“Please wait a minute.” “Please take us with you!” Mr9 and Miss, who had just run away, ran over Wednesday and knelt and begged.

Luffy looked at the two and said with a slight surprise, “It’s you two!” Since you are still alive! Just now, Labu was obviously so active in the sea, since you are not dead, your life is really hard! ”

“Indeed!” The two remembered the way Luffy and Rab fought just now, and said with fear: “Please take us!” Take us back to Whiskey Peak, we’re definitely not bad guys, and I can tell you’re all good guys. ”

Locke stroked his glasses and asked calmly: “Good people and bad people don’t write on their faces, you guys had to run over because you lost the record pointer just now!” ”

“Then this pointer points to the whisky peak.” Luffy said and took out the record pointer he had just picked up and asked playfully, “But thank you for taking your record pointer, I’ll be a good person!” I’ll send you to the Whiskey Peak. ”

“Thank you so much.” “You’re such a good man!”

Solon on the side walked over and asked playfully, “By the way, I haven’t officially asked for your name?” Since you want to follow us, you should get to know each other! ”

The two looked at Solon’s somewhat evil smile and said with some shock: “My name is Mr9.” “My name is Miss Wednesday.”

“Oh, so it is! Then Mr0 should be your boss! Solon said playfully.

Mr9 was immediately surprised: “How do you know the boss!” “Who the hell are you!”

Usopp asked with some doubt, “Why, Solon, do you know them?” ”

“No, it’s just that a secret organization called Baroque Walker invited me a few years ago, and of course, I immediately refused.” Solon said lightly: “Do you still want to take them with you?” Captain. ”

“Of course, if you can’t comply with what you say, is it still a man?” Luffy assured with a pat on his chest.

This made Mr9 very moved, and said excitedly: “Ah! Thank you! “Thank you so much.”

But Luffy’s next words made them kneel.

“But my boat does not accommodate outsiders, there are swimming rings behind my boat, so you can follow behind yourself!”


“All right, brethren, set sail.”

On the Merry, Luffy came to Carmen’s room and asked, “How is it?” Carmen, the Devil Fruit’s ability is not bad! ”

“O captain! It’s a pity! Now I still haven’t figured out this devil fruit? On the contrary, it also caused me a lot of trouble! The skin has become too smooth, and now I feel a little unstable in holding things. Carmen complained slightly, but there was no expression of disappointment on his face when he looked at it.

Luffy went up and grabbed Carmen’s little hand and played, “It’s really smooth!” The power of the slippery fruit is really powerful! The skin of the whole body is like touching soap, and it is so comfortable to touch! ”

Carmen’s arm pulled hard, but since he found that his arm could not be retracted, Shangis grabbed him like this before, but because he ate the slippery fruit, his skin became very smooth, and Carmen slid Shangis’s hand away as soon as he stopped it.

Luffy put his arm around Carmen, feeling a sudden evil fire in his body, and teased, “Although your skin is smooth, but you can’t slip out of my hands, Carmen.” Saying that, Luffy’s right hand gently touched Carmen’s lower abdomen, Carmen, who was already in very good shape, after eating the slippery fruit, his lower abdomen became smoother and flatter, and he couldn’t touch a trace of fat at all.

Carmen was surprised, although it was right to join Luffy’s pirate group, but he and Luffy have only known each other for a few days, in the past few days, indeed he admires Luffy’s strength very much, but he has not reached the point of liking it at all, and wants to try to break free, but Carmen’s strength can be compared with Luffy! Blushing face, he said, “What are you doing!” Captain, hurry up and let me go, I’m going to make dinner?” ”

Luffy felt Carmen’s struggle, and the evil fire in his heart was even more victorious, and his right hand slowly slid up, lightly added to Carmen’s ear, and said a little frivolously: “Carmen, you are shy, dinner will be handed over to Shangis, how about you accompany me now!” Carmen. In an instant, Luffy found that Carmen in his arms trembled, but Carmen did not speak at all, blushing shyly and looking submissive.

“Hey, Carmen, did you see Luffy?” At this time, Nami suddenly opened the door, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw Luffy and Carmen looking very intimate, and Carmen immediately pushed Luffy away as soon as she was in a hurry, and some did not dare to look at Nami.

Nami looked at Luffy and Carmen in surprise, and suddenly had a feeling of wanting to cry, sad, tears swirled unintuitively in her eyes, lowered her head and said, “It’s okay, I’ll go first.” ”

“Hey, Nami?” Luffy shouted, but Nami ignored it and left straight.

Luffy looked at Carmen behind him a little, with some apologies in his eyes, Carmen blushed and said, “Aren’t you going to chase Miss Nami?” Captain. ”

“Sorry, Carmen.” After saying that, Luffy also ran out.

Carmen looked at Luffy’s departing back, and his heart was slightly sour, but sure enough, he still cared more about Nami.

“Miss Carmen, what would you like to eat tonight?” Is it seafood, or eat some meat! At this time, Shangis walked into the offering.

Carmen looked at Shangis in front of him, thinking that he also had some crushes on him when he was a child, and wanted to win over him for so many years, and wanted to surpass him in cooking, this man who envied himself every day, has always had a good impression of Shangis Carmen, although he doesn’t like his lecherous personality, and now Carmen has some small entanglements in his heart.

