“Ace.” Luffy suddenly woke up in his sleep.

“Already awake? Luffy, is it better now? Da Dan looked at Luffy who woke up.

“Ugh!” Listening to Dadan’s words, Luffy touched his abdomen with some pain, and now he was wrapped in a thick bandage.

“Dadan, where’s Ace?” Luffy asked.

“Luffy, you’re awake!” At this time, Ace came over and said, “You kid can really sleep!” You have been in a coma for 3 days, but you are still a kid who has a big life and has recovered a life. ”

“Hehe, that is, before becoming One Piece, Cheng can’t be killed so simply!” Luffy listened to Ace’s joke and laughed.

“Although I don’t know what’s going on, it seems that Ace, you two should be fine, at least everyone is still alive.” Luffy looked at everyone and smiled.

As soon as Ace heard this, his face immediately changed drastically.

Luffy looked at Ace’s face and asked, “What’s wrong?” Ace, did something happen? ”

Ace said with solemn eyes: “Luffy, I have something to tell you.” ”

Luffy looked at Ace’s face, and said a little uncomfortable in his heart: “What a thing!” Ace, let’s be blunt! ”

“Saab, he’s dead.”

“Saab, dead.” Luffy muttered, “Hey, Ace, you’re kidding! Saab others can be in the city, how is it possible! ”

“No, Saab, what he wanted was freedom, escaped from the city and went to sea alone.”

“Going to sea?”

“That’s right.” Ace said calmly: “But on the day he went to sea, he was just a world nobleman, and when the Draco came to the kingdom, Saab was killed by the Draco. ”

“Draco.” Luffy muttered, “Bastard, I’m going to kill him.” With that, Luffy immediately bounced off the bed.

Ace immediately rushed forward, suppressed Luffy, and said angrily, “Calm me down, Luffy, what can you do now?” ”

“Do you want Saab to die like this? Let me go. Luffy struggled hard, but was suppressed by Ace.

“You make it clear for me, just by the current you, do you think you won them?” It was the nobles, royals, and the world who killed Saab, do you know what Draco represents? That’s the world government, with the current us, we are not their opponents at all, you go out like this is just sending to death, you give me a little calmer. After shouting all the words in one breath, Ace looked at Luffy and did not struggle anymore, and gradually let go of Luffy.

“Damn, is it Draco? Damn it! After Luffy listened, his already weak body suddenly seemed to lose his strength, and he forced himself to cry: “I obviously know who the person who killed Saab is, obviously the murderer who killed Saab is in front of him, but he can’t do anything, it’s hateful!” ”

“Luffy, in fact, everyone’s mood is the same as yours.” Da Dan exhorted.

“Abominable, Draco, nobles, royals, abominable! I will never let you go, those self-righteous nobles of the world. Luffy lowered his head and sobbed, all this time, only from Luffy, no matter how he was beaten by Karp, he never shed a single tear, but now Luffy really didn’t want Ace to see his weak side.

Ace looked at the crying Luffy, also a little sad, and said indifferently: “Luffy, come with me!” I have something to tell you. Saying that, he left first.

Luffy looked up at Ace, wiped his tears, and immediately followed.

Came to the edge of the cliff, looking at the sea, Ace looked at the sea in front of him, and said lightly: “Luffy, all the treasures we hid in the forest have all disappeared, but it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if the money was originally intended for the three of us to go to sea, but it doesn’t matter now, if there is no way to protect it, it is useless to have more.” ”

“Protect? Sure enough, I was still too weak. Luffy muttered, since he felt powerless for the first time, he thought that he was a crosser, and everything in this world should revolve around him, but it seems that he is not at all, but now he has crossed over, although he has not seen Saab in the anime before, but now Saab is indeed his brother, and he can’t protect him.

“Ace, I will definitely become stronger, stronger, stronger than anyone else, so that I can protect the people I want to protect.” Luffy said firmly.

Hearing this, Ace also said with some seriousness: “Ah! Indeed! Saab died, and he still died with regrets, so, listen to Luffy, we must live well, and live without regrets, living more freely than anyone else. ”

Turning his head to look at Luffy, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said: “Moreover, I still have a younger brother like you, and with someone like you to protect, even if the whole world wants me to die, I must live, although Luffy you guy always feels more old when he does things and talks, but how to say it is also my younger brother, and I have to live even more as an older brother.” ”

“Ace, that’s right, we both have to live well, Saab is our brother, and we should work hard to live together with Saab’s share.”

