She asked herself curiously, "Is this really a cloud? Except for the similar appearance, it doesn't look like an ordinary cloud at all."

"Of course it's not an ordinary cloud. If you can build ships on it, this thing will be of great significance!" Vega Punk said.

And Hill also began to give orders to Somersault Cloud: "Float up one meter!"

Under his command, the somersault cloud raised a distance of one meter upwards.

"It's really risen!!!" Ain exclaimed in surprise, "And it's so stable!"

This time, she was really surprised. She didn't expect that the cloud really flew up under Dr. Hill's order.

Vega Punk was also surprised: "This kind of cloud can also be controlled by passwords. Is there a receiver for human voice commands?!!"

He squatted down immediately, the thickness of this huge somersault cloud was also very impressive, and his hand couldn't reach it at all.

I don't even know what's in the cloud.

However, what made him even more puzzled and puzzled was, "How did this thing fly?!"

"Where is its power?!"

Such a way of flying is completely incomprehensible to the scientific knowledge that Double Punk understands.

He also immediately asked Hill: "Dr. Hill, can you tell me the flight principle of this thing?!"

Chapter 209 Fighter: Cloud Ship

Vegapunk's problem, Hill can naturally use the scientific knowledge transmitted to him by the system to explain.

But this is somersault cloud's secret technology.

Hill still thought about it for a while, and then said: "This somersault cloud uses anti-gravity technology. This thing can't be explained clearly for a while, and I will tell you later during the experimental production process."

After thinking about it, he decided to take out the technology of Somersault Cloud. After all, this thing even fell into the hands of others.

It's not a big problem, on the contrary, the more this thing is made.

The exchanges between the various islands of this world will become more frequent, and it can also promote the development of society.

When there are too many things, the price is naturally worthless.

Maybe in the future, just like taking a car or a high-speed rail, everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by technology.

Hill also had an idea in his mind that the technology of "Somersault Cloud" was for Ain, Vega Punk, and other outstanding scientists in the Navy to study.

It is not certain that other useful things can be invented.

One is short-sighted.

As the number of people increases, there may be some surprises.

The collision of different technological cultures and the sparks generated, Hill himself can't be sure.

"That's great!!" Ain's eyes were shining, and he couldn't help cheering excitedly: "I must study it seriously and thoroughly understand all these technologies!"

"Re-invent my own invention!!"

A scientist must make achievements and contributions in his field in order to be recognized by the world.

To be recognized and admired by other scientists.

Vegapunk is such a person, and so is Dr. Hill.

Only they can be called outstanding scientists, even leading the times.

"Anti-gravity technology?!"

Vegapunk couldn't help shouting excitedly: "It can make the cloud have another force against gravity, and it can also make people fly."

"It's just amazing!!!"

"Dr. Hill can develop such a technology, he is indeed a genius scientist!"

Hearing Vega Punk's admiration, Hill's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat because he was used to it.

He said: "Now let's get this thing on the ship and try it!"

Hill turned his head to look at Ain and said, "Ain, you are in charge of designing the ship's blueprint, and it must be suitable for somersaulting clouds!"

The somersault cloud with the boat must not be like an ordinary boat, the bottom needs to be flat, after all, this thing does not need to be in the sea.

Instead, it uses somersault clouds to fly in the air, basically it can be said to be a building or a fortress.

He looked at Vega Punk again: "The raw materials and technology will be handed over to you, and we will strive to build this distinctive "cloud ship" in the shortest possible time."

"A surprise for everyone!!"

Hill would also like to see what it would be like to see the Navy become the Air Force in the future?

The sea, land and air are really becoming more and more complete now. The Molong mecha has the ability to fight from air to ground. Although it has waterproof function, it is not enough to fight under the sea.

At present, undersea warfare can only rely on the sea kings that the Poké Ball conquers.

And land and air combat is already a combat system that is completely ahead of the entire world.

"Yeah!" Ain looked happy, full of energy.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful.

In just a few days, a "cloud ship" was completely completed.

A vacant lot in the factory area.

The white-yellow somersault cloud carried a small hull, about the height of a two-story building.

The main body is still made of hard wood material, and the difference from the ship is that there is no mast and no sail.

It is similar to the house on the empty island.

Hillmo rubbed his chin and looked at the "cloud ship" in front of him and pondered a question, "Is it possible to go to the empty island to get some wind-exhaust shells, or shock shells, etc., and make it function like a Weiba, let this ship What about the speed of the cloud ship in the sky?"

"In that case, the cloud ship can also have a distinction in the speed limit."

