After returning to the windmill village, he came to Marcino’s bar and said, “Sister Marcino, I’m back.” ”

“Luffy, you’re back!” Marcino smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that since you have been going for so long this time, if you come back a few days later, I am afraid that you will suffer.” ”

“What’s wrong?” Luffy wondered.

“Mr. Karp heard that Ace went to sea, and immediately called to ask about your situation, of course, I told him that you should not leave, but Mr. Karp still said to insist on returning.” Marcino put things in general.

Luffy thought of Cap’s angry expression, and couldn’t help but feel a little afraid in his heart, “It’s okay, it seems that grandpa hasn’t come back yet.” ”

“By the way, Sister Marcino, I’ll give you something.” Saying that, Luffy immediately gave the only loot he got this time, the Devil Fruit.

“This is? Devil Fruit? Marcino had seen it from Shanks before, and she had seen the rubber fruit that Luffy had eaten.

“Although I don’t know what kind of fruit this is, by the way, Sister Marcino, don’t you also have a Devil Fruit Guide here? Then come out and take a look, don’t you know? Luffy said immediately.

Marcino took out the booklet and said, “Found it, it’s this one!” Superman, slippery fruit, if eaten, can make the skin extremely smooth, can say that more than 90% of the attack to divert. ”

“It’s such a slippery fruit! So, Sister Marcino, eat him! Sister Marcino. Luffy said excitedly.

Marcino was slightly moved, but still smiled: “Forget it!” Luffy, your kind sister has received it, but forget it! My sister also doesn’t want to become a dry duck. ”

“Ah! No way! Luffy said with slight annoyance: “Devil Fruit is a thing, many times money may not be able to buy it, although this Devil Fruit is not a powerful Devil Fruit.” ”

“Forget it, since that’s the case, then give it to Na Mei.” Luffy muttered.

“Nami? Who is it! Luffy. Listening to Luffy’s words, Marcino wondered, “It sounds like a girl’s name!” Isn’t it our Luffy’s girlfriend! ”

Listening to Marcino’s teasing, Luffy blushed slightly, “What kind of girlfriend is that!” You can only be considered a partner! Forget it, don’t talk about it, Sister Marcino, then this devil fruit will be handed over to you to help me keep it. ”

“Good, good, when you need it, come and get it.”

“Then I’ll go cultivate, bye.”

“Don’t you eat? Luffy. ”

“No thanks.”

A few days later, inside the forest, Luffy cultivated a domineering aura that was not very skillful.

“Luffy.” Suddenly Karp hit Luffy on the head and said, “Luffy, you guy, why didn’t you stop him when you saw that the Eisner kid was going to be a pirate?” Ace that bastard. ”

“It’s Ace who is disobedient, you just have to hit him!” Why hit me! Luffy said dissatisfied.

“You two are brothers, of course you are the same sin, damn it! Now that Ace has run, Luffy, the old man will definitely train you into a powerful navy. Karp crossed his hands.

Luffy looked at Karp like this, and said lightly: “Okay, grandpa, don’t talk about this, this time you came back just right, my current fruit ability is basically proficient, so I want you to teach me the cultivation method of naval six styles and domineering.” ”

“How to use the Navy Six and domineering?” Karp wondered.

“Grandpa, look! Shave. ”

“This, it’s Navy Six, how can this kid learn it!” yes, this kid is a rubber man. Karp looked at Luffy’s shave and was surprised.

“And one? Telescopic, rubber bullets. ”

“Is the domineering of armed colors? But I should have just comprehended how long it is, it’s just the simplest winding. Looking at Luffy’s armed domineering, Karp muttered.

“How’s it going! Grandpa, it’s pretty awesome! Luffy chuckled.

Karp chuckled, “Luffy, I really didn’t expect that since you can learn the Navy Six Shaving, it’s really not simple!” ”

“Ah! Because when I ran away before, grandpa you always used this trick to catch up with me at once, the principle is to step on the ground dozens of times in a row, so that you can burst out a powerful impact. Luffy chuckled, “But if you step on it dozens of times in an instant, that kind of speed and strength is impossible for ordinary people to do, because my body is rubber, so I can do it.” ”

“Hahaha, it’s really good, since you understand so thoroughly, what about your domineering?”

