

All the helpers at the scene bowed deeply with one hand on their chest, and shouted loudly: "Welcome back! Boss (Father)!"

Victor smiled and waved his hands, and said gently: "You have worked hard during my absence, go back to the headquarters."

Not far away, a middle-aged man with deep forehead lines and a floral shirt frowned and looked at Victor and his party on the pier, and asked in a low voice, "Who is that woman in the red skirt?"

The plainclothes sea soldier on the side checked the information carefully and said, "I don't have specific information, I only know that she is the trigger for the war between 'Father Chain' and 'Tan Mei Mao'."

"The chain?" The middle-aged naval colonel Kron turned his head to look at the plainclothes sailor.

"It's the nickname given to him by the branch. After all, this guy's attack is too cruel, and that'Charcoal Eyebrow' is bloody..."

"Okay, okay, I get it." Kron waved his hand to signal the sailor to shut up quickly. After seeing the live photos of the corpse of 'Charcoal Eyebrows', he wondered if this Mafia Victor had some kind of psychology in his childhood. Shadow or tragic past, otherwise how could he be so psychopathic.

"Young man, you are full of vigor, understandable." Crohn looked at the red-faced beauty in the red dress, and nodded: "This girl looks like this, and wherever she is placed, a group of young men will break her head and you will die. , Mafia is a 17-year-old boy after all haha."

"Then shall we continue to monitor him, Colonel Crohn?"

"Surveillance, as always, just guard the entrance of Upside Down Mountain." Kron took out his pocket: "Have you brought any money?"

"Ah? Bring it, bring it, there are 20,000 Berries." Hai Bing took out his wallet in a daze.

"20,000 berries? That's enough. Let's go to 'Simon Cheese Ring' to buy baked cheese bagels." Crohn nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left with the sailor.

Victor, surrounded by the crowd in the center, glanced in the direction Kron left,

Show a smile.

Coral Headquarters in Alghero Town, large conference hall on the 3rd floor.

The white-haired old man in a decent suit was holding a stack of documents to report to Victor who had returned.

"...The above is the general situation of the gang in the past month. The specific details are recorded in these documents in detail. Please read them yourself later." The old man handed the document to Victor respectfully.

After taking the document, Victor put it aside and said with a gentle smile: "Mr. Wendrew, you have been worrying these days. But I have one more thing, the person I asked you to pay attention to before I left last time..."

Wen Delu's face became more serious: "Boss, the person you asked me to find... I really found it."

Viktor regained his energy and sat up straight: "Please sit down, Mr. Wendrew, please explain the specific situation in detail."

Wen Delu did not refuse, sat on the chair beside the round table, gathered his thoughts for a while, and then said: "It is like this. After you left last time, I started to collect relevant information on the possible existence of that person according to your instructions. I had no clue, but on the 4th day..."


Turn back the time to 21 days ago.

It is the fourth day when Victor and his party set off for the Kingdom of Flowers.

town of Alghero.

The white-haired old man Wen Delu wearing gold-rimmed glasses sat in his office, looking at a pile of scattered documents on the table in front of him, with a sad expression on his face.

The new boss Victor is undoubtedly much better than the previous Tarma Pippin. He is gentle, polite, powerful and very intelligent. He is really the perfect leader. Because of this, Wen Delu didn't want to let the first task assigned by the boss just hang on the starting point.

There was a knock on the door, and after getting permission, a tall man with blue short hair pushed the door in: "Mr. Wendrew, the restoration work in the town center is about to enter the final stage."

"Understood, Mr. Tarrou." Wendrew took off his gold-rimmed glasses, rubbed between his brows: "Where's Little Jack?"

Before Tarrou could speak, a red-haired young man squeezed in from behind him and shouted vigorously, "Old man, are you looking for me?"

"... Be careful, I haven't grown up after following Mr. Tarrou for so long." Wen Delu felt that his white hair was about to fall out again: "The gang of the 'Suleiman Family' who stayed in Katsuli Town Did you bring it back?"

"Oh! I brought it back, here is the list and photos." Little Jack handed over the list ramblingly: "A few disobedient ones were kicked by my little Jack! Crack! That's it..."

Wen Delu directly filtered the nonsense of Little Jack, flipped through the list of photos, suddenly his eyes widened, and his whole body suddenly leaned forward.

Little Jack, who was talking non-stop, was taken aback, and laughed in a low voice: "Old man, if you don't like me talking, then I won't talk. Who made me, little Jack, so smart, cute, and considerate..."

"Go and bring this person right away. Remember, be normal and don't allow any extra nonsense." Wen Delu seriously spread one of the lists on the table, pointed to a photo and said to Little Jack.

After 30 minutes.

Wen Delu's office was knocked again. Wen Delu, who had already adjusted his state, cleared his throat and said in a gentle voice, "Please come in."


The door was pushed open, and a young black-haired woman stood in front of the door with a calm expression.

Wen Delu smiled and spread his left hand forward: "Please sit down, Miss Robin."

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