“Captain, there’s an island ahead.” Locke stood at the ship’s watchtower, looking at Luffy Road below.

“Is there finally an island? So what are you waiting for! Just dock and go. ”

As soon as the ship docked on the shore, a crowd appeared around him, holding shotguns and pointing at Luffy and his group: “Hurry up and leave the island, pirates.” “Pirates are not welcome here, get out.”

Solon on the side said lightly: “What’s going on!” It seems that the people here are not very welcome! ”

“Maybe you were violated by pirates! So I’m more afraid of pirates. Luffy shouted to the islanders, “Hey, we’re not here to make trouble, our companion on the ship is seriously ill now, we just want to take her to the doctor.” ”

“Less deception, pirates.” “We won’t be fooled, hurry up and leave the island.”

“This is a bit of trouble, what should I do! Captain. Akin on the side asked.

“Hurry up, pirates.” At this time, a person fired a shot at Luffy, Luffy grabbed his palm, and directly held the bullet in the air in his hand, and as soon as the bullet landed, the person who had just shot was suddenly frightened by Luffy’s action.

Luffy said coldly, “Are you looking for death?” Shooting at pirates, do you have the consciousness of mortality? ”

Solon Shangis on the side was also frightened at once, and immediately said: “Hey, captain, we are not here to fight.” ”

At this time, Vivi blocked in front of Luffy and said, “Mr. Luffy, please be calm.” ”

“Please, our companions are now suffering from illness, we just don’t go to the island, please bring the doctor to the ship, please.” Vivi knelt on the ground and begged.

“You’re kidding less, you pirates.” At this time, a big man stood in front of him and said lightly: “Bring your companions with you!” ”

“Mr. Dalton, they’re pirates!” One of the guards was surprised.

“It’s okay, I believe them, everyone go back!” Dalton turned to the humanity behind him.

After entering the island, Luffy carried Nami and Shangis, Akin, Usopp, and Vivi on his back, and also learned about the island, which turned out to be destroyed by a group of pirates a few months ago, and that pirate group was called the Blackbeard Pirates.

After Dalton brought Luffy and his group into the village, he said: “Magnetic Drum Kingdom, this country was a medical country in the past, but that is only before, now this country, the previous king Wapole expelled all the doctors because of tyranny, leaving only twenty meanings, also known as doctors 20. ”

“So that’s it! So wouldn’t it make no sense for us to go to this island? There are no doctors at all. Shangis shouted.

“No, there is another doctor’s words.” Dalton said lightly: “It’s just that she is called the witch doctor, did she see the highest mountain?” She lives on it. ”

“Is that the mountain? But why is it called a witch! Doesn’t medical skill suck! Shangis asked.

“No, her medical skills are amazing, but because of her personality, sometimes she will come down to find some patients and take away the things she likes in the family’s house.” Dalton said lightly.

“Is it? In short, her medical skills are very good, so I will go directly to her. Luffy said lightly.

Walking out the door and looking at the mountain, Dalton behind him introduced: “That mountain has a peak of about 5,000 meters, and it is completely vertical. ”

“Vertical, so how did that witch come down!” Luffy said a little surprised.

“This also sounds mysterious, the witch lives with a strange animal, and I heard that every night she will sit on a sleigh and be pulled down by an animal in the air.” Dalton said lightly: “If you want to go up, I personally recommend that you go to the back at that time, because there is this very fierce animal in the front, Laban.” ”

“What kind of thing is that!” Shangis asked lightly.

“It’s a carnivorous rabbit, very big and fast, and has always lived in the snow.” Dalton said lightly.

“There’s no time to take a long detour now, it’s just a rabbit anyway.” Luffy said lightly: “Shangjis, Akin, you two will follow me, if that kind of rabbit appears, just destroy it.” ”


Saying that, the three of them set off together, and after leaving the village, the ice and snow in the forest became even bigger, and Luffy said unpleasantly: “This wind and snow are really big!” I was completely impressed by my speed! ”

“Indeed! But Luffy, aren’t you cold at all wearing such difficulty? Look at me and be anxious for you! Shangis looked at Captain Luffy’s short sleeves, and the straw shoes on his feet, which were completely the same as usual, and did not wear extra clothes.

“Ah! Although the temperature is a little low, it is still within the range of adaptation, and this is also a kind of training! I had slept with Ace in a snowdrift before, and this bit of wind and snow still didn’t freeze me. Luffy said with some pride.

“What kind of monster physique are you!” Shangis said with some complaints.

“No way! When I was a child, I often faced various difficulties, so naturally I also had to learn to live in various environments, which is also an exercise for navigation. Luffy said lightly.

“This workout of yours is really…” Shangjis said with some complaints: “It’s not surprising that your strength is so strong. ”

“Pay attention to the surroundings, something is coming.” Luffy looked at the rapidly flashing white shadows around him, it should be the Laban that Dalton said before!

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