“Domineering, it’s not just the experience of being beaten! When you hit me right, they all said that it was a fist of love, but in fact, it was a domineering weapon wrapped around the fist, which is why it hurt so much. ”

“Hahaha, not bad.” Saying that, Karp came over again and punched Luffy: “Well, it is really the grandson of the old age, since the comprehension power is stronger than Ace, the old age will definitely train you into the strongest navy.” ”

“Is it? Then hurry up and teach me the Navy Six and domineering! Luffy said excitedly.

“Yes, domineering can be handed over to you, but the Navy Six cannot.” Karp Dao.

“Why!” Luffy was puzzled, “Isn’t it a naval six?” Why are you still hiding! How petty. ”

“It’s not old and stingy, if Luffy really wants to learn the Navy Six Style, then go to the Navy headquarters with Old Immortal, and Old Immortal is coming to hand you over.” Karp said lightly.

Luffy smiled bitterly when he heard this, “Isn’t it! You really have to become a navy before you can learn the Navy Six Style! “Luffy is really a little helpless, if this is the case, then Luffy will have to give up the Navy Six, it’s a big deal to practice it himself, anyway, the Navy Six has seen it himself.”

“For ordinary people, it is true, the Navy Six is the highest ultimate physical skill of the Navy, even in the Navy, at least the navy above the colonel level is qualified to cultivate.” Karp explained: “Of course, Luffy, as an old grandson, you can cultivate even if you are not a colonel, but here you can’t learn the Navy Six Style, there is a gravity island in the Navy that specializes in cultivating the Navy Six Style, and only where can you perfectly learn the Navy Six Style.” ”

“Is that so? But I also learned a trick! Luffy said with some disbelief.

“Don’t underestimate the Navy Six style, Luffy, the shaving you learned is the simplest of the Navy Six style, although you are an absolute rare genius in the Navy, but if you don’t go to Gravity Island, you can’t really learn the Navy Six style.” Karp continued: “Those who learn the Navy Six must be extremely determined, and the strength of the flesh must constantly exceed the limit, only in this way can they truly learn the Navy Six Style. ”

Luffy is entangled at this moment, although he wants to learn the Navy Six very much, but if he wants to go to the Navy, then Luffy will definitely not do it, if he does not go to the Navy, he can’t learn it.

Luffy let out a slight sigh and said, “Then forget it!” Grandpa, you better teach me to be domineering first! Naval Six is still talking about it later! ”

“Idiot!” When Karp heard the answer, he punched down, and said with a look of iron, “Luffy, this is a good opportunity to enter the navy!” As long as you say you want to go in, grandpa can immediately get you in, casually making that guy from the Warring States envious. ”

“But I’m only 14 years old now, doesn’t your navy have to be at least 18 years old to give it in, and as soon as I enter, I will learn the ultimate physical skills of the navy, the sixth style of the navy, how to see that others know that I seem to be going through the back door, so let others know, grandpa your reputation is not good.” Luffy said with a thoughtful look.

“It’s worthy of being a good grandson of old age, and he is really much more obedient than your brother Ace, okay!” In short, when the time comes, you yourself will come to the Navy to sign up! Even now, with your strength, it is not a problem to mix a major in the Navy, in short, come on! Luffy, let that guy from the Warring States take a good look at how powerful my baby grandson is, hahaha! ”

“Let’s not talk so much about it! Grandpa, you better hurry up and hand over your domineering power to me! Of course, it’s better to tell me about the principle of the Navy Six. Luffy smiled.

“It’s okay to be domineering, but even if you know the principle of the Navy Six, it’s useless!” If you don’t go to Gravity Island, even if you have the physique of a rubber person, it is difficult to learn to control your blood flow rate, but it will waste a lot of time. Karp listened to Luffy’s words and wondered.

“It’s nothing, just want to understand it first, and when the time comes, you can understand it faster.”

“Hahaha, good, good, no problem, the naval sixth style and the domineering cultivation old immortal have told you, of course, whether the naval sixth style can learn this is unknown.”

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