“Obviously just a newcomer, since you are so arrogant, hum, but you can’t win me no matter what.” Crick slowly stood up and said coldly: “Although it has some strength, it is impossible to defeat me, my armor, your fist is absolutely unbreakable, this can be said to be my strongest defense, and.” Saying that, Crick took off the shield on his shoulder, merged it into a large gun, and said proudly: “I also use the most destructive big war gun.” ”

Facing Crick’s confidence, Luffy said lightly: “Is it? As I said just now, it’s just a small test, okay! Then I’ll be a little more serious and fight with you, don’t let me down! ”

“Stinky boy.” Saying that, a shot was fired, Luffy’s body easily dodged, who knew that falling to the ground suddenly exploded, which made Luffy a little surprised, “Since it can explode, it’s interesting, look at your gun and my fist that is a little more powerful!” ”

“Then I’ll smash your proud fist first!” Saying that, Crick stabbed it with a big war gun.

“Armed color, hardened, stretched freely…” Rubber bullets. ”

“Touching” the fist and the gun, Luffy retreated a little embarrassed, and some ridiculed: “Oh, what a powerful gun!” Since there is such destructive power, I want to ask for something. ”

“Hmph.” Crick smiled a little proudly: “Boy, there are quite two of them!” But my big war gun can weigh a ton, I just don’t know if you can pick it up! ”

“Even the weakest East China Sea can appear with this weapon, and there must be more in the Great Sea, so am I not rare?” And will that gun of yours still work? Luffy smiled with some disdain.

“Nani?” Crick wondered, and suddenly found that the head of the big war gun was cracked, and the touch was broken, and he was surprised: “What’s going on, since the big war gun?” ”

The minions on the side were surprised: “How is it possible!” “Since the big war gun lost to that kid’s fist.” “How strong is that guy!”

Luffy was able to fight these pirates three years ago, and now he feels a bit of a bully against them, and said lightly: “Forget it, I’m not interested in continuing to fight with you, and I will quickly solve you next.” ”

“What?” Crick was irritated by Luffy’s understatement, “What an arrogant fellow, do you know who you’re talking to?” I am a thief of the East Sea, Governor Creek. ”

“Although I have only been out to sea for a long time, I also know very well that on this sea, there are many guys like you who are strong in the outside, and I don’t even know how strong the opponent is, since you are so arrogant, let me teach you well!” Saying that, Luffy directly activated the second gear, his whole body exuded heat, and his body was a little red: “Hey, just now you said that that body is the strongest defense, right!” I don’t know if I can stop my attack! ”

“Don’t be too arrogant, boy.”

Seeing the unknown Crick rushing over, Luffy threw his hands back and roared, “Let me disappear!” Scum, stretch freely…”

“Siege guns.”

Both fists smashed on Crick’s chest, his proud armor, under Luffy’s blow, the whole shattered, the corner of Crick’s mouth was fishy, a mouthful of blood spray sprayed, the whole person flew out, fell into the sea and passed out.

After lifting the second gear, Luffy looked at Creek who fell into the sea, and said with disdain: “The guy who can talk big, but he can’t survive in this sea, don’t you know that you have been a pirate for so long?” ”

“Since I didn’t see how he punched at all just now, he was so strong!” Shangis was surprised.

Zep on the side said in surprise: “Just in an instant, he increased his strength and speed several times, concentrated his attack on one point, and the victory and defeat were divided in an instant, and the East China Sea is really a great little ghost!” ”

“Since the Creek leader has lost.” Akin was surprised, “Chief Creek.” ”

After Akin rescued Crick ashore, looking at the injuries on Crick’s body, his sternum was completely imprinted with two fist marks, although the injuries were severe, but he finally held his life. Akin begged, “Mr. Luffy, please spare Chief Creek!” ”

Luffy looked at Akin and said disdainfully: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, it doesn’t matter if this waste is dead or alive, it doesn’t affect me much, compared to this, how about it!” Akin, want to join me? Wouldn’t coming to my ship have more potential to develop than that Crick guy? ”

Akin pondered for a moment, then made a decision to leave, “I join your pirate group, but I hope that Mr. Luffy and Mr. Shangis will let everyone go and give them a small boat for them to leave, after all, they are also my former partners.” ”

Luffy chuckled, still appreciating Ajin’s loyalty, and said: “No problem, I promised, Shangjis, you have no problem!” ”

Shangis took a puff of smoke and said, “Yes, anyway, if these guys dare to come next time, we will kill them too.” ”

After watching Crick take away, Akin sighed slightly, and Solon, who had just stabilized his injuries, walked over and said, “What’s wrong?” Kim. ”

“It’s nothing, but Mr. Solon, your injuries are fine!” Akin looked at the wound on Solon’s body, which was slashed by the world’s number one swordsman.

Solon didn’t care in the slightest: “It’s nothing, although it still hurts, but it just takes some time.” ”

Akin continued to ask, “By the way, does Shangis want to come with us?” ”

“This one! Who knows! But I think he personally wants to come! But because of his feelings here, he can’t abandon it! Solon speculated.

Luffy listened and found a place to sit, and said with some relief: “Forget it, it doesn’t matter, if he really doesn’t want to join, we can’t forcibly pull him up!” ”

“Let’s go! After eating this meal, we will leave here to continue our voyage. Solon said lightly.

(Now start updating Pirates’ Straw Hat Luffy book, please support)

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