Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 82 Hoxue and Tom

There is a garbage disposal site under the bridge on the northeast coast of the capital of seven waters, where people pile up abandoned ship wrecks, and over time it becomes the material collection place for Tom's studio.

'Warehouse Under The Bridge', headquarters of Tom's Shipbuilding Studio.

"Welcome to Tom's workshop! Do the guests need to build boats or repair... huh? Old man Haoxue!?" After knocking on the door, a blue-haired airplane head wearing only swimming trunks and a floral shirt opened the door. He was chanting the dull and unwavering recited lines until he saw Hao Xue who was looking at him with a smile outside the door.

"Little pervert, long time no see." Haoxue slapped the blue-haired aircraft head on the back of the head with a smile. "There are quite a few ladies here, go back and put on your pants!"

It seems that Haoxue has been 'educating' the blue-haired jet-setter before, but the latter gulped and didn't dare to refute, so he could only walk to the back room resentfully, muttering something while walking, "What...you beat me up as soon as you meet , does my head feel good? In vain I miss you..."

"Hmm! Frankie, who is outside the door?" A well-proportioned young man with black lips and half-length blue hair came out from the back room, looked at the door suspiciously, and then shouted in surprise, "Mr. Haoxue! Mr. Tom, Mr. Hoxue is here to see us! Come out quickly!"

"Haoxue?" A tall and fat murloc with white beard also squeezed out from the back room, stared at the door in a daze, and then laughed happily, "Tah ha ha ha!!...!!!...!!!... ...!!"

"Tom, you have never changed your peculiar way of laughing." Haoxue also laughed, "Be careful laughing until you lose your breath."

"Mr. Tom, how can you hang the guests outside the door like this? Bingshan, you go and watch Franky and tell him to put on his pants." A graceful woman came out, but she His face looks a little...full of imagination. She greeted everyone with a smile, "Come in, everyone, I'll make tea right away."

In the living room, Franky, who was wearing capri pants, and Bingberg, who was wearing a black turban, were sitting aside, looking at the visiting guests cautiously.

It's no wonder they have low self-esteem. Whether it's Victor's self-confident and high-ranking temperament, or Robin's quiet and elegant intellectual beauty, or Wu Hongji's heroic spirit with a charming exotic style, these two young people who have never seen the world don't know what to do. How to strike up a conversation. Moreover, Haoxue is not as good-tempered as Mr. Tom. When he visited before, he often used the name of "Mr. Tom's brother" to violently teach the two of them. Fortunately for Bingshan, Franky was really scared of being beaten.

On the other side, Haoxue just made an introduction for both parties.

"Brother Victor, it's amazing that you can persuade this stubborn old man out of the mountain." Tom laughed loudly as he spoke, "My elder brother is a well-known man. !………………………!!!”

Soon Tom was almost dying of laughter.

"Mr. Tom, don't you have to laugh so exaggeratedly?" The beautiful secretary called "Kokoro" patted Tom on the back and said helplessly.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Victor nodded to Robin, who took Perona, Wu Hongji and Matthew to chat with Bingshan and Frankie.

"Tom, the old man and Victor came to see you this time because they have something to talk to you about." Haoxue shook his head, "Let's go talk in the brick warehouse."

Seeing his sworn brother's serious expression, Tom knew that the other party must have something important to tell him, so he took Victor and Haoxue into the warehouse behind the studio.

In the warehouse piled with all kinds of waste and sundries, Tom moved a few wooden barrels as chairs. He sat down on the wooden barrel, which creaked under the pressure, and asked suspiciously, "Brother, what happened?"

"...Tom, in 15 days, the judicial ship appointed by the world government will come to judge you, right?" Haoxue didn't sit down, but leaned against the wall and folded his arms, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, the agreement with the judicial ship has been completed." Tom couldn't help laughing again, "Tahaha! At that time, the credit and the'crime' should be offset."

Hao Xue glanced at Victor, who nodded.

"Mr. Tom, I'm afraid things won't be that simple." Victor sat on the barrel and said calmly, "The world government is eyeing the blueprint of 'that thing' in your hand, and they won't let you go."

Tom was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Haoxue. The latter shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at the old man, it's his own intelligence channel. Victor is already a member of Shichibukai under the king, but the world government hasn't announced it yet."

"Your Majesty Shichibukai is really rude to come to my humble house!" The smile on Tom's chubby face faded a little, "It's just that I really don't know what you said, why don't you go to another place to ask ?”

"Mr. Tom, I know this is a bit abrupt, and it is natural for you to have difficulty in trusting me." Victor was not annoyed, but said gently, "But since I have become Shichibukai, I can naturally obtain some high-level internal information Please believe me, they are really going to attack you! And this time it is cp5, who is proficient in gathering intelligence and sneaking in. Since they have come, the target must have locked on you..."

"Tahahaha! Lord Shichibukai, the black-haired girl sitting next to you just now should be Nicole Robin?" Tom laughed loudly, "Brother Haoxue, don't you think this is funny? The newly appointed Qi Wuhai brought the only woman in the world who can revive that thing, and came to me to ask for the blueprint of that thing! Hahahaha!!………………………!!!”

"...Tom, this old man didn't reveal a single word." Hoxue looked at the laughing Tom, and said in a deep voice, "This old man swears in Shana's name! This old man just wants to save your life!"

"I'm doing well now, Big Brother Hoxue." Tom stared at his small round eyes, his white beard trembling a little. "The sea train has been opened to traffic, and the four lines have been completed. My agreement with the government has been reached! From now on, I can build a ship in peace and stability, and then watch the apprentices become teachers one by one! But such an ordinary life, can I not even have it?"

"Tom, you..." Haoxue's lightning-shaped eyebrows twitched, and his whole face was gloomy like a dense cloud, "You idiot...why didn't you listen!!"

"That's because Big Brother always gives orders like this!" Tom yelled "Shanna did that too! Om did that too!! Always say 'this is for your own good', in the end!? You are A complete loser!!"

"Bastard!" Hoxue grabbed Tom by the collar and raised his fist. But looking at the chubby but stubborn face in front of him, Haoxue couldn't shake his fist no matter what.

"You two, please don't get too excited." Victor stood up and patted the ashes, and then looked at Tom calmly. Before the judicial ship arrives, cp5 will definitely come to your door. At that time, Mr. Tom, please be sure to hide the blueprint of that thing and take care of the people around you. cp5... is not so easy to pass. Mr. Haoxue, let's go .”

After finishing speaking, Victor put his black bowler hat lightly on his head, walked out of the warehouse, greeted the others, and left Tom's studio with his companions.

"Tom... this time I also hope that I am wrong." Haoxue loosened Tom's collar, eyes full of exhaustion and helplessness, "I hope everything is fine..."

After speaking, he also walked out of Tom's studio.

Bingshan and Frankie, who were probing their brains, looked at each other at the door of the brick warehouse, and just about to say something, Ke Keluo grabbed one ear and carried him away.

There was silence in the brick warehouse. The fat murloc who never got angry in the past and always smiled was sitting blankly on the wooden barrel, his face full of disappointment.


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