A sword that can become a man! !

Sabo stretched out his hand and grabbed the stunned Ace, who was a little confused. At this moment, Ace didn't know the "Sakura Sakura" in front of him.

He didn't understand at all.

After the body subconsciously resisted, Qianben Sakura moved.


The sharp long sword instantly passed through Ace's chest, passing through his body, with a splash of blood like a burst water pipe.

Senbon Sakura just hovered behind Ace.

Drops of blood on the sharp knife body converged on the tip of the sword along the sharp edge, dripping onto the ground.

Sabo felt that Ace's arm in his hand lost its strength and support, and fell to the ground. He looked back.


His eyes widened, his eyes turned red, and he shouted in grief: "Ace!!!!"

Ace's entire body leaned forward weakly, and his arm was pulled by Sabo, causing him to land on one side of the body first, showing a leaning posture.

With his heart shattered, blood could not stop flowing out, but a large pool of scarlet blood flowed out in just a moment.

A sword by Qianben Sakura.

Through the whole heart!

Sabo's eyes were hot, his eyes were red, and the tears could not stop gushing frantically, and he cried out with a wow: "Ace!!"

He reached out and slapped Ace's pale face, and kept saying, "Ace, you can't die!!"

"You said...you clearly said you wouldn't die!!"

"Don't sleep, don't fall asleep!!"

"I know you're tired, but...but you must promise me that you must not close your eyes!!"

His heart seemed to be torn apart, and the grief that surged into his heart even made it hard for him to breathe.


Tears were like a flood that burst a dyke.

Ace whimpered and made a sound. At this moment, he seemed to have a thousand words in his heart and wanted to tell his brother Sabo all at once.

There are also thousands of words that I want to tell Dad Whitebeard, and tell everyone on Whitebeard's boat.

But all the words came to his mouth.

There was a whimpering sound, and bright red blood poured out.

He felt that his brain thought was becoming more and more sluggish, and the scenes in his mind responded, like a slideshow passing through his mind.

The eyelids also felt heavier and heavier, causing blurred vision.

It was like... a breath of hot air hit the cold car window.


"next life..."

We must live freely.

The words above are words that Ace has not yet said, and are also words that can no longer be said.

Eyes closed.

The hand holding Sabo fell weakly.

"Ah!!! Ahhh!!! No!!"


Sabo held Ace tightly in his arms, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Tears flowed down Ace's shoulders on Ace's logo with the Whitebeard Pirates tattooed, and slid down with the blood on his back.

Tears on his face even flowed down his cheeks into his mouth.

Tears are salty.

Sabo's heart has been overwhelmed with grief!

Chapter 174 War on the Top Version 3.0


In the Crescent Moon Bay, crystal tears appeared in the eyes of Whitebeard, gathering in the corners of his eyes.

Filled with endless regrets.

Regret for not guarding against Titch...

Regret didn't stop Ace...

I regret not protecting my son...

He blamed himself: "I... my white beard is not... a qualified father."

In the moment when Whitebeard lost his mind.

Admiral Akainu seized this perfect moment, and a fiery magma punch slammed into Whitebeard Newgate's chest.

Bang! !

Akainu's icy voice with strong killing intent rang in Whitebeard's ears: "Go to **** with your sons to repent!!"


It was the sound of hot lava constantly surging out of Akainu's arm, like boiling boiling water.

Whitebeard's entire chest was punched through by the magma.


There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he ignored the wound on his chest.

In Akainu's stunned expression.

Whitebeard's punch with the power of shaking the fruit slammed into Akainu's body, and the sound of clicking sounded.

Not just the sound of air breaking.

There was also the sound of Akainu's bones shattering.

With one punch, Akainu vomited blood and shot out.

Bang Bang Bang tumbled constantly on the ground and flew out a distance of dozens of meters.

Whitebeard grabbed Cong Yunqie in his hand and stood on the ground, standing straight on the ground like a javelin.

"Cough cough..."

"Dad I..."

"I can do it for you..."

He knew that he was exhausted, and that there were very few members of the Whitebeard Pirates around.

Ace is dead.

Even his other sons died quite a bit.

The war is lost...

Completely lost.

Now his only thought is to get the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates out of here.

Just when he was about to contribute his last strength.

There was a howling wind in the sky.

It was as if a meteorite fell from the sky.

Whitebeard couldn't help but look up, and suddenly the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, and there was a strong shock in his expression.

"It's him?!"

"Is that kid Kaido here too?!"

In the line of sight, a black figure quickly fell from the sky like a meteor.

The speed of the fall continued to accelerate.

Not only Whitebeard, but many people in the entire battlefield noticed the vision in the sky.

But it's too fast.

Haven't had time to react yet.

Boom! ! !

A violent crash like a deafening thunder resounded across the entire battlefield.

In an instant, the entire Marin Fando trembled violently.

A large amount of smoke and dust spread rapidly towards the vicinity of the fall center, obscuring the sight of countless people.

Thousands of navies in the coastal plaza were blown away by the shock wave generated by the impact, and many unlucky navy elites were directly crushed into powder by the landing Kaiduo.

No bones left!

It was even squeezed deeply into the soil under the earth and permanently became a part of Marin Vando.

The huge movement caught everyone's attention.

"What is that?!! What is it that fell from the sky?!!"

"It was a mirror before, what is it now?!!"

"Why does something keep falling from the sky?!"

"Could it be... Is there really someone in the sky who is here to save criminals?!"


Countless navies looked at the center of the smoke in disbelief, and many even looked up at the sky.

It's just that black gunpowder smoke fills the entire sky, and you can't see the scene above the sky at all.

There was only a piece of black smoke in everyone's sight.

Rina (Tina) couldn't help but took a deep breath of the white cigarette on her mouth, and when she raised her spirits, she always felt that something was wrong.

With a nervous expression, he said, "Hina feels something is wrong!"

Then he shouted to the surrounding navy: "Hey, everyone pay attention, don't let your guard down!!!"

"Ready to fight anytime!!"

"The Poké Ball is ready to be released!"

The intuition in her heart made her feel a strong danger.

next second.

Hina couldn't help dilating the pupils in her eyes, and her voice trembled: "That's... what kind of monster is that?!!"

A huge monster-like palm stretched out from the smoke and dust in the sky.

Bang! ! !

He pressed his hand heavily on the hard slate floor and made a loud noise.

It was a palm the size of a giant, and the tendons on the dark skin were shiny, as smooth as wax.

Immediately afterwards, the head with a pair of huge sharp horns protruded from the smoke.

When I saw this face, the entire Coast Plaza was instantly in an uproar!

"This is...this is Kaido the Beast!!!"

"Four Emperors... Captain of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirates - the strongest creature: Kaido!!!"

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