Pirates: Steel Chain Fingers

Chapter 93 Enthusiasm

City of Seven Waters, Coastal Wharf.

On the pier, residents were crowded with people, and they held up banners and signs, enthusiastically sending blessings to the heroes of the City of Seven Waters.

Although it will take some time before the end of the mayoral election, it is a certainty that Tom, who has won the support of Wang Shichibukai and has won the hearts of the people, will be the mayor of Nanami City.

After sinking their hearts and listening to Haoxue's careful explanation, Tom and the others finally realized how dangerous the situation they were facing. If Victor and others hadn't secretly helped, I am afraid that the three masters and apprentices of Tom would have been framed by CP5 and taken to Imper Sea Prison for execution.

But now, Tom and others will receive a respectful greeting no matter where they go in the City of Seven Waters, and people's eyes on Tom have changed from fear and disgust to admiration and love. For the 'behind the scenes' Victor, Tom and others are grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

I heard that Haoxue fulfilled her 'request' ahead of time—to build a dream boat for Victor that can pierce the waves. Tom readily agreed, but what he didn't expect was that there were too many things to do in the mayoral campaign, and he really couldn't spare time in a short time. Just when Tom was in a hurry, Victor made a suggestion that Iceberg and Franky should replace Tom to build a boat for himself.

"Looking at those battleships, you can tell that Franky's shipbuilding skills are extremely good. As his senior brother, Bingshan must not be bad, right?"

After hearing Victor's words, both Frankie and Bingshan rubbed the backs of their heads in embarrassment and laughed. And Tom also laughed loudly and said: "Tahahaha!! In fact, Bingshan and Franky's shipbuilding skills have long been able to become teachers! They are the best and best shipbuilders, and they are also my most proud disciples. Victor Xiao Brother, don't worry!"

Now that the master has spoken, and the two brothers and sisters have a very good impression of Victor and his party, the two of them will not shirk. They packed up the necessary tools and boarded the Beagle together.

"Black Gear" Giger and Lixna got an old boat from Tom's workshop. It is said to be an old ship, but under the joint efforts of Tom's Workshop and Jiger, it is no worse than the new ships on the market at all, and the sailing speed is much faster. The two of them took the boatman team under their command to board the big ship, preparing to follow behind the Beagle. According to Victor, the 'new ship' needs a lot of decoration and requires a lot of manpower.

In this way, under the warm welcome of the residents, the Beagle led the "Temporary Old Ship" to leave the City of Seven Waters and head towards the target location.


The Magic Triangle Sea Area is a mysterious sea area that is likely to be encountered on the route from the City of Seven Waters to the Chambord Islands.

This is a terrifying sea area where everything disappears mysteriously and is shrouded in thick fog all year round. It is said that more than a hundred ships mysteriously disappear in this sea area every year, and what is even more frightening is that there are ghost ships carrying the dead cruising back and forth.

And in the depths of this terrifying sea, there is the world's largest pirate ship quietly waiting for the return of its owner. It is the 'horror three-masted sailing ship', the only [island ship] in the world.

Because the islands on the ship come from the West Sea, the hometown of Moonlight Moriah, they do not have the unique 'magnetism' of the great route islands. Therefore, it is impossible to search for it during the voyage by using the ordinary record pointer. Only the special permanent pointer can determine the position of this terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

On the third day of the voyage, the Beagle and the Temporary Old Ship sailed into the Magic Triangle.

Thick fog shrouded the surrounding sea area, and the two ships were like headless chickens, unable to figure out their direction at all. Only with the help of a special permanent pointer can you drive steadily towards the goal.

"Victor, is the first meeting of the Shichibukai under the king about to start?" Robin asked worriedly on the deck.

Victor leaned on the deck railing, feeling the endless thick fog, and responded with a smile: "Don't worry, even if you arrive at Mary Gioia now, it will take a few days to wait for the arrival of the other Shichibukai.