“That’s right, Luffy.” Ace said firmly: “We must live well, witness the world together, and live freely.” ”

7 years later, now Luffy is 14 years old, Ace is also 17 years old, and now it is also agreed that today, Ace is going to sea.

“Luffy, it looks like I’m going to go to sea first, you have to cheer up.” Ace Dao.

“Is it? Going to sea? Ace, I have something I want to ask you. Luffy pondered for a moment and said.

“What a thing! Luffy. ”

Luffy hesitated a little and said, “I want to go to Rogue Town to take a look, please take me there.” ”

“Roguetown?” Ace was puzzled for a moment, “Where not?” ”

“Ah! One Piece, the town where Gorro was born, and the town where he died, is known as the place of ‘beginning and end’, and I want to see it. Luffy said excitedly: “Although, in 3 years, I can also go to the sea to see it by myself, but now Ace you want to go to sea, take me first!” Let me also see what the world of pirates is like. ”

“Was that man born in the town where it ended, Rogue Town?” Ace muttered.

“By the way, Luffy, you suddenly want to go with me, why, Luffy, are you interested in coming to my ship! I can make you the first officer. Ace said slightly.

“How is that possible! I just wanted to see the town where One Piece was born. ”

“Is it? But this will be very troublesome, according to your words, you decided to go to sea at the age of 17, but if you stay with me, you will be wanted, then you will not be able to come back! Ace questioned himself.

Luffy immediately took out a white mask from his body and said, “You don’t have to worry about this, you see, I have long asked Sister Marcino to help me prepare, as long as I wear this mask, then the navy will not know even if it is wanted, and only Sister Marcino knows about this, you can drive the ship over tomorrow, and then my clothes will all be changed, don’t worry.” ”

“Hahaha, is it? I didn’t expect you kid to be quite clever! All right! I’ll take you there! But first of all, I’ll only take you to Rogue Town, and when the time comes, you will find a way to come back by yourself, and I won’t accompany you back.” Ace reminded.

“Well, I don’t need you to say this.”

The next day, after Luffy and the villagers sent Ace away, Luffy immediately ran to the edge of the cliff in the forest, only to see that Ace was already waiting there, “You’re really slow!” Luffy. ”

Luffy jumped straight off the cliff and just landed “Sorry, Ace, let’s go!” ”

“Alright! Then let’s go directly to Rogue Town, hurry up and meet your requirements, otherwise it will be a little troublesome to be discovered by the navy, and you should hurry up and put on the mask! Now on, you’re a pirate. Ace reminded.

Luffy put the mask on and said, “By the way, Ace, although the time is relatively short, but during this time, you better not call me Luffy, although I want to be famous, but it’s still a little too early.” ”

“Oh, yes, too! So what do you call good! ”

“Just call Luci!”

“Alright! Lucy is Luci! But is your straw hat wearing like this? What if it is discovered by the Navy! ”

“It’s okay? After I go to Rogue Town, I will honestly go back, the East China Sea is originally the weakest sea, will they still run to the windmill village to find me! “Luffy deflated, there are so many pirates in the East China Sea, to the clown Bucky, the evil dragon or something, isn’t it the same okay?

“Alright! Then whatever, I hope nothing big happens during this time with me, otherwise if you become famous, it will be troublesome to return to the windmill village. ”

Although it is said that they are going to Rogue Town, but neither of them is a navigator, although they know a little about the sea line, but they are not professional, if they are only in the East China Sea, they will not be disoriented, but the two have also walked several islands for more than ten days.

Although the time is only a dozen days, but Ace also encountered a few small pirate groups before, was cleaned up by Ace alone, compared to if Luffy wants to hide his identity now, so the general situation is better not to shoot, and for some small pirates, the strength is not strong, it is completely killed by one move, what is the meaning of shooting!

After these ten days of sailing, Ace is still anxious to get a navigator, a cook and a sniper, of course, Ace has already bought a pirate ship when he was on the first island, compared to the past 7 years, although Ace and Luffy are cultivating, but in order to go to sea, or go to the garbage mountain from time to time to rob some money, it is completely enough to buy a small pirate ship.

At this time, Ace looked at the pirate ship in front of him and said a little helplessly: “Sorry, Luci, it seems that we have to be famous!” ”

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