After taking Nami in, Luffy waited outside, and Luffy understood that the doctor really couldn’t disturb him when he saw the doctor sometimes, so he didn’t want to go in.

After a while, the old woman came out and said, “Okay, now you can go in and see her.” ”

After Luffy entered, he looked at Nami lying on the bed and said, “Thank you, old woman, by the way, old woman, what should I call you!” ”

“Come here, boy.” The old woman ticked her finger at Luffy.

Suddenly kicked Luffy and cursed, “Stinky boy, pay attention to your words, I’m just a 139-year-old girl.” ”

Luffy quickly put his arms in gear and said, “Aaaaa Sorry. At the same time, I was surprised at her speed, she was worthy of being an old monster who had lived for so many years!

“My name is Dr. Doryl, you can call me Dr. Doryl, got it? Brat. Doryl said lightly.

“Alright! I know, Dr. Doryl, but what the hell is Nami in? Is it caused by poisonous insects in the Primeval Island! Luffy asked a little anxiously.

Doryl took a sip of wine and said, “It seems that you kid still knows something!” Originally, that poisonous insect was extinct more than a hundred years ago, but fortunately, I still have some of its antidote here, otherwise, your girlfriend would be miserable. ”

“Is it? Thank you so much. Luffy thanked him.

“But what I didn’t expect is that since you pirates have nothing to do and run to the Primeval Island to play with your belly lit, you are idle and have a long life!” Poisonous insects in that place are almost always fatal. Doryl continued: “This disease is also called five-day disease, the virus will be latent in the human body for five days, fortunately she is only the third day, if it is later, then she will die.” ”

“Is it? Fortunately, after discovering the disease, she left to look for the island, otherwise Nami would have been really doomed this time! Luffy said with some gratitude.

“But are you really a pirate? Since there is not even a single ship doctor on board, really. Doryl said lightly.

“I originally wanted to find a ship doctor, but it has been less than two months since I went to sea, and the ship doctor has not come to find it urgently.” Luffy explained, “By the way, Doctor Doryl, that tanuki next to you seems to be your assistant!” And it seems to understand what you say, does it also understand medical skills? ”

“His name is Joba, and he’s a reindeer, not a tanuki.” Doryl said lightly: “Don’t underestimate Qioba, it is a reindeer that has eaten everyone’s fruit, and it has inherited all my medical skills.” ”

“What? So powerful. Luffy said excitedly, “Then it’s okay to let him be my partner!” What a thought! How about you please let him be my partner? ”

“It’s useless for you to tell me about this question, you have to go to Qioba himself, if he is willing to go to sea with you, then I have no opinion.” Doryl said lightly, and finally reminded: “But what? The reindeer’s heart was so traumatized that even me, a doctor, could not treat it well, and if you can treat him, then I have no problem. ”

“Trauma, inside the heart? Can you tell me about Choba? Dr. Doryl. Luffy asked lightly, looking at Qioba who was ‘hiding’ behind the door, the direction of this digging and hiding is the opposite! Luffy complained in his heart, but Luffy didn’t expose it, let him hide wherever he liked.

Doryl took a sip of wine and began to tell about Qioba, and after listening, Doryl asked lightly: “How is it!” Now do you think you have a way to take that reindeer? ”

“Naturally, I must have him be my partner.” Luffy said confidently, and as he spoke, he immediately shaved, and Choba, who was hiding in the doorway, suddenly watched Luffy disappear, and his head shook cutely left and right to find where Luffy was.

“Are you looking for me? Small reindeer. Luffy whispered as he half-crouched behind Choba.

Qioba turned his head a little mechanically, looking at Luffy since he was behind him, as if he had hit a ghost, stumbled back, looked at Luffy with a look of horror, Luffy said a little playfully: “Hi, Dr. Qioba, first of all, thank you for saving my partner, I am very grateful.” ”

“Bastard, human, even if you thank me and call me a doctor, I will never be happy? You bastard. Qioba said awkwardly with a happy hand.

I’m really not good at hiding my emotions! Luffy complained in his heart.

“How about being my partner! How about going out to sea with me! Choba. Luffy directly invited.

“Impossible, how could I possibly be a human partner!” Choiba retorted loudly.

Luffy said lightly, “What’s impossible!” I don’t have a ship doctor on board, and I want you to be my ship’s doctor. ”

“It’s absolutely impossible, you’re human, I’m obviously a reindeer, but I have a blue nose, and I can talk, I still walk on two feet, I’m a monster at all, aren’t you afraid when you see me?” Choiba said loudly.

“Why should I be afraid! Such a cute reindeer who can talk and know how to heal, how can I be afraid! Of course, I hope you can become my partner, how about it! Join me! Then how about we go out around the world for a week! The island you are staying on now is so small in this world, there is a wider world that you have not seen, and how many real monsters you have not seen, even if you are a monster, it has always been a very cute monster Oh, Dr. Choba. Luffy continued seductively.

Qioba listened to what Luffy said, and the more he listened, the more excited he became, and said with dancing hands: “Bastard, even if you say I’m cute, I won’t be happy, you bastard.” ”

“Is it? How is it! Choba, join me! Luffy continued seductively.

Qioba lowered his head, meditated for a while, and said: “No, I can’t join you, I’m just a reindeer, and I walk on two feet, I want to stay on this island all the time, I want to inherit the will of the doctor and redeem this country, so I can’t promise you to go to sea with you, although I also want to go to sea and see the outside world, but we can be friends, if next time you come here…” Qioba said with some excitement.

“That’s not okay, Joba! You have to join me now, and after I travel the world, it will take at least several years of the world, what if someone on my ship gets sick! So you have to join me, appear with us, have a good look at the world, the country you are in now, on the world map, is only the size of a finger, how, come with me as a pirate! Luffy continued.

“No, I still can’t promise you, I’m always just a monster, although I’m glad of your invitation, but I still want to redeem this country, so I can’t go to sea with you.” Choiba said apologetically.

Luffy was a little upset, and said, “No, you have to join, the crew I like must join me, otherwise, I’ll stew you and eat it, anyway, I haven’t eaten lunch yet?” ”

“Aaaaah! To eat me, aaaaaa Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me! Saying that, Joba ran out in fear.

“Hugh wants to escape.” Saying that, Luffy’s arm stretched out directly and tied Qioba back.

“Ah! Arms extended, monster! ”

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