“Ding! Bite! Bite! ”

Chen Xing vigorously swung the forging hammer in his hand and struck another hammer on a long sword on the anvil. Sweat had soaked the wooden floor.

Before I knew it, another two months had passed. Today, Chen Xing is creating a straight sword in his memory, and it is also a preparation for his own cultivation of swordsmanship.

Chen Xing found that as he grew older, the increase in his strength was terrifying. Two months ago, he had to work hard to build a high-quality weapon.

Coupled with such a long period of exercise, Chen Xing even felt that his strength was more than ten times that of adults.

Now you can even impact the level of a weapon at the level of the Good Knife level.

“Phew: Call.. Give me a !!! ”


With all his strength, Chen Xing raised the forging hammer high and slammed it on the long sword. Instant Mars sputtering. There was a loud bang.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for creating a weapon of the Good Knife level, rewarding Bailey with 100,000 points and 5,000 points. ”


“Armed color domineering! Oh once?! ”

Quickly put the forged long sword into the water to cool. Chen Xing opened the system mall.

One hundred thousand Bailey and five thousand points have already arrived, and Bailey can still take it out and use it. The Divine Craftsman System also gave Chen Xing a system backpack.

“Bailey is almost two million… There are also 50,000 points, and you can change them for a general animal fruit. ”

“And then there is… Armed color domineering! ”

Chen Xing didn’t expect that just creating a weapon of the level of a good fast knife would reward such a good thing.

After that, when you hit the big fast knife or even the supreme fast knife, isn’t it casually rewarded with natural fruits and phantom beast seed fruits?

“Ding, because the host is the first time to create a weapon of the Good Blade level. The reward is doubled. ”

“I rely on… Don’t do that. Other people’s systems are every second. ”

Chen Xing’s fiery thoughts were instantly extinguished by the cold voice of the system.

However, Chen Xing can almost understand, with the help of the system, in just over five years, Chen Xing can already create a weapon at the level of a good fast knife.

After that, there is no need to do anything else, and the reward of any good knife can pile him up to invincibility.

“Okay, okay, count your conscience once.”

With a grunt, Chen Xing picked up the good knife that had completely cooled down.

“Armed color!”

“Huh? … Armed color! ”

Chen Xing held his face, looking like he was constipated, and after trying for half a ring, he found that there was no change in his hand and sword.

“Junior Armed Color… I know when I step on a horse… How can the system be generous once…”

Thinking about it, it must be because the armed color is only a primary reason. Maybe it’s like just learning it, and you need to exercise more if you want to use it proficiently.

“Hey… You still have to rely on yourself. ”

The joy just now was suddenly diluted by half. Casually placing the long sword on the table, Chen Xing walked to the corner on the other side.

Where there were dozens of various weapons, which were the training goods that Chen Xing used in order to make good fast knives in the past two months.

However, the most secondary weapon is also a medium-grade weapon, and you can also exchange some money and points for recycling it to the system.

“System, I’m going to recycle equipment. How many points are these all recovered?. ”

“Ding, recycling is complete. The host receives 130,000 Baileys and 8,600 points. ”

As soon as it was recycled, Chen Xing’s hand became rich. Bailey needless to say, he usually buys gifts for Nami and Nokigao, two little loli.

However, the points are already over 60,000, but you can buy some skills and use them first.

After all, on this timeline… When Nami was ten years old… The fishmen are coming soon.

“Open the mall!”

Glancing inside the system mall, Chen Xing found that he could only afford animal lines in the Devil Fruit.

It’s all just general, what teddy fruit and donkey fruit. The best thing you can buy is wolf fruit.

“It’s frustrating… Even if the system can let me eat multiple fruits… I can’t play like that. ”

After a little look, Chen Xing turned his gaze to skills such as physical skills.

“The Navy Six is good… It’s perfect for a newcomer like me who can only strike iron. ”

“The punching technique is also good… Belch… Leg technique seems to be good? ”

The various skills in the mall were varied, which made Chen Xing confused for a while. Suddenly, Chen Xing’s pupils shrank.

“Sword Art! I forgot… Young Master Ben is a divine craftsman. Holding the Xuanyuan sword, dressed in Xuanhuang armor… Wave your hand to kill the four emperors and three generals… Hey, hey, hey… It’s up to you. ”

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