“Okay, let’s get started!” Klockdar said with some impatience.

Solon gritted his teeth a little and roared lowly, “Three Blades Ryu Toragari.” With a quick slash, Klockdar’s body gradually continued to reorganize with sand.

Solon looked at the complete ineffectiveness of the attack, remembering what Luffy had said, against the ability of the natural department, if he did not know how to be domineering, there was no chance of victory.

“Damn it! I didn’t expect that the ability of the natural department was so tricky. Solon gritted his teeth.

Shangjis also immediately rushed over, they have all learned domineering, but so far they don’t know how to use it, domineering has not been exerted at all, and roared: “Second-level belly meat.” ”

With the same effect, a wind and sand appeared on Klockdar’s body, gradually repairing his body.

The claw in Locke’s hand passed over, and Akin used the iron hammer in his hand at the same time, but unfortunately the difference in strength was too mysterious, and it was not a level at all.

Klockdar looked at several people with some playfulness: “What’s wrong?” Is that the only strength? Forget it, then change me to attack. Saying that, Klockdar’s right hand became a knife, and he roared lowly: “Desert sword.” ”

Several people were shocked, they dodged one after another, Klockdar smiled disdainfully, his body immediately sandified, the golden hook of his left hand hooked down against Solon, Solon struggled to block Klockdar’s attack, Klockdar’s injured golden hook suddenly forced, directly pulled a wound on Solon’s chest to treat, blood could not stop the downflow.

Shangis exclaimed: “Green algae head, abominable smelly crocodile.” Said and kicked at Klockdar.

Klockdar sneered, his right hand directly grabbed Shangis’s foot, and the next one, Shangis’s foot left to look shrink and turned into a mummy.

“Aaaaah!” Solon and Shangis both took a step back, and Shangis looked at his right foot in surprise, since it had become only slightly larger than his thumb.

“Shangis?” Usopp yelled.

“What’s going on! How could Shangis’s feet become like that. Vivi was surprised.

Klockdar said lightly: “It’s weathered, it’s just sucking up the moisture on his feet, like a mummy.” ”

Locke and Akin, who originally wanted to attack, were suddenly shocked when they saw this scene, and Locke said solemnly: “Weathering, is it a dry corpse?” If the water on the body is sucked away, then it is impossible to survive at all, but this is the fruit ability, Shangis’s leg should still be saved, I am afraid that there is no way to do it for a long time. ”

Klockdar said lightly: “Hmph, no matter what, you can’t get to Albana alive, because all of you are going to die here, whether you want to be a mummy, or want to sink into the desert forever, choose one!” ”

“Damn it!” Solon touched a wound on his chest that had been cut horizontally, and said to Shangis on the side: “Hey, Shangis, you hurry up to where Choiba is, maybe Joba will have a way to help you get it.” ”

“Well, I see, you guys have to be careful yourself.” Saying that, Shangis limped over to Choba.

Klockdar said disdainfully: “It’s really boring, no matter how you struggle, the result is the same, but the order of death is different.” ”

Solon Lockakin three looked at Klockdar coldly, did not say much, the three seemed to have a tacit understanding, directly carried weapons against Klockdar and began to attack, but their attacks were all ineffective, just splashed some dust, Klockdar was destroyed immediately by sand.

“What a powerless struggle, feel the enlightenment! Desert sunflower. Saying that, Klockdar slammed his arm on the ground, and a large hole immediately appeared in the ground, turning into quicksand, and the sand quickly slid down.

Solon exclaimed, “Damn it! What is this! ”

“It’s quicksand, be careful, don’t fall into it, otherwise you will only be buried alive.” Locke roared loudly.

Klockdar ignored the Solon three who tried to rush out in the quicksand, and said disdainfully: “What a dying struggle, you guys are dying in despair after exhaustion inside!” ”

“Who wants to die in such a place!” Saying that, the three of Solon seemed to be tight, climbing up hard, since they really got a little better.

“Come on! Solon, Locke, Akin, hurry up! Usopp yelled.

“Don’t throw in the towel! Solon, come on. Nami yelled.

“Hmph, it’s useless.” As soon as Klockdar’s words were finished, the range of quicksand became larger, and the flow rate also became faster, “All said, this is just a dying struggle, and this will be your burial place, a pure natural tombstone.” ”

After speaking, Klockdar ran to Nami and the others with a sand, saying, “Now it’s up to you, do you want to be buried alive or turned into a dry corpse!” ”

“Aaaaah! Neither is wanted. Nami Joba Usoppe shouted.

“You wait for me.” On Shangis’s right foot, after a simple treatment by Qioba, it was moistened with water, and quickly recovered, saying, “Don’t try to do anything to the lady, you smelly crocodile.” ”

“Is it? Your chivalry is really good! But alas! If you don’t have the strength, don’t give me empty talk about these useless things. Saying that, a sand blade slashed through Klockdar’s hand, and Shangis’s body was directly slashed by the sand blade, and blood spurted out.

“Shangis, are you all right! Shangis. Choiba immediately ran over and said.

“Let me see it next! If these lovely ladies turned into mummies, would you continue to stick to your boring knightly path? Klockdar said playfully.

Saying that, Shangis immediately aimed at Carmen Vivi and Nami, and Shangis yelled: “Damn, hurry up and stop me!” ”

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