“Straw Hat Brother, you said that you are also going to the pirates, and you are going to the Great Passage, right?” Akin asked suddenly.

“Of course, my goal is ONEPIECE.” Luffy said confidently.

Ah Jin advised: “Straw hat brother, I advise you to give up!” Our pirate group has been to the great voyage, but failed, where it is simply hell. As he said this, Akin’s voice trembled a little.

“Hell?” Solon wondered.

“That’s right, what happened that day, I don’t know if it’s real or a nightmare, it’s just terrible, our pirate ship, I saw that it was constantly sunk, if it weren’t for the storm, I’m afraid we would have died.” Akin said in a trembling voice.

“What’s going on!” Shangis wondered: “Constantly being sunk, is it being pirates?” ”

“I don’t know this, it’s a person, a man with eagle-like eyes.” Akin replied.

“What do you say? Hawk-eyed man? Solon said in shock.

“Isn’t that your goal? Solon, Hawkeye Man, Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in the world. Luffy smiled lightly.

Solon was already excited and shocked to the extreme, and beads of sweat continued to drop on his forehead: “Is it really in the Great Passage?” Hawkeye man? ”

Shangis was also a little shocked, but still asked: “But why did that guy have nothing to do to kill you!” Is there a feud between you? ”

“How is that possible! We have only been to the Great Passage for the first time, and we don’t know the people there, and we will have a vendetta with others! Akin immediately retorted.

“Did you disturb his sleep?” At this time, Red-footed Jepp walked through the aisle.

“Sleep? What a joke! Akin said unpleasantly.

“Stinky old man.”

At this time, Ah Jin reacted and looked at Shangjishi apologetically: “Sorry, Mr. Shangis, you invited me to eat white rice, so that you were scolded by your boss.” ”

“That’s okay.” Saying that, Shangjis directly threw all the tableware he had just taken out into the sea, and said with a smile: “In this way, he can’t find evidence to scold me!” ”

Ajin looked at Shangis’s actions and was very moved: “Thank you, Mr. Shangis, Mr. Solon, Mr. Luffy, thank you for inviting me to dinner, thank you really for it.” ”

After Akin left, Luffy said to Redfoot Zhepu: “Hey, Uncle Redfoot Zhepu, my name is Monchi D Luffy, I am a pirate, and I am now recruiting partners, I want Shangis to be my partner, is that okay?” ”

“Yes, you can take him away!” Redfoot Jepp said very casually, but he could also see that Luffy was a very dreaming person, and the strength of the people on the ship was not low, and it was not a good thing to let Shangis join him.

“What a joke! Stinky old man, I said, I will not leave this shop until I get your approval, and you, if you want to find a chef, you can find someone else, I will not join you. Shangis directly refused.

Looking at the departing Shangis, Solon asked very flatly: “What are you going to do now!” Captain, that guy doesn’t seem to be going to join! ”

“But if he doesn’t join, the chef on our ship will be in trouble, and only Locke among us can cook, but we still have to find a chef!” Nami also said that when sailing on the sea, transportation and maintenance are always necessary. Luffy said with some distress.

“Indeed! If it doesn’t work, you’ll have to find someone else’s. ”

“Also, there will always be a way.” Luffy is not in a hurry, if in the end Shangis really refuses to join him, then there is no way, he does not have the aura power of Luffy in the original work and the unique charm of the protagonist, if Shangis does not join, he has to find someone else.

After eating, Luffy has already taken care of the supplies on the ship, and now Luffy is waiting, remember that in the original book here in the sea restaurant, the Creek Pirates will come over in a while! In the original book, Luffy defeated Crick and helped the Sea Restaurant. After that, although I don’t know how, Shangis still joined.

Try to defeat Crick yourself, see if Shangis will join him?

Usopp complained a little, “Hey, Luffy, the supplies have been done, when do you have to wait!” Even if the chef doesn’t want to join, the sea chef is easy to find anyway. ”

“Alright!” Luffy also thought about it, or forget it, there is no need to wait forever, since he doesn’t want to join, then he has to forget it, and said, “Then let’s go to Coco Yasi Village at the next stop.” ”

“Coco Yasi Village, where is that!” Usopp wondered.

“Nami’s hometown.”

It has already been decided with Nami, and Nami also said, ready to go back, anyway, 100 million beri have already been put together, said: “Well, now 100 million beri have also been made, then I will go directly to buy the village!” Although she has seen Luffy’s strength, Nami has always insisted on using her own methods, because, having seen the terrible power of the fishman, the strength of the fishman is 10 times that of humans, and she does not believe that the human being who is Luffy should not be stronger than the fishman.

“Alright! Whatever you want, let’s go! Luffy chuckled, but he had already given Aaron a death sentence in his heart, no matter what the final result was, Aaron only had one way to die, if he bullied his own people, he could still live, then what kind of pirate he was!

“Hey, what the hell is going on! Luffy, tell me about it! Usopp didn’t understand.

“Oh, it’s Nami’s hometown, it’s…” At this time, just about to tell Usopp about Nami’s hometown, a large ship sailed over on the misty sea.

“Captain, that seems to be the Creek Pirates, you won’t just be waiting for them all the time!” Locke said with some doubt.

“Isn’t it! You can guess that. Luffy said with some surprise.

“So that’s the case, it seems that the Creek Pirates really got miserable on the Great Voyage! This pirate ship was really badly damaged. Locke held up his glasses and said.

“Brother Luffy, you don’t want to start a war with the pirate Governor Creek! He is the leader of the East China Sea with a fleet of fifty ships. Johnny and Joseph said nervously.

“I’ll go down and take a look.” Luffy completely ignored the words of the two, and for Luffy, Crick was nothing remarkable in his eyes.

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