There are various cloud boats of different speeds, which can also be better for people to choose from.

"Dr. Hill, come up and have a look together!!" Ain stood on the ladder of the cloud ship, excitedly waving to Hill and shouting.

The beautiful and moving face is full of happy smiles with a sense of achievement.

Vega Punk on the side also invited: "Dr. Hill, let's take a look at your masterpiece together."

Because of the subsequent addition of a lot of somersault clouds, the size of the cloud ship became larger.

From the original more than ten square meters, it has increased to more than one hundred square meters now, and it is also to accommodate more materials and people.


Hill nodded, stepped onto the cloud boat, and stepped onto the stairs to board the cloud boat.

He had seen the design drawings before, but most of the drawings were graphics plus data.

Far from being anything good.

After entering the ship ladder, there is a relatively large public area, and rows of seats are arranged in an orderly manner.

There are about a hundred seats.

Some are similar to the cabin of an airplane.

In Hill's design arrangement, the role of the cloud ship is "airplane", so it is also divided into aircrafts generally used for passenger transportation.

There are also for combat - fighter jets!

In Hill's design concept, the battle cloud ship will be equipped with artillery, sight glasses, Molong mecha and other things.

The drawing of the fighter is still being designed, and that thing is not the same as this simple transport ship design, so it is still being perfected.

After reading it carefully, Hill nodded with satisfaction: "There is basically no problem. I will solve the problem of cloud ship control."

"Now we can make a little more."

"The battle cloud ship must be developed as soon as possible. The speed of the cloud ship is not comparable to the speed of ordinary pirate ships!"

"With the battle cloud ship, there will be no delay in justice."

Of course, Hill knows that the so-called justice will not be late, but depends on the overall quality of the navy. He has no ability in this kind of thing.

Only step by step.

After the number of pirates is reduced, the navy will not need so many navies at all, and a large number of navies will return to life at that time.

Put more energy into naval education and training.

Slowly forming a virtuous circle just fine.

The world not only needs high fire, but also slow cooking.

Vegapunk nodded: "The design of the battle cloud ship has been completed for the most part, and it will be completed soon."

"I will definitely complete this task in the shortest possible time!"

His heart is full of excitement, because the emergence of "cloud ships" is a cross-generational tool that will completely change the "era of sailing".

Enter an era of flying!

The air is far safer than the sea, and the speed of the cloud ship is also faster!

"Dr. Hill, it's up to you to control the cloud ship and do the take-off test!" Ain couldn't wait to see the scene of the cloud ship flying in the sky.

Chapter 210: Warring States: Something Big Has Happened

"Okay, try what it's like to fly this somersault cloud with a boat on it!"

Hill also wanted to see how the cloud ship performed during the flight.

Compared with the planes in the previous life, whether this thing is good or not can only be known by flying.

He looked at Ain and Vega Punk and said, "Sit down first, and remember to fasten your seat belts."

Seats are also equipped with seat belts for the safety of passengers.

As for Hill's strength, naturally he doesn't need such a thing.

Ain and Vegapunk immediately sat on their chairs, and after they fastened their seat belts, they responded to Hill expectantly: "It's fastened."

"Dr. Hill, you can start the experiment!"


Hill nodded, and then walked into the control cabin of the cloud ship.

The control cabin is very simple with only two seats, a windshield, and even a console.

Sitting on a chair, he directly faced the somersault cloud and gave the command: "Fly upwards to a height of 500 meters!"

Order issued.

The cloud ship immediately began to lift off, and the speed was very fast, which made people feel a sense of weightlessness.

"Reduce the ascent speed!"

Hill immediately changed the password, and the speed of the cloud boat's ascent also slowed down immediately, and the sense of weightlessness disappeared.

It's like a roller coaster ride in an amusement park.

Fortunately, there were seat belts, so Ain and Vega Punk were not thrown out, and Rao so surprised them too.

"The speed of this take-off is too fast!" Ain looked like he had lingering fears, and put his hand on his towering chest to calm his fast-beating heart.

Then he said happily: "Thanks to Dr. Hill saying to get a seat belt, it turns out that it can still play this role."

She didn't understand what the seat belt was for before, but now she understands.

If it wasn't for the seat belt, she might have been thrown out.

Vegapunk also said: "This thing is not like a warship, there are too many preparations for sailing."

"There are many advantages, fast speed, less manpower required, ignoring waves, and flying in the sky is safer than the sea..."

The advantages of cloud boats are many, and the simple control system can even be fully controlled by only one person.

And the warships are different, at least it has to be matched with a dozen people.

When encountering strong winds and waves, this number may not be enough.

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