Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 172 Understood?

Holy Fire Island, Eternal Block, Peer to Peer Alley.

At this time, Pingdeng Lane was in a mess, and the temperature was extremely low. The walls and ground are covered with frost and icicles, while the lane near the exit and the ice wall are missing a lot, and the incision is extremely smooth, as if cutting with a scalpel.

The spotted plush hat lying quietly on the ground was picked up tremblingly by a frostbitten hand, and then buckled on the head.

Trafalgar Law, wearing a spotted plush cap, took a few unsteady steps, then sat down on the broken ice in the corner, holding the famous sword 'Toramaru' in his arms, sheathed it , The breath from the front of the nose and mouth brought up bursts of white mist.

On the ground in front of him, the body of 'Howling' Manden was scattered into dozens of pieces. The incision was smooth and there was no blood spilling out, and Manden himself yelled and cursed in a soft voice, and he won't lose if he loses.

Luo Yang leaned against the wall and barely stretched his body, then grinned in pain. This duel is different from the duel with 'Crane Knight' Randolph on Murloc Island. This time, there is no 'Coral' cadres fighting for him. As long as there is a difference in chess, life can be used to explain it.

The dead are speechless, and the defeated are silent.

Fortunately, due to the urging of my master a while ago, I have worked hard on the training of fruit ability and domineering, otherwise it is still uncertain who will win this duel.

I don't know what happened to the others... Luo slowed down, just about to grit his teeth and stand up to look for others, when there was rhythmic sound of clogs coming from the entrance of the alley.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Luo immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Wearing a dark green bathrobe and clogs, Haoxue had two inconspicuous burn marks on his body. His wide webbed right palm was holding the head of a burly man with red hair, and he was easily pulling the unconscious The big man walked towards Luo's direction along the Pairing Alley.

"Master Haoxue, it looks like you've done it easily... Sorry, I'm a little behind here." Luo leaned against the corner of the wall weakly, watching Haoxue approaching step by step.

When he got closer, Haoxue snapped the neck of the big red-haired man, casually threw the body beside the frightened 'Howling' Manden, then squatted in front of Luo, and carefully looked at his body. situation.

"Severe loss of strength...it's okay, it's a symptom of overuse of the fruit." Haoxue stretched out his finger and pointed at Luo's forehead: "39 degrees 2, severe cold and internal injuries caused fever symptoms, it's not too serious. It's your frostbite..."

He grabbed Luo's hands, from the palms to the arms, all frostbite.

"The old man will take you back to the boat immediately. There are no necessary medicines here." Haoxue carried Luo on his shoulders, and was about to leave when Luo grabbed his arm.

"Wait a minute...that guy...how to deal with it?"

Obviously, he was referring to 'Howling' Manden.

"Heh... don't stress, you are a doctor, and it is your duty to save lives, but not to kill people."

Haoxue smiled: "The old man is different from you. The old man's hands are already covered with blood. So, of course, there is nothing wrong with letting him go. Don't worry, this is also Victor's order—to save some lives."

Luo Wenyan was completely relieved, his head tilted and he passed out. He was fighting for his life with 'Howling Wind' Manden with the same style of play. The latter didn't have Luo's consciousness, and he lost all games by one move.

Although he managed to defeat 'Howling' Manden,

But he is also in a state of exhaustion. Being able to support it until now is considered to be Luo's willpower is amazing.

Seeing Luo falling asleep, Haoxue just adjusted the posture of carrying him to make Luo feel more comfortable. Then, Haoxue looked at the terrified Manden on the ground, and said indifferently:

"Since I promised Luo, I will spare your life. Do you know what to say when you go back?"

"I know! I know! I don't dare to disclose any information about you!" Manden, who was only above the collarbone, nodded desperately. This burly murloc full of murderous aura must be the number two of Coral. Sea Zack 'Hau Snow!

Foehn Goodman is much stronger than himself, second only to Mandela in the [Four Winds], but it seems that he did not pose any threat to the star-killing murloc at all. Judging by his crisp and quick movements of killing people, if he wants to survive, he must show his loyalty immediately.

Unexpectedly, Haoxue kicked the latter impatiently in the face after hearing what 'Riling Wind' Manden said. Accompanied by blood and broken teeth, the 'bust statue version' Manden rolled and hit the frosty wall before bouncing back to the ground. The pain caused him to grin his teeth but dare not make any sound of pain.

"Whatever you see, just say something." Haoxue stepped on Manden's head, and the bottom of the hard clogs slowly rubbed against Manden's sweaty face: "There is no need for any [concealment], I understand ?”

"Understood! Understood!" An inarticulate shout came from under Haoxue's feet.

"Don't play tricks, the King of Snakes might let you go." Haoxue said "advice" before walking away with Luo Yang on his shoulders.

Only 'Howling Wind' Manden was left paralyzed on the ground, his face ashen.


Wayom Island, Ferrero Town, the most famous chocolate town in the South China Sea.

At this moment, the battle that broke out suddenly in the central square of Ferrero Town is coming to an end.

Clang--! !

The two saber lights converged at one place, bursting out with dots of fire, and then separated with one blow, each jumping to one end.

Wearing a red open-collared kimono, Mai Hongji is holding the famous sword "Hongsiam" in her left hand, and the treasured sword "Hongxue Zuomon" in her right hand. There is a bright red bloodstain on the side of her snow-white neck.

Opposite her stood a tall old man with his white hair brushed back, round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a well-cut snow-white beard, wearing a straight gray suit, and holding a long straight-blade knife.

One of the [Four Winds] under the Snake King's command, code-named 'Blade Wind', his name is Yiping, and his favorite sword is called 'Iron Wire'.

The white-haired old man had long and narrow stab wounds on his right shoulder and left rib, and blood was slowly oozing out, staining the gray suit red.

"Excellent swordsmanship, great skills." 'Blade Wind' Yiping said, his voice was elegant and gentle: "Your master must be a master of swordsmanship, but it's a pity that he didn't get repaid... what a pity!"

Wu Hongji flicked her saber flower, gently carried Hong Siam on her shoulder, and lifted Hong Xue's left text upside down, with a leisurely tone: "I am different from Victor, and I don't like to talk trash when fighting. So, boring If you can save some of the dialogue, it’s almost time to end the battle, do you agree?”

"...very good." 'Blade Wind' Yiping put his sword back into its sheath, lowered his body slightly, and assumed a posture of preparation for drawing a sword.

Wu Hongji smiled slightly, put the left characters of Hongxue and Hongxue lightly into the scabbard on both sides of her waist, and then lightly stroked the handles of the left characters of Hongxue and Hongxue with both hands, posing in the same way The posture of drawing a knife.

The air condensed slightly, and then, the knife light lit up!

"Blade Wind Unscrews Three-Knife Knife!"

"Shuangtian First Class Moon Saber Sparrow!"

The deadly tornado formed by the sword wind was instantly smashed into pieces by two sharp and dazzling blade lights!

"The knife is like moonlight, very beautiful..."

A smile appeared on the corner of the white-haired old man's mouth, and then two lines of blood spurted out from his chest, and he fell to the ground without making a sound.

At this point, [Four Winds] are all destroyed!


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