Believe me, we are definitely not the last ones. "

Matthew came out of the kitchen with two large dinner plates full of hash browns: "Let's eat something. Hash browns come in salt and pepper flavor, plain or dipped in ketchup .”

At this time, Perona, who was sitting on the top of the cabin, suddenly shouted: "6400 meters straight ahead! The ghost search team found a very ~ very huge wall!!"

"That's it." Victor took a bite of the hash browns: "Notify the 'Temporary Old Ship' behind, all the crew are ready to land!"


The gigantic size of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship can only be understood by watching it close.

According to the estimate of Perona's watch ghost group, the total length of this ship is at least 20,000 meters. The whole ship is in the shape of a round bowl, with a complete island in the center. The island is covered by dense forests, and a huge secluded castle stands in the center, while the periphery of the island is surrounded by ancient city walls, showing the vicissitudes of history.

After stepping on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, Franky screamed with excitement, and Bingshan couldn't help showing excitement. This is the largest pirate ship in the world! If you can preside over the construction of such a pirate ship... Thinking of this, Bingshan and Franky looked at each other vigilantly, with sparks in their eyes.

"Hey, stupid mountain, your old-fashioned shipbuilding skills are not suitable for such a big baby. Let me handle the blueprint!"

"Huh? Idiot Qi, are you planning to transform this terrifying three-masted sailing ship into the God of War Franky 36? I will absolutely not allow you to do such a thing to the benefactor's ship! The design is solely in charge of me, you come Help me!"

"Huh? Don't fart! I want to help the benefactors make this ship the most SUPER mobile island ship in the world! Get out of here!"

"Do you know what a mobile island ship is? That's the term! In short, the design drawings must never be handed over to you! Get out of the way!"

The more the two talked, the more angry they became, and finally they directly started to wrestle into a ball on the ground.

On the other side, 'Black Gear' Jiger and his crew and Lixna also set foot on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

"Boss, this place is really nice!" Jiger walked to Victor and said excitedly, "It will be a big project if we want to remodel it!"

"Hey... Boss, boss?" Lixna also blushed and called "Boss": "You promised to let me form an officially recognized fighting club. I think, I think this place is very good!"

Speaking of Liksina, she was offered a reward because she, as the guard officer of the Kingdom of the Dead, not only beat up the prince of the Kingdom of the Dead, but also took away a lot of royal treasures.据莉科思娜所说,那个白痴王子一直想让自己当他的情人,数次被拒绝后那个蠢猪王子居然恼羞成怒想给她下药,她发现后一怒之下就狠狠揍了王子一pause. Knowing that the bastard king Yumi Bing is very protective of others, she simply took away the jewels collected by the prince and went directly to the sea to become a pirate.

Lixina was born in a martial arts family, and her father's generation was in decline, and even her own martial arts dojo was sold to pay off debts. After her father died of illness, Lixina inherited his will and vowed to reopen a fighting club and pass on the family martial arts. But she became a pirate, the official will not recognize her qualification as a fighter, and all the jewels she robbed were exchanged for money to buy a pirate ship, and there is no money to buy land to form a fighting club, this dream can only be unlimited stranded.

Now, she is holding her thigh. At this time, she didn't care about blushing, and called the boss very affectionately, and only hoped that Victor would keep his promise.

"Fighting club?" Victor looked at the ancient castle and mansion in the distance thoughtfully, nodded and said with a smile: "Yes. Go and choose a location, and let your Jiger help you design an excellent fighting club venue .”

Lixna was overjoyed, and was about to pounce on Victor to kiss him when she was excited, when she suddenly found that several women behind him were looking at her fiercely. She smiled embarrassingly, and hurriedly dragged Jiger to pick a position.

"Victor, should this ship be renamed? The name Horror Bark doesn't suit you very well." Robin said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Victor put his hands in his pockets, looked at the huge mast towering into the clouds in the distance, and said with a smile:

"Then call it 【Enthusiasm】()."

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