Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Three hundred and sixtieth chapters steel bone empty

Katakuri was about to charge forward with the trident in his hand, but his body froze suddenly. Veins popped up on the surface of his body and he trembled slightly, but he couldn't even breathe instinctively.

It can be seen that Katakuri has tried his best to break free from the strange force that binds him, but it still doesn't help.

Akainu, who was about to turn into magma to defend against Katakuri's attack, frowned and looked over Katakuri's shoulder to the sea behind.

Because of the high temperature generated by the magma and the fire, the steam on the sea surface is thick, and there is thick smoke from the burning wreckage everywhere, and only a huge warship can be vaguely seen appearing in the sea behind Katakuri. superior.

Five dots are faintly visible on the sail, connected by a cross, which is the flag of the world government!

A thick and powerful hand rested on Katakuri's trembling shoulders, and his figure appeared out of nowhere in the air.

This is an old man with an unusually burly figure. His skin was tawny, his pale hair a mohawk, as was his mustache. There is a shocking suture scar under his left eye. He is wearing a sleeveless black shirt, with a large number of military medals on his chest, and a light yellow short scarf around the collar. The main color of the high-necked cloak, which is different from the navy justice cloak, is gray , the golden epaulettes mean its status and identity——

The commander-in-chief of the whole army of the world government, [Steel Bone] Kong (Kong)!

"Commander Kong, why are you here?"

When Sora served as admiral of the navy, Akainu served as a vice admiral under him for many years. He thinks that Sora is quite fair in his judgment - for the sake of justice in his heart, Sora can wipe out all his humanity, It can be called the most perfect executor of justice.

"Sakaski, prepare to retreat."

Sora pinched Katakuri's neck and picked up the latter, although his eyes carefully looked at Katakuri's fangs, but the words were speaking to Akainu, and his tone was flat without any fluctuations: "You guys for this mission Already failed."

"Please wait a moment!" Akainu was startled, and said loudly, "I'll be able to get rid of Katakuri soon, and after killing Barrett with Polusalino, I'll immediately support the navy fleet to destroy those who betrayed the world government." Shichibukai, next we will go to Onijima..."

"The evil chain has already killed Kaido, and Onijima has also sunk into the sea and become history. What else do you want to say?"

Sora interrupted Akainu's words unceremoniously, and his words were shocking.


Akaken's face was serious, his brows were as low as dark clouds: "It's only been less than half an hour, and the battle at the [Sea Emperor] level doesn't last for three to five days. Could it be that the strength of the fierce chain has surpassed that of Kai?" So much more?"

"That guy used a very wonderful [method]."

Empty words, as if I saw it with my own eyes: "Except for the escaped fire and plague, the remaining high-end combat power of the Hundred Beasts Pirates has basically been wiped out. If we continue to fight, the navy and Coral will lose both. Now I use all As the commander-in-chief of the army, he gave the order to retreat!"

Akainu gritted his teeth, but he was powerless against Sora's words and believed in them, because the fruit ability of the commander-in-chief of the world government's army was outrageous, no matter what miraculous actions the other party made It won't surprise Akainu when he arrives.

[Steel Bone] Sora is an airman who ate the fruit of the Superman-type Kongkong. Yes, it is a superhuman system rather than a natural system. Steel bone Kong, who has awakened Kong Kong's fruit ability, can arbitrarily control all gas in the surrounding range and make unimaginable manipulation changes to it.

Making Katakuri unable to move freely and having difficulty breathing is just one of the numerous ways to use the empty fruit.

With the help of the atmosphere and sunlight refraction, it is naturally a piece of cake to use the [Stealth] and [Clairvoyance] abilities.

"This is the commander-in-chief of this battle, 'Red Dog' Sakaski, who has received an order from the high-level, and the entire army is retreating!"

Akainu picked up the phone bug and gave the order to retreat, then looked at Katakuri in Cyborg's empty hand, with a complicated expression: "Commander, what do you want to do with Katakuri?"

Kong Wenyan looked at Katakuri who was being held in the air by his neck, and said indifferently: "It's too wasteful to just throw it into the city of advancement, [Dicrime Council] will take good care of him."

[True Sin Council] is a torture organization directly under the top level of the world government. The cruelty of its torture and interrogation makes people shudder just by listening to it. Compared with these lunatics who are naturally fond of torture and abuse, the jailers in the city of advancement are pure and lovely little ones. sheep.

By the way, after falling into the hands of Akainu, Guchai of the 'Zhanniandao' just went through the motions, and then was directly stuffed into the hands of the [Dicrime Council], so many years later, it is said that Guchai is still 'alive', Well, if the five sense organs are destroyed, the limbs are cut off, the skin of the whole body is stripped off, and only relying on infusions and breathing masks to maintain life can be regarded as 'alive'.

Akainu was silent for a while, without speaking. Although he was very upset that the duel was interrupted, but the first rank of the official crushed someone to death, and the other party was a heinous pirate... Forget it, there is nothing to say at all.

Akainu straightened the navy cap on his head, turned around and turned into a mass of surging magma, with the help of jet momentum, he rushed to the sky and rushed towards the fleet that started fighting and retreating after receiving the order, preparing to cover the evacuation.

After withdrawing his gaze from the sky, Sora turned his head to look at Katakuri whose mouth was beginning to overflow with foam, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised: "Boy, cherish the last comfortable time, and you will realize what it means when you are on the territory of the council." hell'……"

"'Hell'? If it refers to the stench of hell, then it is undoubtedly what you emit all the time."

An indifferent and deep voice sounded, with ridicule and... undisguised malice in his tone.

Hearing this voice, the corner of Gang Gukong's left eye twitched, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the open space beside him.

At some point on the wreckage of a huge warship floating on the sea stood an elegant old man. He was tall and clear, wearing an exquisitely fitted rose red dress, blood red trousers, and shiny black leather boots. With gold trim on the top, a large blood-red cloak on the shoulders, a dark blue rose pinned to the chest, a full head of white hair combed back into a meticulous back, red eyebrows slightly raised, and a slender gold chain hanging from the corner of the mouth , the slender bat-handled umbrella was held by the handle like a civilized stick, and he stuck it lightly on the ground with both hands. personal style.

"Baloric Redfield..."

Seeing this old man with aristocratic demeanor, Steel Gu Kong narrowed his eyes immediately, with veins on his forehead, and said coldly: "What? You who are called the 'Lonely Red Earl' who are always alone Also succumbed to the fierce chain?"

"Huh heh heh heh..."

'Red Earl' Baloric Redfield seemed to have heard some funny joke, and laughed lightly, but the coldness in his eyes became deeper as the laughter magnified. He raised his left hand and lightly tapped the place under his left eye, and said with a smile, "Kong, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you still have the 'Medal' I gave you?"

The shocking scar under Gang Gukong's left eye felt tingling pain, and he growled, "Answer my question! Ryder!!"

"When people get old, they naturally start to feel sad about their age. When you meet a junior you like, you will inevitably want to give him a hand..."

The corners of the Red Earl's mouth curled up, and his red pupils shone with a strange light: "Sky, my old friend...can you please let go of that young man in your hand? After all, if I can't bring this child back properly, I will There is no place to put the old face."

Steel Bone Kong casually threw Katakuri into the corner of the wreckage of the warship, but the latter was still unable to breathe, and his face became more and more terrifying. The burly commander-in-chief of the entire army, 'Steel Bone' Kong, kneaded his knuckles and looked at the Red Earl with hatred and excitement: "If you want to get someone back, you have to show your true skills, Ryder. Let me see……

Can you beat me before this kid chokes to death! "

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