Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 162 Instinct

Residents of the town of Mordred felt particularly hot today.

The moisture in the air seemed to have evaporated completely, the air was filled with a burnt smell, and the half-dead wind was wrapped in heat waves.

People just move their mouths a little, and they can feel their dry lips crack and split. The animals barked and scurried all over the ground in panic, as if the end of the world was coming.

"It's so strange, it's already autumn, why is it suddenly so hot..."

Strolling down the street, Mrs. Jasmine, the proprietress of the 'Mrs. Curry' restaurant, walked outside the store. She was sweating profusely with an empty glass in her hand: "It's like it's on fire. The water is gone when half drunk... really Strange!"

The owner of the nearby shop also shook his head and walked to the street, looking at the red sky, he asked strangely, "What's going on, why did the sky turn red?"

More and more people flocked to the street, and Dr. Summer and Sheriff Dubin, who came over after hearing the news, looked at each other in surprise, "This is not unusual..."

And in the open space on the outskirts of Mordred Town, Kira, who came galloping with Kidd, looked at the tragedy in the open space with horror on his face.

The ground of the open space has become dry and cracked, and the surrounding trees, flowers and plants have long been scorched and dead. The sizzling heat wave visible to the naked eye enveloped the clearing with transpiration. Their "Cousin Raton" stood in the middle of the clearing slightly hunched, with his head down and motionless.

"Kidd, what's going on!?" Kira's scalp was numb with fright, and she quickly turned to ask Kidd.

"I, I don't know..." Kidd said with a cry: "I was practicing sparring with my cousin, and suddenly my cousin froze. I stopped for a while and hit my cousin in the chest At that time, my cousin looked at me as if he was going to kill someone, and the whites of his eyes turned black. Then his eyes returned to their original shape and told me to run away. As soon as I ran out of the open space, I found that the open space had become like this... Cousin , Cousin, he won't be beaten to death by me, right?"

"You fart! Cousin is so strong, how can you hurt him?" Kira scratched his blond hair in a mess: "Damn... I knew that cousin must be a devil fruit user. That's it I don't know what his ability is, and what he wants to do with his ability now... Wait a minute, you said your cousin asked you to escape? Can he talk?"

"That's right...why didn't I think of this?" Kidd suddenly realized: "My cousin did tell me to run away quickly."

"Anyway, cousin's situation is very dangerous now..." Kira looked anxiously at 'Cousin Raton' who was standing motionless in the middle of the open space, gritted his teeth and said, "Kidd, look outside, I'll go in and call Wake up cousin."

"You are crazy! In the current situation in the open space, you will be steamed alive within half a minute after entering!" Kidd was so frightened that he quickly grabbed Kira's collar: "I run faster than you, I will go in !"

"Idiot! What do you say about running fast with your short legs, I just..." Kira couldn't continue speaking in the middle of the sentence. His face was pale and he looked towards the open space, his legs trembling unceasingly.

Kidd was frightened by his appearance, and slowly turned his head to look in the direction of the clearing, and then he saw a pair of terrifying pupils with golden rings and black backgrounds.

Cousin Raton had woken up at some point, and was staring at the two of them. His gaze reminded the two of a hungry, ferocious beast.

Raton walked towards the two of them step by step. Every time he took a step, the surrounding air became hotter and drier.

A crimson flaky skin gradually appeared on his bare upper body, and the metal mask on his mouth disintegrated and melted directly.

It exposed a mouth full of sharp and interlaced teeth, a thick tail swept back and forth, and sharp bone spurs stretched from the back of the head to the back, and there was no emotion and humanity in the golden circular pupils.

How could the two teenagers withstand such a violent murderous aura? Kira was about to lose his will, and Kidd was half kneeling on the ground and crying loudly: "Cousin!! Cousin, wake up——!"

'La Dun' who was about to walk in front of the two suddenly froze, then hugged his head and let out a painful roar like a wounded beast. His golden ring pupils flickered on and off, and the bony spurs on his back also flashed a rapid dark red light.

He is struggling, he is trying to get rid of his [beast] instinct.

"Cousin! Cousin, you have to work hard!!" Kidd and Kira shouted desperately to cheer for Raton. The two of them could also see that Raton was struggling hard at the moment, but they couldn't do anything except shout and cheer.

After a long time, all the abnormalities in Raton's body disappeared, and he collapsed to the ground after regaining his adult form, panting heavily.

Just a little bit, just a little bit closer to being manipulated by the powerful instinct of the devil fruit. In that state, he was cold-blooded and violent, without humanity at all. He only knew how to destroy and kill, but his own consciousness was clear and powerless. He could only watch his other self slaughter and destroy one island after another. After satisfying his desire to kill, he was able to regain some sanity for a short time, but he would repeat the same process soon.

During the Battle of Green Pepper Island, another [self] escaped to this York Island with all his strength after being severely injured by the King of Snakes, and the real self was able to get a period of 'freedom'. But with the recovery of the body, the instinct of the [beast] began to move around again.

Just now, [I] almost killed these two children who had saved my life.

【I】... How long can I last?

"Cousin...cousin, are you okay?"

Kidd and Kira groped tremblingly, trying to help Radon up.

"Huh... I don't have much time..." Raton shook his head, his voice was hoarse and low: "I will teach you how to forge the 'Undead Armor' as soon as possible, and then I will leave this island."

"Cousin..." The two teenagers looked at Raton with tears in their eyes, feeling extremely reluctant. As orphans, they had already regarded Raton, who was also a teacher and friend, as their real family.

Raton looked at Kira and Kidd, and became more determined to leave as soon as possible. He didn't want to hurt these two children whom he regarded as his younger brothers.

"Since there is no need to write on cardboard, we can speed up the tutorial." Raton stood up: "First, let's get out of here and go home."

The two teenagers nodded and followed him to the direction of the abandoned warehouse.

And not far from the coast of York Island, the blue Beagle is rapidly approaching here.

Victor stood at the bow, manipulating the sails and cables of the Beagle with ease, while Robin stood beside him to show him the course. Robin himself also knows some nautical skills, and it can still be used to deal with the open sea when the weather is calm.

"Victor, you can already vaguely see York Island, and the course is facing the pier in Mordred Town." Robin put down the binoculars, turned to Victor and said.

Victor nodded, looking at the sea level in the distance, with an interested smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Let me see, [Apocalypse] guided me here, what kind of 'person' will be waiting for me here?"

:. :

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