Sure enough, Solon and Locke fought for more than ten minutes, and a backyard that was originally good was cut out by the two of them and there were knife marks everywhere.

Locke said lightly: “Well, I also know your strength, worthy of being the pirate hunter Solon.” ”

“Don’t want to fight?” Solon gasped slightly, although the opponent’s strength is indeed very strong, but Solon does not think that he will lose at all, and he still has a lot of moves that he has not used.

Solon also knew that the other party did not do his best, after all, Locke’s claw was broken by Luffy, and asked: “Now that you deceive you, how are you going to explain it to them!” ”

“Bharatbar.” Keya looked at Locke who came over and muttered, the kind-hearted Keya, until now her heart has constantly denied it, and has been taking good care of her housekeeper, since she is bent on killing her and hiding in her family’s property.

“Miss Keya, I know that I can’t make up for what I say now, so I’m going to say something too, don’t worry!” I’m going to leave here in a minute, I’m really sorry. Saying that, Chloe bowed apologetically to Koya.

“What are you kidding! You deceived Keya like this, and you still want to take Keya’s life, do you just apologize? Usopp was very unhappy, looking at Luffy, a little afraid to say: “Can you pirates take other people’s lives so easily, and be completely indifferent?” ”

Listening to Usopp’s words, Nami lowered her head a little sadly, because she really didn’t like Locke as a person, and felt as if she was completely like Aaron.

“I’m really sorry for cheating Keya, but Meili and they didn’t die, they should just faint!” Locke said indifferently, he obeyed at least Luffy, and he was not interested in Usopp at all, the world of pirates is just the law of the jungle.

Listening to this, Usopp and Nami immediately ran over, and sure enough, seeing that Meili and the others really still had the breath of life, they immediately took several people to be treated.

Solon looked at this scene and chuckled: “It seems that you have been here for three years, and you are not completely emotionless!” Since they all have their subordinates showing mercy. ”

“Nothing, from the moment I became a pirate, I have long discarded the emotional thing, not to mention that I am still a pirate with wisdom, and I must maintain my emotions at all times.” Locke actually said this is half true and half false, because when he just saw Luffy, he fought with Luffy a few times, and he felt that his plan was probably a little hanging, and he had some ideas in his heart.

For this kind of thing, Luffy doesn’t care, because the moment he wants to become a pirate, he is destined to kill, and even if Luffy in the original book is very kind! Not yet considered a criminal by the Navy, notorious.

The so-called freedom is to act completely according to your own inner thoughts, and while you are free, you hurt many people for no reason, so even if Luffy in the original book is kind, just for ordinary people, it is indeed a hateful existence.

Besides, he can’t be as stupid as Luffy in the original book×, and he is not as kind as him, and he definitely doesn’t trust his companions like Luffy, especially now, although Luffy said that he invited Locke, he is still highly wary of him, after all, staying in Koya’s house for three years is just for her family’s property, and he can’t be a little wary.

Dare to invite Chloe on board because he has more strength than Luffy in the original work, and he is not afraid of his betrayal.

I don’t want to be like Luffy in the original book, just a few people go to sea, although all of them are elite, but Luffy still feels inadequate.

Therefore, I still want to invite as many potential and powerful members as possible to join.

Then, Locke went to deal with his original pirate group on his own, and Luffy also got the Golden Melly from Meili.

Now Luffy is depressed about one thing, whether he should invite Usopp to the ship! In the original book, it seems that because he defeated Locke, Usopp is happy to get on his pirate ship, but now that Locke has joined him, Usopp does not know if he will come.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter anyway, let’s invite it then! If it doesn’t come, forget it. Luffy secretly said in his heart, although Usopp’s sniping does have a lot of potential, but the potential needs to be honed in a good way, and in the original book, Usopp followed Luffy to highlight his sniping talent.

If he didn’t follow Luffy, I’m afraid that no pirate group would want him, and his talent would be buried if he was good.

I remember that it seems that in the original work, Nami’s strength seems to be thanks to Usopp, Usopp made a weather stick for Nami, so that Nami has the power of a battle in the later battle, although it is a pity for the weather stick, but that kind of gadget, Luffy is also very confident that he can buy it in a place like Rogue Town, in saying, didn’t he also prepare a slippery fruit for Nami? Nami’s strength can’t be dragged back!

At this time, Luffy and several people had already boarded the Meili, and Luffy said lightly: “Wait first!” Usopp didn’t seem to be coming, and I wanted to ask him if he would be interested in coming to me. ”

“Hey, hey, you’re not going to invite that guy on board, are you!” Solon said with some disdain, he is really not optimistic about Usopp, no strength, no perseverance, no guts, come up and drag his feet!

“Captain, why did you want to invite that guy! In the village, he can only brag and talk big, and he has no skills at all. “Locke is not very optimistic about this matter.

“Indeed! But that guy’s father is Jesus Bu, sniping ability can also be ranked in the world, as his son’s talent in sniping cannot be too bad, and you see, our ship is now the chief swordsman, staff officer, navigator, of course, sniper I also want one, no strength to train slowly! Luffy chuckled, but when he said this, Luffy didn’t have much confidence in his heart.

Locke was a little helpless about this, and his opinion of Luffy was slightly lower, in his opinion, Luffy’s actions were completely like pulling people, because Locke was not optimistic about Usopp at all.

At this time, Usopp ‘rolled’ down with a package larger than himself, and after watching the battle between Solon and Locke, Usopp had already made up his mind to go to sea.

Luffy looked at Usopp’s funny appearance, there was not much and there was no contempt in his heart, after all, the Straw Hat Pirates in the original book was able to get along so well with the three living treasures of him, Luffy, and Joba.

Asked directly: “Usopp, are you planning to go to sea?” ”

“That’s right, I have now decided that I want to go to sea and become a great sea warrior, Keya, next time I come back, I will definitely tell you the true story of what happened to me, not those deceitful words.” Usopp said confidently.

“Well, thank you, Mr. Usopp.”

“Okay, then get ready to go to sea.” Saying that, Usopp struggled to get the quilt bag and walk towards the boat.

“Are you interested in coming to my ship?” Usopp. ”

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