The layers of thick clouds in the sky seemed to be slashed head-on by an endless giant sword, opening huge and deep gaps.

The huge vibration caused the sea to stir up turbulent waves, and the passenger ship and the Red Foss next to it fluctuated, and the violent recoil caused the two ships to stir up waves at the same time.

Invisible and intangible fierce collision, fleeting! At that moment, even the entire passenger ship, which was the place where the two sides fought, was terribly distorted, as if being torn and stretched by an extremely huge strange force.

"This, this is...!"

The coral cadres who were about to return to the Ark of Passion by boat were relatively close, and the violent and unparalleled impact swept the entire sea area, and naturally affected their boat.

Haoxue, Gullardo, and Wu Hongji were alright, Perona and Luo struggled to support themselves, and the weaker juniors were in danger of fainting directly.

The lightning-shaped eyebrows of Haoxue who stood in front of Perona and Robin trembled slightly, and sighed: "This level of [Overlord Color Collision] is simply unheard of!"

Gulardo supported Kira who had fainted, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's still fighting... Do you want to start a war?"

"Don't worry." Hao Xue shook his head: "Victor is not such a careless person, he knows what he is doing."

On the other side, on the deck of the Red Forth, the fierce fighters of the Red Hair Pirates also gathered together, waiting for the further development of the situation.

Fatty Lackey Lu took a large piece of bone-in chicken leg, tore a big bite out of it, and said while chewing, "The boss is actually serious! Yaho~~Are we going to war?"

"Boss said he wouldn't fight." Jesus Bu, a man with dreadlocks and a long gun on his back, shook his head, "But... that kid's dominance is so strong!"

"..." The ponytailed co-captain Ben Beckman took a cigarette and exhaled a big puff of smoke: "Shanks didn't use his full strength, he was testing the [power] of the murderous chain. Hmph... Long time no see He's so happy."

There is an inconspicuous small boat in the distant sea area, which is heaving in the turbulent waves in despair, and there is a danger of the ship being destroyed at any time.

Our Colonel Crohn, clinging pitifully to the mast of the boat, was drenched in the sea. But he has no time to manage the wet clothes at this time.

'Father Chain' VS 'Red Hair'!

【Seven Martial Seas under the King】Fight against 【Four Emperors】!

Kron felt that he must be crazy to want to follow Victor to monitor Victor. The aftermath of the battle between the two could crush him into powder!

Tremblingly, he took out a phone bug that was also soaked in sea water from his arms, and dialed the number.


Naval Headquarters, Marin Fand.


The Warring States of Buddha slammed his hands on the table, his eyeballs were about to protrude: "Say it again!?"

Opposite him was a sailor holding a phone bug, and the phone bug was saying tremblingly, "The fierce and fierce chains are fighting with the red hair... It's right next to the town of Alghero in the West Sea."

The Warring States of Buddha sat back on the chair all of a sudden, took off his glasses and rubbed between his brows.

The navy is already in a state of desperation, and the murderous chain and the red hair are actually getting sidetracked at this time!

Karp, who was sitting on the opposite sofa, was holding a rice cake in his mouth.

While clapping his hands, he laughed loudly: "Hahaha!! Has this kid, Fierce Chain, grown up enough to wrestle with the Four Emperors?"

Sitting at the side, the admiral 'Aokiji' Kuzan, who was flipping through the report card with his legs crossed, said lazily, "The Hunter Association has not yet risen, and if the evil chain wants to compete with the red hair A bit early, right? It seems that the redhead also knows that the safest way is to nip the danger in the cradle...Cunning!"

"No matter what, once the 'Coral' and the 'Red Hair Pirates' officially start a war, all forces in this sea will be implicated and affected."

Veins popped up on Sengoku's forehead, and he said angrily to the phone bug: "The navy has no extra troops to support Xihai, Colonel Crohn, please try to protect your safety as much as possible, and report any important situations in time. Alright, let's go How about this."

Click! The phone bug got hung up.

The meeting interrupted by the sudden phone bug continued, and Sengoku cleared his throat: "You all heard it too, the fierce chain on the side of the West Sea and the red hair are facing each other. Do you think it is necessary to forcibly summon Wang Shichibukai? "

"The BIGMOM Pirates are not as threatening as the Whitebeard Pirates. The leaders of the two sides have different ideas, and the harm to the navy and the world is also different."

'Red Dog' Sakaski sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and his arms folded, half of his face was hidden under his peaked cap: "'White Snake' Ida was too reckless, not only was he captured, but also the flying squirrel and the superior were buried. The lives of a thousand sailors! Hateful indeed!"

"Sakalski, what do you mean... there's no way to save it?" Kuzan Aokiji was a little surprised, this didn't seem like Sakalski's style.

"Save! Of course we have to save, otherwise where will the navy lose face?" Sakaski sneered: "But the method of saving people has to be carefully considered."

Warring States listened thoughtfully, glanced at a person in the corner who was doing nothing like a salted fish, and said, "Porusalino! Tell me!"

"Ah, huh?"

'Yellow Ape' Polusalino was sitting in the corner of the sofa and was cutting his nails with nail clippers. He was called out by the Warring States Period and almost cut his nails. He raised his head blankly: "...the navy's warship research and development funds need to be re-approved, I personally agree..."

"Bastard! That was the topic that was just started at the meeting half an hour ago!" Zhan Guo was furious, and slammed the table in front of him loudly: "How long have you been in a daze, my god!!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I don't think fierce chains and red hair can fight each other." 'Aokiji' Kuzan hurriedly interjected and relieved Polusalino.

"Why do you say that?" "Red Dog" Sakalski looked slightly sideways at Kuzan.

"The character of the fierce chain and the red hair are not the kind of aggressive and reckless men. They have always advertised that they follow morality, and it is impossible for them to do things like fighting in their hometown Xihai and disturbing people's livelihood. "

'Aokiji' Kuzan analyzed: "Furthermore, the conflict between Moonlight Moriah and BIGMOM Pirates is a bit abrupt. I have an idea, could it be that BIGMOM Pirates learned about the relationship between Murder Chain and Moonlight Molly? The Asian relationship is not bad, so I used Moonlight Moria to catch the murderous chain, but the real goal of BIGMOM is the murderous chain?"

"...Then Hongfa rushed to Xihai after learning about this, to prevent the murderous chain from falling into the trap?" 'Red Dog' Sakaski leaned back on the sofa back with his arms folded, thinking: "But the red hair You don't have any friendship with the fierce chain, so why bother? Wouldn't it be better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Warring States shook his head: "Since his debut, few people have been able to figure out his routine. His acting style is more like that of the pirate king Goldo Roger, advocating 'freedom'. Maybe it's just because of an idea, or because he is optimistic. It is also possible for the fierce chain who is also a fellow of Xihai and has a suitable style of behavior to go to Xihai to warn the police."

"But they still fought." 'Aokiji' Kuzan scratched the back of his head: "Or, is this redhead 'testing' the murder chain?"

No one noticed that the "naval hero" Garp was silently biting a rice cake, lost in thought.



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