As soon as Usopp finished speaking, there was a slight silence for two seconds, and Mr3 and Miss covered their stomachs and laughed on Valentine’s Day: “Hahaha, One Piece, what age is this, since you are still daydreaming like this!” Hahahaha, no, laugh me to death. ”

“Although I admit that the Straw Hat Kid has some ability, just because he wants to be One Piece, this is simply delusional!” Mr3 said disdainfully.

Usopp didn’t want to continue arguing, because he also understood what he was going to do now, and yelled: “Luffy will definitely become One Piece, Uncle Ben has always believed in this, as Luffy’s partners, we must not lose face, Carmen, Joba, these two guys will be handed over to you, I will chase the booger man, I will never let them hurt Vivi, didn’t Luffy also say that?” You have to protect Vivi well. ”

“Too manly, Usopp.” Choiba said with Venus in his eyes.

Carmen listened to a little twitch in the corner of his eyes: “Okay, okay, everyone knows, then you hurry up and chase!” If you don’t hurry, Nami and they will be in danger then. ”

“Okay, leave it to me!” Saying that, Usopp immediately turned around and ran, although what he said just now was so handsome, but he also saw the power of the booger man just now, just a booger has such a strong power, it is simply a monster! Although it is said that he was killed by Luffy in a second, Luffy’s strength is at the level of a super monster, and the level is different.

For Usopp’s pursuit, Mr3 and Miss Valentine’s Day did not pay attention to it at all, because they had just seen Usopp’s strength, which was completely vulnerable, even if he was let go of it, it was no big deal, anyway, it was absolutely impossible to win Mr5.

Mr3 looked at Qioba in front of him and said: “Okay, I also have to clean you up quickly, last time Don’t Straw Hat Kid’s guy knocked down but provoked a lot of anger from the boss, this time I won’t lose in the fight.” ”

Qioba looked at Mr3 on the opposite side a little nervously, comparing the other party and himself exactly the same ability, on the other side, Carmen looked at Miss Valentine floating in the air and said: “What a troublesome ability!” ”

“Ahahaha, it seems that the four of us left here are all Devil Fruit powers! But we’re high-level spies! Girl. Miss said a little defiantly after Valentine’s Day landed.

Carmen listened to this, his forehead frowned a little: “Bastard, who are you calling a little girl!” Said kicking Miss Valentine’s Day.

Miss Valentine’s Day laughed: “I am the ability to eat kilograms of fruit, now my body only has one kilogram, all can float in the sky, now I want to weigh, 10 kilograms, 100 kilograms, 1000 kilograms, 10,000 kilograms, guillotine.” ”

With a ‘touch’, a big hole was smashed out of the place where Carmen was, and Carmen kicked Miss Valentine’s Day out and said: “Don’t underestimate me, I have the ability to eat the slippery fruit, the whole body is very smooth, of course, that kind of attack can be easily slipped away by me.” ”

“O abominable woman!” Miss Valentine’s Day gritted his teeth.

At the same time, Mr5 was about to go after Nami and Weiwei, when suddenly a voice came from behind and said, “Kill, flying hammer.” ”

Usopp’s sniper hit the back of Mr5’s head at once, knocked Mr5 out of a big bag, covered his head and looked at Usopp behind him: “Bastard guy, shouldn’t you be killed?” ”

“Do you think that attack can bring me down? Booger man, if you have the ability, come after me! I have eight thousand men, Captain Usopp. Usopp yelled.

“Damn it!” Looking at Usopp, who had been provoking himself, he originally wanted to chase Nami and Weiwei, but suddenly changed his attention and ran directly to chase Usopp.

Usopp watched them chase after them, and also understood that his task was completed, as long as he didn’t let him continue to chase Nami and Weiwei, everything was OK, and turned around in fear and ran immediately.

“Damn it, stinky boy, stop me.” Mr5 yelled.

In addition, riding in Nicole Robin’s hitchhiker to Albana, Luffy asked directly, “Where is that Klockdar now?” ”

Nicole Robin said lightly: “I don’t know about this, but I think he will definitely go to the palace at that time, because there is something that Klockdar wants.” ”

“Is it? And what about you! Going to the palace too? Luffy asked with some doubt, as long as he followed Nicole Robin, he would definitely find Klockdar.

“That’s right, because of something in the palace, Klockdar has to ask my help to get it, so it’s a must, but compared to this, don’t you worry about your partners at all?” They are now facing this high-level spy! Nicole Robin said lightly.

Luffy chuckled, “You don’t have to worry about this, I’m very relieved about them, after all, they are very strong!” I don’t think they’re going to lose, so how about you take me to Klockdar!” If you kill Klockdar, then the country can be saved. ”

“I’m afraid things aren’t that easy!” Nicole Robin said a little playfully: “If Klockdar’s strength wants to destroy Albana, it is not too difficult, this is a desert country, how can it be regarded as his domain.” ”

“Of course I know this, so I won’t give him a chance this time, I will quickly divide the winner and loser.” Luffy said very confidently, but I don’t know if it was because too much time had passed, and when Luffy said such domineering words, his stomach was very uncontested.

Luffy blushed for a while, Nicole Robin on the side laughed, Luffy said a little embarrassed: “Damn it! It’s a shame! Forget it, take me! Go to Klockdar. ”

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