After learning the location of the Sea Restaurant from Johnny and Joseph, he went straight over.

Who knows that as soon as it passed, he ran into the navy, and even if he ran into it, the naval officer on the opposite side, at a glance, is still the kind of waste that has no strength and will only soak women, there is a beautiful woman next to him, and he has been pretending to be a gentleman I look, which is really disgusting enough.

As soon as they met, since they didn’t say a word, they fired a shot at Luffy, but they ran away.

After Luffy bounced the shell back, he said lightly: “Don’t take care of the navy, if they still dare to come, just destroy them.” ”

“Is it? Anyway, there is no reason why it has to be at war. Solon listened to Luffy’s words and withdrew the knife into its scabbard.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw the navy dressed as B just now being grabbed by the neck by a man with blond hair and a black suit and held it in his hand.

Luffy looked at the man and muttered, “Is this Shangis?” ”

In the original work, Luffy knows that in the Straw Hat Pirates, although Shangis is only a chef, his strength is only under Luffy and Solon, but the biggest weakness is too, if it were not for Shangis’s strength and great potential, Luffy really didn’t want to be a cook on his ship.

If you think about it, Nami can be regarded as half of her girlfriend! Although she didn’t agree at all, if she let Shangis come up, wouldn’t it mean that she had to earn it with a flower idiot cook? I’m afraid I don’t have the knightly path as firm as Shangis!

As soon as Luffy and the others made it, Shangis had just finished serving the dishes that were ordered, and he kept flattering Nami, Luffy looked at this scene, his hair was full of black lines, if it weren’t for the fact that you might be your own chef, Lao Tzu would have to kill you.

Nami has been stealing outside for many years, and this is the first time in this situation, looking at the roses sent by Shangis, she doesn’t know whether to pick it up or not, and looks at Luffy a little helplessly.

Luffy took a slight bite of food, and had to say that Shangis’s cooking skills were indeed good, but seeing Nami’s pleading eyes, he couldn’t be indifferent.

Reaching out and snatching the rose from Shangjis’s hand, he said, “Hey, Flower Idiot Cook, this set is outdated now, and Nami is my girlfriend, don’t be here to flatter.” ”

“Oh, it turns out that the beautiful young lady is called Nami! The name is so suitable for you, but why would you be with this group of barbarians, young lady? For Luffy’s words, Shangis did not pay attention and continued to flatter.

“This, Luffy, don’t talk nonsense, what is your girlfriend!” Nami was a little unhappy, although she and Luffy got along well, they haven’t reached the relationship of boyfriend and girlfriend yet!

“Did you hear it, boy, Miss Nami has already said it, less nonsense.” Shangis immediately took the opportunity to attack Luffy Road.

Luffy sounded a little uncomfortable, and sighed slightly: “Forget it, let’s not talk about this, let me ask you, did you make this dish?” ”

“yes! What’s wrong? Shangji listened to this, a little unhappy, because just solved a troublesome guy, if someone dares to say that the dishes he made are not delicious, then as long as the smelly old man has a qualification.

“It’s delicious.” Luffy praised.

“Yes?” Luffy’s answer was a little unexpected to Shangis, I thought Luffy was looking for fault? A little surprised: “Thank you for your appreciation.” ”

“It’s nothing, I’m just telling the truth, by the way, are you interested in coming to my ship to be a cook!” Luffy immediately invited.

“Your ship? Sorry, I’m not interested. Although he didn’t know what Luffy’s purpose was, Shangis immediately refused.

“Cut, it’s really direct! Can you tell us why? Luffy saw that Shangis refused, and it was really not so easy to invite him, and said, “By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet?” My name is Monchi D Luffy, I am a pirate and now gathering mates, I hope you can come to my ship and be my cook. ”

“I think you’d better go with him!” At this time, an older chef came over.

“Stinky old man.” Shangis looked at the person who came with some discomfort, yes, this person is Shangis’s mentor, whether it is Shangis’s kicking skills or cooking skills, it is derived from this person, the pirate who has been to the great passage and returned smoothly again, the captain of the chef pirate group, the red-footed Jeep.

“Hmph, anyway, cooking and cooking is so unpalatable, and the work is completely useless, I only know that I will pick up girls, and often fight in the store, and make my shop a black miasma, like you little eggplant quickly roll me!” Red-footed Jepp said disdainfully.

“Stinky old man, what do you mean by this, the food I cooked is a little bit unpalatable! Tell me about it! “Shangji was very upset and went up and directly grabbed the red-footed Zhepu, every time he thought he made a very successful meal, he had to be said to be unpalatable by this smelly old man, can it be cool? Unpleasantly said: “Stinky old man, tell you!” Don’t think that if you chase me, I will leave, and I will never leave this store until I am recognized by you. ”

The red-footed Jeep kicked Shangis away and said, “Hmph, if you want to get my acknowledgement, you little eggplant is 100 years early?” With that, Jepp left with disdain.

“It seems that it is really not so easy to get it!” Luffy was a little wrong.

“Captain, what are you going to do! But I didn’t expect to meet Redfoot Jepp here. “Locke has some funny taste.

“Don’t worry, just wait first! Anyway, there is not enough food on the ship now, there is no cook, and if in the end he really refuses to come up, then we have to go to someone else. “For Shangis, although Luffy really wants him on the ship, after all, a cook with strong strength and great potential, and delicious cooking, who doesn’t want it!” Of course, if you can change the idiot, maybe Nami would have been chased down in the original book.

(Ask for flowers, tips, collect).

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