Nami ran out all the way, originally wanted to find a place to be alone and quiet, but now Nami tragically found that the ship is too small, her room is next to Carmen, Luffy and several of their big men are completely sleeping together, now if you go back, you will definitely run into Luffy, how embarrassing it should be!

Usopp looked at Nami, who had a gloomy face, and asked worriedly, “What’s wrong with you?” Nami, it doesn’t seem to look good at your face! ”

“Are you all right?” Solon on the side also asked.

Nami smiled and said, “It’s okay! I just want to see how sailing is now! After all, I am the navigator of this ship! ”

“Oh, so it is!” Usopp said lightly, but he didn’t pay attention at all, but Solon on the side saw some crystalline tears in the corners of Nami’s eyes, looked at Luffy who came out of the back, and immediately understood, chose to ignore it, and continued to lie there and sleep.

“Hey, Luffy.” Usopp greeted.

“Ah! Usopp, I have something to do with Nami, let’s talk about something later! Luffy looked at Nami and said with some seriousness.

Usopp was a little confused, he hadn’t said anything just now? Just beat yourself away!

Luffy grabbed Nami’s shoulder and said, “Are you okay?” Nami. ”

Nami Qiang smiled and said, “Of course it’s okay, if I have something to do, then what will happen to this ship’s voyage!” You’re right! Luffy. Nami said the more back, the voice felt more and more sobbing, Nami looked at Luffy’s face, remembered the previous voyage, and Luffy crossed the walk, encountered many things, invited his own persistence, defeated Aaron’s domineering, sometimes felt that he was very clumsy, but many times felt that he was very shrewd, for Luffy can be said that Nami has always maintained a very good impression, until he liked it, and later after defeating Aaron and joining Luffy’s pirate group, gradually since he found his dependence, Everything is tolerant of himself everywhere, obviously the strength is so strong, but there is no captain’s frame at all.

Encountering everything seems to be completely mastered, never flustered, and breaking through one difficulty after another with overwhelming force, Nami finds that since she really likes this man now.

Solon on the side originally wanted to take a nap, but as soon as his eyes opened, he saw Luffy’s eyes staring at him, feeling a creepy feeling on his back, and left very consciously.

Luffy pulled Nami into his arms, although he wanted to say something, but he felt unable to speak, so he had to hold Nami in his arms, Nami did not resist, fell into Luffy’s arms, the two did not know how long this stalemate lasted, Nami spoke: “Luffy, do you like Carmen her?” ”

Luffy listened to Nami’s words, knowing that this could finally be relieved, and said a little playfully: “How to say this!” Do you want to hear the truth or falsehood? ”

Nami said with a somewhat ugly face: “What do you say? Luffy. ”

Luffy grabbed Nami’s smooth chin, lifted it up, and smiled lightly, “Hahaha, this is too!” If you like it, then it must be fake, because the person I like is you, you are my woman, although I can’t guarantee that I will have another woman in the future, but it seems that it should not be Carmen at the moment. ”

Nami was immediately a little blushed when Luffy said this, and said, “Che, then what is the relationship between you and Carmen!” Obviously you two have been…”

Looking at Nami’s words, her face turned red after her neck, and she continued: “Is it true? If I had to say I liked it, but certainly not like you, most of my relationship with Carmen is still a partnership between the captain and the crew. ”

When Nami heard this, she looked at Luffy with suspicion in her eyes, and smiled a little slyly: “Is this really the case?” Luffy. This look has a look of meaning if you can’t say why you look good, but in the face of Luffy, a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, it is doomed to fail.

Luffy said helplessly: “The reason is actually very simple, that is, you think too much. “Women are sometimes so brain-open.

“You lie.” Nami said loudly.

“What I said is true, in fact, I went to find Carmen at the beginning just to see how his Devil Fruit ability was controlled, so I directly grabbed his hand, wanted to see the ability of the slippery fruit, did not expect that since she did not hang me at all, she wanted to withdraw her hand directly, this moment made me very unhappy, the more she didn’t want me to touch, the more I wanted to touch her, sure enough! After eating the slippery fruit, the skin is really super smooth, Nami, you really should eat that fruit. Luffy said to Nami with some regret.

Nami listened to Luffy’s reasoning, and the corners of her mouth twitched a little and asked, “Is it?” Then why are you holding her…”

“What a friendship between partners!” Luffy looked at the pair in shock, as if he really looked innocent, and said, “You may be too careful with your eyes!” Nami. ”

Nami was immediately furious when Luffy said this, and yelled, “This also tells me to be careful with my eyes!” It was as if I was the one who did the wrong thing. ”

Luffy chuckled, “Finally back to the usual Nami!” That’s great. ”

Nami looked at Luffy with some contempt and said, “I really didn’t expect it!” Luffy, since you are still a sister control! ”

“I’m the only one I’m with you now, Nami.” Luffy hugged Nami and said a little gently. Saying that, Luffy pulled Nami over and forcibly kissed Nami’s thin lips affectionately.

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