“What was that just now?” Usopp was surprised.

“Isn’t Mr2 the one Vivi said?” Nami was surprised.

“Baroque Walker?” Qioba was surprised: “I didn’t expect that since he is our enemy.” ”

Wei Wei said apologetically: “I’m sorry, everyone, I just found out, when he performed the memory chapter, since there was the face of my father, King Alabastan.” ”

Locke said lightly: “So it is, if he pretends to be a king, then there is no way to stop this war.” ”

Luffy said lightly: “It seems that this is where his ability is really powerful!” Fortunately, I know his abilities now, otherwise I would be in trouble. ”

Solon came over and smiled lightly: “That’s right, now we can think about countermeasures and make a mark between partners!” ”

After making the mark, Luffy said lightly: “But just in case, it is best for us to act in groups of two and three, so that we will not be suspected.” ”

“Alright! Luffy, Uncle Ben is in a group with you. Usopp walked over and patted Luffy on the shoulder.

“I’m going to fight Klockdar, and if I fight him, I’m afraid that any move will affect you.” Luffy said lightly.

When Usopp heard this, he immediately said, “Is it? Then forget it! ”

“Don’t worry, didn’t that guy say that too? Although the appearance can be imitated, but the strength is not helped, that is to say, he can’t imitate my rubber fruit, and his arm can’t be extended. Luffy said lightly, “In short, these things are still talking about when there is a real decisive battle with them!” ”

“In short, the sign on the arm is the meaning of partner, and finally, let’s say a code word in everyone! If it is not a code, and it acts alone, then it must be the enemy. Luffy said lightly.

Finally arrived at the city of Alabastan, after docking the ship, Usopp looked at the city and said: “This is the city of Alabastan, Nahana?” ”

“Finally to the city? Then I will go to eat first, and the supply will be left to you. Luffy said lightly, just as he was about to jump, Nami behind grabbed Luffy and said, “Wait a minute, Luffy.” ”

“What’s wrong?” Luffy turned his head to look at Namido.

“Don’t forget you, we are all wanted, what if you run up like this, what if you meet the navy!” Let’s disguise ourselves first! Nami suggested.

Luffy refused, “Indeed, so let’s disguise!” I don’t have to. ”

“Why? Don’t forget that you’re a bounty doer! And also pirates with an amount of up to 100 million Baileys. Nami yelled in dissatisfaction.

“This is true! Although it is said that the navy can catch pirates, but it is only a weak pirate, and the powerful pirate navy cannot catch it. Luffy said confidently to Nami, “It’s like a cat can catch a mouse, because a cat is stronger than a mouse, but have you ever seen that cat dare to catch a tiger?” I haven’t seen it. ”

Nami was speechless by Luffy’s words, and Luffy waved his hand, “Then I’ll go first, and the supply will be left to you.” ”

Looking at Luffy, who had already run down, Nami sighed a little helplessly and said, “Really, it’s still such a trouble!” ”

“Luffy is right! Everyone shouts and beats when rats cross the street, everyone is afraid of tigers crossing the street, there is no need to disguise or anything. With that, Solon also jumped directly from the ship.

Locke said lightly: “If you encounter it, just kill it.” ”

“Let’s go! Mr. Shangis, Miss Carmen has a lot more to go and needs to prepare more food and water. Akin said lightly.

“That’s right! Nami we will go first, Miss Nami, little Vivi. Shangis said flatly.

Nami watched her leave one by one, and said a little devastated: “It’s true, how can they all be like this!” Don’t forget, you’re all bounty criminals! ”

At the same time, a shirtless man took Luffy’s bounty slip to the side of the road and asked, “By the way, may I ask, have you ever seen this pirate with a straw hat!” ”

“This pirate!” The uncle on the opposite side pondered a little.

The man said lightly: “Well, I’ve been looking for him for a while, and I guess he should also appear in this city now.” ”

The uncle suddenly realized: “Oh, I remembered, just now this guy seems to have appeared and went over there.” ”

“In that direction, I should have gone to find a restaurant!” Thank you. ”

Solon noticed the man at this time, “That guy, is there something to find Luffy?” ”

Qiao Ba on the side said with some solemnity: “He seems to be very strong, from his breath can be felt, I am afraid it is stronger than us, such a strong breath, I have never felt it.” ”

Locke said lightly: “Of course, have you seen the tattoo on his back?” ”

Nami asked suspiciously, “Does that tattoo mean something?” ”

“The strongest pirate group in the world, the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is that, that guy is the person of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.” Solon on the side said with some solemnity.

“What, you said the Whitebeard Pirates, that Whitebeard?” Everyone was surprised to hear it.

“Why did you come to this kind of place, Whitebeard Pirates, it seems that things are a little troublesome.” Locke said solemnly.

“Wait a minute, since Mr. Luffy once said that he has an older brother named Ace who is the captain of the second team in the Whitebeard Pirates.” At this time, Wei Wei suddenly said.

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