The powerful oppressive force like an abyss overflowed from the burly giant in front of him. In Victor's view, Kaido, the 'beast', could no longer be called a [human being].

The terrifying aura is as real as it is. Although there is no wind in the hall, the surrounding Candle Mountain lights are constantly shaking and may be extinguished at any time. There is no sorrow or joy on the faces of the demon gods and Buddha statues that seem to be hidden in the shadows. Their eyes are just He stared at the two people in the center of the hall.

No matter who wins or loses, Wano Country will usher in a new turning point.

"The world says that the navy is invincible, and it directly wiped out Lingling and her pirate group... But I know that you played a key role in this, the fierce chain."

Kaido's voice was a little deep but full of momentum, and just ordinary conversations shook the top of the hall with a lot of dust: "Before the fight, I want to say, ally with my Beasts Pirates! I can make you a As the real power faction who is equal to the governor of the Hundred Beasts Pirates like me, even the three disasters can be entrusted to you to command. If you want to be a king or a general, I can kill that idiot Orochi with my own hands, and hand over Wano Country to you to play with at will .”

Kaido is not lying to Victor, his words are indeed sincere. Kaido longs for [powerful ability users], hoping to form the strongest legion, and Victor and his "coral" perfectly fit this point. If Victor joins the team, he doesn't mind being equal to Victor, and the world will be at their fingertips.

"The Violent Chain" Victor is a rare wise general and handsome talent, and Kaido firmly believes in this.

Victor laughed lightly when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha...Mr. Kaido, the [alliance] is already a joke. You want what I have, and I have to give you and yours. The power of the Wano country has been uprooted. So, don't talk nonsense, right?"

At some point in time, dark clouds piled up and stirred in the sky outside the main hall of the temple, forming a terrifying vortex of air flow, and the sound of thunder surged.

Kaido picked up the huge mace and carried it on his shoulders, with a low tone: "...It's a pity. Then, I can only destroy you completely."

Victor smiled slightly, and a long knife with blue stripes slowly emerged from the palm of his hand. The zipper floated on the surface of the blade and instantly formed into a huge red cross sword.

In an instant, the two moved at the same time.

The surface of the huge mace in Kaido's hand was covered by black lightning, and black flames surged from the blade of the huge cross sword in Victor's hand.

"[Thundering Gossip]!"

"[King Ming's Spiritual Passion Kundalini]!"

The swaying sword and mace didn't even touch each other, and the space that was half a meter away was instantly distorted, and the terrifying air explosion and impact wave erupted impressively!

This huge and ancient temple with a long history was reduced to dust in an instant, and the surrounding soil rolled and rocks collapsed! The trees in the jungle are swaying violently, and the sea is churning endlessly.

No matter who it was, they stopped fighting in a daze and looked towards the sky.

The sky, cracked.

The layers of dark clouds seem to have been split open by an endless giant blade into a huge bottomless crack, and this is just the aftermath of Kaido and Victor's first fight!

In the hidden jungle on the coast of the remote Wano Country, Ingrid, the 'herald' who defected to Kaido, stared blankly at the sky, and murmured: " the [Beasts] and [Fierce] chain]...My lord, can I really get the Feathered Serpent Fruit from these two monsters to help you resurrect?"

A violent storm came from the center of Ghost Island,

There was even a strong sway of the Ark Proverb in the sky near the sea. Standing on the top of the Ark's Proverbs, Enilu, who turned into a giant of thunder and lightning, barely stabilized his figure, and couldn't help twitching his face when he looked at the huge crack in the sky: "The blond bastard really kept his hands when he was in Sky Island... Well, still It’s good to keep it.”

Ace on the deck was much more excited. He pressed the orange cowboy hat on his head and cheered loudly: "Amazing boss! Just wait and see, one day I will become as strong as you!"

Flame Calamity Jin, who had just recovered from the effect of the 'Negative Ghost' and flew back to the sky, was surprised: "That guy with the fierce chain...has really reached the level of [Three Emperors]?"


Near the waters of Wano Country, a large naval fleet is rapidly approaching.

"Report! A huge crack has appeared in the sky of Wano Country!"

The watchman's voice trembled a little, the crack in the sky was obviously not a natural phenomenon. Then there is only one conclusion—"Beasts" Kaido and "The Chain" Victor fought! And the two look evenly matched!

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Akainu's mouth: "Heh...they are really impatient guys, where is the Ark of Passion?"

"Report, Ark of Passion is located in the area near Wano Country' Dragon Gate Curtain Waterfall, and is besieged by the fleet of the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

"Sakaski, why don't you let me go to the offshore area of ​​Wano Country?"

Wearing wide sunglasses and a yellow striped suit, the admiral 'Kiazaru' Polusalino, with a lazy and wretched expression, stood on the deck next to Akainu, with a playful expression: "Just looking for an opportunity to match the evil chain and Kaido Catch them all."

"No hurry, Polusalino."

As the commander-in-chief of the fleet this time, Akainu can dispatch Polusalino, who is also the admiral of the navy: "First kill the Ark of Passion in the sea below, and break the path of the fierce chain. Kyrgyzstan, [Carp ] Are you ready?"

"The preparations are complete, enough to drag the fleet up to [Longmen Curtain Waterfall]." 'Grey Dragon' Jierjisk nodded.

Only with the help of the huge carp unique to the waters of Wano country can they use their characteristics of climbing waterfalls to climb the dangerous [Longmen Curtain Waterfall] to reach the coastal waters of Wano country above the cliff. This is a secret that very few organizations know. Coincidentally, the navy is one of the biggest forces in this sea.

"Very good, inform the fleet to prepare to fire." Akainu looked at the huge ark gradually visible in the distance, with a cold face:

"Clear all non-naval forces in the target area!"

"Huh?" 'Grey Dragon' Kyrgisk looked at Akainu in surprise: "The five old stars mean that the main targets are on the fierce chain and the coral, and the Beast Pirates are..."

"I don't care what those old coffins think!" Akainu's only remaining right eye looked at Kyrgyzsche, with killing intent in his eyes: "As the commander of the fleet, I have priority, and my order is to completely exterminate all beasts Pirates and Coral! Do you understand?"

"...Yes!" Kyrgyzstan gave a military salute, picked up the phone bug and said loudly:

"Convey the commander's order! Target all non-naval forces in the sea area, open fire freely!"

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