Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 196: Chatting Under the Deep Sea

[A total of 14,500 strings of 'Kuigos Wood Chips' were released. 】

[Bubble coating is stable! 】

[Course confirmed, 'White Dragon' has been observed, contact is expected in 24 minutes. 】

This place is 10,000 meters below the deep seabed, and an extremely huge super-giant ark is slowly rising towards the sea surface.

The deep sea is as deep and quiet as the night sky, and those super-giant Neptunes with high intelligence didn't come to disturb the Ark of Enthusiasm, but just wandered in the distance, quietly staring at this behemoth.

After staying in the South China Sea for another ten days, the Ark of Passion set sail for the great route again. This time, they will travel through the underwater world again, and return to the new world to continue the [Four Seas Cruise].

"Jinbe has been regretting not being able to help you."

Standing on the top of the island palace and admiring the deep sea like the night sky, Victor held a glass of red wine in his hand. Haoxue's voice came from the stairs behind him: "He even plans to resign from Qiwuhai and come to Coral to help you."

Victor, who was wearing a casual fish scale suit, shook the wine glass in his hand and said with a light smile: "The World Conference is coming soon, and if the Fishman Island wants to speak out in front of the nations, it needs Jinbei, one of the [King Xia Shichibukai], to hold the line. The top priority of Fishman Island. When this matter comes to an end, I will personally invite Jinbe to join Coral."

"...That's true."

Haoxue wore a black bathrobe and held a half bottle of sake in his hand: "Although this old man is a murloc, when it comes to his contribution and awareness to the murloc, it is really not one-tenth of Jinpei... shame on me."

Victor drank up the remaining red wine in the glass, and then passed the wine glass: "You have a treasure in your hand? Have some."

"Six bottles... You have a really good drinking capacity." Looking at the empty wine bottle at Victor's feet, Hoyuki slightly raised his lightning-shaped eyebrows, and poured half a glass of sake into the empty glass in Victor's hand: "But usually I've never seen you drink too much, is it because you don't have good wine?"

"Sorry, it's only once." Victor took a sip of sake, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "People can have 'hobbies', but they can't let 'hobbies' become 'unrestrained pleasure', my father taught me a long time ago I make sense."

"He is a good father." Hao Xuexu raised the bottle and took a sip: "At first I thought you and the young lady were brothers and sisters, but then the young lady revealed a little bit about your life experience to the old man... At the beginning , is it hard?"

Victor smiled slightly, looked up at the deep sea above his head, and showed a nostalgic smile: "It's okay. Perona is very sensible, and the people in the village are also very kind to us. Can you imagine? The biggest dream of me and Perona at that time was Go to the "Shell Restaurant" in Alghero Town to have a big meal. After the first few years, Perona and I worked together to do the first business - hunting down a nearby evil leader of the small pirate group. 700,000 Berry, this is our first big money."

Haoxue laughed loudly: "700,000 Berry! Is it enough for the two of you to have a big meal?"

"Unfortunately, we didn't go to eat." Victor shrugged his shoulders: "Most of the money was used by us to buy books and repair the house, leaving tens of thousands of Berry, I bought it from a passing merchant. A pile of hearty ingredients, I made a dinner for Perona at home. It turns out that I have no talent for cooking, and in the end we both ate all the burnt dishes. Later, she never let me cook again, It's a pity, but I actually think there is still room for improvement in my cooking skills.


"Perona knows that I want to go to sea, so she has been working hard to learn about sailing. Other children play and play in their childhood, but she spends all day in boring books, or exercises ghost fruit. I I always feel that I owe her a lot..."

Victor raised his glass and drank it down, then looked at the empty glass in his hand and said, "That girl actually likes rock music, and also likes to read fashion magazines, and always dresses the only bear doll at home in a dark gothic style... ...I know all about it."

Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol, but the leader of the world's largest mafia, who usually always smiled, showed a slightly melancholy expression at this moment.

Haoxue scratched the back of her head, not knowing what to say, so she decided to change the subject: "What are you going to do with that 'Crescent Moon Hunter'?"

"She's awake?" Victor's face returned to calm: "It can recover from such a serious injury. The resilience of the animal system is really terrifying."

"I woke up about 20 minutes ago." Haoxue took out his pocket watch and looked at it irresistibly. This pocket watch was a brand-name product that everyone bought together in the Queen City of Spring in St. Baiyang. At that time, everyone in the team had a piece: " That guy has been chained by Hailoushi. She has been clamoring to see you, and wants to join the 'coral' to make atonement."

"No." Victor refused without hesitation: "This Ms. Katerina can be called notorious. The reason why she is called the 'Crescent Moon Hunter' is because she likes to collect the heads of beautiful women. She is simply a pervert. .”

"Then kill her?" After saying that, Haoxue stood up, ready to set off to kill 'Crescent Moon Hunter' with her own hands.

Victor waved his hand: "Don't worry, first use the sea floor stone shackles to lock her up, she is still useful. How are Kidd and Kira thinking? Do you have a goal?"

"Those two silly boys..." Haoxue touched the short beard on his chin: "Kid is very interested in the two devil fruits, but he has no idea which one to eat, and Kira is more interested in sickle-like weapons. I'm interested, and I have some ideas about a devil fruit."

"Sickle...then give Kira the famous knife 'Sea Gap' found in the treasure house of the King of Snakes."

Victor was a little puzzled: "Which devil fruits did they choose?"

"Kira took a fancy to the form of the animal-type insect fruit 'Praying Mantis'." Hoxue recalled: "Kidd took a fancy to the form of the animal-type bird fruit 'Royal Albatross' and the Superman-type magnetic fruit, but he still has I can't decide which one to choose."

"Magnetic fruit?" Victor remembered: "It's the devil fruit I got in the basement of the 'Southern Outpost' in the 'City of Yesterday' Yesteden..."

In the original manga, Kidd should eat this Superman-type magnetic fruit, but Kira didn't eat any fruit. Now that I think about it, they are influenced by their dear cousin Gulardo, and they are more fond of animal devil fruits.

But now that I think about it, almost all the cadres on my side are devil fruit capable users. It would be a bit of a headache if I really encountered a master who used sea stone weapons or encountered a naval battle.

"I'm making the decision for Kidd, so give him the Superman-type magnetic fruit." Victor made a decision directly: "Give the mantis fruit and sickle directly to Kira, and let these two boys follow Gulardo to exercise hard."

"Understood." Haoxue knew that Victor had always been very generous to his own people, and he would give it unambiguously for the devil fruits and fast swords that were incomparably precious in the eyes of outsiders.

At this time, the loudspeaker equipment at the top of the palace suddenly rang.

【Boss, are you on the top floor? There's a phone bug ringing, and the sign is... Moonlight Moriah! 】


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