Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 241 Bewitched

"Who exactly tricked you to come to trouble me?"

Victor's voice was not loud, but it reached Helding's ears clearly. Sitting on a chair, he raised his legs leisurely, crossed his fingers on his knees, and although his face was smiling, there was a hint of coercion.

Facing Victor's questioning, Helding was silent for a while, then licked his dry lips, and said with difficulty: "...No one asked me to come here, I came here on impulse."

His voice was hoarse and dry, he had lost too much blood and he hadn't eaten or watered for many days. Helding had no strength to resist and struggle.

Victor raised his eyebrows, then turned his head to look at Daz Bownis, and said gently: "Bownis, can you bring a bucket of fresh water?"

Daz Bowness nodded: "I'll go right away, boss."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left the playground of the medical department.

Victor crossed his legs, sat leisurely on a chair and looked at Helding, smiling without saying a word.

"I...I don't know how to drink your water."

Haierding, who was lying sprawled on the ground, said with a hoarse voice: "The skills are inferior to others, you can kill or cut as you like... My companions are against coming... Come to your place, I will do it my own way."

"NO, NO, NO... Mr. Helding, you don't understand me at all."

Victor shook his index finger, stood up and put his hands in his pockets and walked in front of Helding, with a smile on his face: "I give you water because we 'coral' don't like to abuse captives, even death row prisoners won't die of thirst and starvation .As for your companion, how to deal with it is my business, you don't need to worry about it."

With a bang, a large bucket of fresh water was placed not far from Helding's head, and then Daz Bonis stood not far behind Victor, with his hands behind his back and his eyes fixed, like a loyal bodyguard.


Haierding's lips twitched twice. If he was alone, he would not be afraid of death, but his companions...will they all die because of their own willfulness? This is not how they should die!

Victor walked slowly in front of Helding with his hands in his pockets, speaking softly, like the deepest phantom mist lingering in Helding's ears:

"I've heard stories about you, 'giant mercenary' Hayrding. It is rumored that you are brave and fearless, disdain to oppress civilians, and have been working to restore the glory of the Giant Pirates. You are as upright and fearless as the sword of the gods. Soldiers, don’t want to live long, only want to die with glory. Death is not a means to threaten you, only lies can make you fall into the bait.”

"Let me guess, [someone] told you that as long as you capture the 'coral' base camp in the West Sea, you can get the inexhaustible wealth and...power of 'coral'. And I am far away on the great route, By the time I came back, you had already taken your spoils away and flew away. The sea is so vast that even I couldn’t find your traces in a short period of time. When you become stronger with the power of your spoils, even I can only pinch my nose Swallow this bad breath... I guess, right?"

Haierdin's bloodshot eyeballs bulged slightly, and an unbelievable "ho, ho" panted from his throat.

In fact, Victor guessed almost exactly.

Just over a month ago, [someone] approached Helding, who was practicing on a winter island on the Great Route,

That person bluntly said that there is a big deal for Helding and the New Giant Pirates. Far away in the West Sea, there is an island named Alghero Town, which is the place where [The Seventh Warrior of Kings] Viktor first made his fortune, where he stored an extremely powerful animal-type devil fruit. If Helding gets the powerful animal-type devil fruit, combined with his giant power, he will sweep away all obstacles in the world and regain the glory of the Giant Pirates.

Helding was reckless, but not stupid. He still has a clue as to what level the vicious chain Victor exists. He asked bluntly how true the news that [someone] said, why didn’t [someone] take such a powerful devil fruit himself and eat it himself.

[Someone] showed Haierdin his strange ability without saying a word, and there is no other possibility except the devil fruit ability. A person can only eat one devil fruit, this is the iron law of the sea. Haierding is still skeptical, but the other party said with a smile that he hates Viktor the Vicious Chain, but only hates that he is weak and unable to take revenge, so he can only ask Haierding to add to Viktor the Vicious Chain, so that he can also understand what it means to be taken away the pain of things.

In fact, Haierding has always wanted to eat a powerful devil fruit, but how can a powerful devil fruit be so easy to get? The giants are all poor and have no money to buy those devil fruits on the black market, and the really powerful devil fruits have been eaten or hidden by others when they get them, and it is not their turn to buy them.

Natural devil fruit, animal ancient species or phantom beast species, these are the goals pursued by Helding. Now that the opportunity hits the door by itself, wouldn't it be stupid to push it out? Besides, even if this guy lied to himself and found nothing in that town of Alghero, then it is right to go to the West Sea to play around for a vacation, the worst is not to hurt the residents of that town and leave some money as a disturbance Fei, anyway, he has done this before.

In this way, the New Giant Soldier Pirates headed towards the West Sea at the persistent request of Hayrding in such a daze. They chose to forcibly break into the windless belt, and relying on Haierding's strength and amazing luck, they broke through the ghost gate of the windless belt and came to the West Sea smoothly.

The information is correct, and the gang of murderous chains is indeed not in Alghero town. But it's a pity that they didn't calculate that there are two strong men guarding Alghero Town.

Daz Bowness beat Helding hard one-on-one before Lafayette struck the remaining four giants.

Haierding's heart was full of remorse, and now he can see that the super powerful animal devil fruit is all a cover! That guy just used himself as a gun to add to the vicious chain Victor, and he never thought about the fate of himself and the new Giant Soldier Pirates!

Victor watched Helding's face change constantly with a smile, and said gently: "Got it? Although I don't know what the [trophy] you want, I can tell you with certainty that there is no one you want in Alghero Town." s things."

Hayerdin tried his best to slowly get up from the ground, ignoring the blood gushing out of the bandages on his body, then fell to his knees tremblingly under the vigilant eyes of Daz Boniss, and slammed his forehead in the direction of Victor. Next, a puff of dust was stirred up, and the hoarse voice was full of remorse and loneliness:

"Thousands of mistakes are my own fault. I just ask you to let my companions go... They really don't know anything, and they were dragged here by me."

Even if he knelt and kowtowed, even if he was tricked into coming here, Hayerding still didn't intend to reveal the information about [that person]. Since he promised not to disclose information about [that person] before coming here, he must keep his promise. There is no other reason, keeping promises and keeping promises is the glory of Elbaf!

"Are you still not going to tell [that person] at this point? It's really admirable for keeping promises."

Victor sighed, and a gorgeous silver-white revolver quietly appeared in his hand, with a calm tone:

"So... are you ready?"


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