Solon saw that Luffy had said this, proving that Luffy still had high expectations for Usopp, and it had nothing to do with him anyway, Solon suddenly asked: “By the way, Luffy, didn’t you say before, domineering is generally only found in great passages?” Who did you learn from! ”

“Me! I was taught by my grandfather, who was a navyman. Luffy said lightly.

“Navy?” Solon said a little playfully: “Your grandfather is a navy, since you came to be a pirate, it’s really interesting!” ”

“Ah! When I was a child, my grandfather always told me to become a navy, but I used to just think that if I became a navy, I would lose my freedom, because the navy was too strict, so I had no interest. Luffy said flatly.

“It looks like today! It was the right choice that I didn’t go to the Navy, otherwise I would have been in league with that guy today, and I lost my appetite thinking about it. ”

At this time, Luffy thought a little, there are also many righteous people in the navy, and said: “Well, although there are many righteous people in the navy, I have no interest in that, if you have to enforce any justice at any time, then it is really nerve-wracking, and there is no freedom at all.” ”

“When I was a child, my brother and I made an agreement that we should both live more freely than anyone else, not be dominated by anyone, not be troubled by anything, do what we want, and not be able to leave the slightest regret in our lives, so I will choose to be pirates.”

“That’s how it is! I didn’t expect that since you still have a brother! Solon said lightly.

Luffy stood up and said, “Locke, Akin, let’s see if you need to replenish food and water later, let’s get ready to go tomorrow!” ”

“Yes, Captain.” Locke replied lightly.

On the other side, Nami stayed in front of her mother’s grave, and Luffy walked over and said lightly: “Nami, so you are here!” ”

“Luffy? Isn’t it a banquet now? How did it get here. Nami asked with some doubt.

Luffy said a little playfully, “Am I weird here? Aren’t you here too? ”

“You guy, the tone of speech is really unpleasant! Luffy. Nami said with a twitch in the corner of her eyes.

Luffy walked over and grabbed Nami’s smooth chin a little teasingly, “Nami, now I’m your man, and I’m your captain, what a strange thing it’s for me to come and see my crew!” ”

Nami slapped Luffy’s one away and shouted with a red face, “When did I become your woman again!” And didn’t you just say that I should think about it? I haven’t decided to get on your ship yet? ”

“Haven’t thought about it yet?” Luffy was a little dissatisfied, “This can’t work!” I’m going to leave tomorrow, and you’ll have to go then.” ”

“Why do I have to follow you!” Nami yelled at Luffy’s words.

“Is it? Don’t want to leave with me? That’s a shame! Luffy said with some disappointment.

Nami looked at Luffy’s expression, a little unbearable, just wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say, Luffy continued: “Nami, you have a very powerful sailing talent, and the chart is also good, you are born to be an excellent navigator.” ”

“Hmph, don’t think that if you say so, I will definitely leave with you.” Nami said a little arrogantly.

Luffy continued, “By the way, Nami, do you have any dreams you want to fulfill? ”

“Dreams?” Nami looked at Luffy with some doubt, and gradually fell into the memory: “When I was a child, I really wanted good food and beautiful clothes to wear, and later, only since I was caught by Aaron, I have been stealing continuously, I like money very much, but that is not my dream, my real dream is to be able to draw perfect charts.” ”

“Charts!” Luffy was a little surprised, and continued, “It turns out that Nami wants to draw a chart!” Then you should join my pirate group even more. ”

Nami pondered a little, and Luffy continued, “How is it! Nami, join me! Then to the Great Passage, after we travel around the world, you draw the world map in your mind, go with me, you can also see a lot of interesting things, but it is much more interesting than painting in this East Sea. ”

“Of course, Nami has no problem even if she wants to sail by herself, I also believe that Nami can definitely overcome the weather changes of the Great Passage, of course, it’s just the weather, if you encounter pirates, then it’s another matter.”

Nami was amused by Luffy, which was completely coercive and seductive, and said, ‘If you don’t join me, your dream won’t be fulfilled.’ ’

With some black lines on his forehead, he asked, “Listening to you, it seems that I have no choice but to join you!” ”

“That’s of course, if Nami is alone, even if you reach the great waterway, there is absolutely no possibility of getting a safety guarantee, if you join the navy, there is no shortage of navigators in the navy, even if you go, you can’t realize your true potential, if you don’t join the navy, and you can’t go alone, then you can only join my pirate group, of course, if you join other pirate groups, it will only bury you, because the East China Sea, except for my brother, There hasn’t been any sea thief for so many years, and you can only be a trick when you join. Luffy said confidently.

Nami listened to Luffy’s words, the corners of her eyes twitched, and asked, “Then, listening to your analysis, it seems that I really have no other way but to join you!” ”

“That’s right, have you ever seen someone more powerful than me?” Luffy said confidently.

This guy, why is he so narcissistic! I feel like I’m invincible! It’s really unpleasant. Nami shouted in dissatisfaction.

Luffy touched Nami’s head and said, “Okay, Nami, get ready!” Tomorrow I am ready to go to sea. ”

“You guy, it’s really unpleasant!” Nami brought her face closer and said, “Hey, forget it!” Originally, I didn’t plan to join you, but seeing that you are so pitiful, in order for me to join, since I still use this method, I will reluctantly join you, and the position of navigator on your ship will be filled by me! ”

“Oh yes? Welcome to join! Nami. ”

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