Pirate's Strongest Cheat

21: [Bomb Kill? ] (For Collection)

It fell with Gu Ding's voice.

A huge phantom suddenly appeared, covering Gu Ding directly, turning into a titan-like monster, the whole body was wrapped in armor, and a huge long sword was held in the right hand, majestic and terrifying.

The whole body of titan is blood red.

There is also a unicorn on the head, like a demon king.


Gu Ding shouted, controlled Susanoo, and slashed at the huge ice bird with a sword.

With a sound of '噗嗤', a sword fell, and the huge ice bird was cut in half and fell to the ground, turning into ice water.


"What kind of ability is this? Immune to attacks, black flames, and the current titan, what kind of fruit is it?" Aokiji wondered inwardly. Looking at the titan in front of him, he felt a sense of shock.

In his mind, the first thought is that Gu Ding is a Demon fruit power.

But with so many abilities, it is not clear what the fruit is.

It's just that he obviously couldn't guess that Gu Ding's ability would not be fruit ability.

"It's not easy to solve." Aokiji murmured, frowning slightly. Intuition told him that the man in front of him was not weaker than him, even stronger than him.

"Come on, go ahead, Aokiji." Gu Ding laughed while standing inside Susanoo.

Controlling Susanoo, he slashed directly at Aokiji with a sword.

‘Pfft! '

The giant sword slashed across, and the sound of piercing was heard in the air.

Seeing this, Aokiji's face also changed, and he turned elemental without hesitation. A sword fell and directly split Aokiji in two, but soon turned into ice and recovered.

"Elementalization is really troublesome." Gu Ding pouted, but then laughed again. "So, can you dodge this sword with elementalization?"

Saying that, Gu Ding manipulated Susanoo to swing the long sword again. At the same time, Armament Haki's power was also applied, covering the blade, and the sword slashed away again.

"Damn it."

Aokiji cursed inwardly, without hesitation, his legs quickly leaped to use the shaving, and hurriedly left the place.

And not long after he left, the ground was directly chopped off by Gu Ding's sword, causing a deep crack, and the ground was directly split open.

"Ice Age." At this time, Aokiji also roared, the palm of his right hand fell to the ground, and a biting cold burst out. The moment the sound fell, the ground was frozen, and it quickly spread towards Gu Ding.

Soon it froze the entire Susanoo, and even spread to the area around it.

"Fixed?" Aokiji murmured, staring at the frozen Susanoo, this was one of his most powerful moves, very powerful. With all his strength, it can even freeze the sea for tens of miles. At this time, the cold air is compressed, only this small area is frozen, the ice is more powerful, and it is more difficult to rush out of the ice.

But inexplicably, Aokiji had a bad premonition in his heart.


I saw that in the ice, the black fire of Amaterasu actually began to emerge on the ice, and began to burn.

"I knew it, this time it's really a troublesome guy." Looking at the black flame, Aokiji sighed helplessly, clenched his fists with both hands, ready to fight again at any time.

However, the next second.

Aokiji suddenly discovered that the black flame was still burning in the ice, but the blood-red titan suddenly disappeared.


"What? Where did you go? Where is it?" Aokiji was taken aback, and hurriedly unfolded Observation Haki, looking around, feeling a sense of crisis in his heart.

And soon, he discovered that Gu Ding's figure had appeared behind him at some point, out of thin air.


Gu Ding roared, clenched his fist with his right hand, Armament Haki covered his fist, and slammed into Aokiji's back with a punch.

Using Kamui's ability, Gu Ding disarmed Susanoo, appearing behind Aokiji. It was a sneak attack that gave Aokiji no chance to dodge.

The punch hit Aokiji hard.

'puff! '

A powerful force erupted, Aokiji's face changed, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and then the whole person flew towards the distance and hit the ground hard.

Seeing this, Gu Ding didn't hesitate, kicked his legs, and followed directly.

"It's not over yet."

With a sneer, Gu Ding came to Aokiji's side in an instant, clenched his fist with his right hand again, Armament Haki covered it, and punched down again.

Aokiji was lying on the ground, he hadn't fully recovered from the previous punch, and he couldn't dodge it at all.


Aokiji's complexion changed again, his entire face was extremely pale. It was as if all the internal organs in the body had been moved, and the pain was extremely severe.


"Quick, support Vice Admiral."

In the distance, a colonel rushed over with dozens of Marine soldiers, shouted loudly, and immediately rushed towards Gu Ding.

Seeing this, Mikoto, who had been watching the battle, couldn't help hugging his shoulders and snorting. "I can't let you interfere with the young master."

After speaking, an electric current surged in Mikoto's hand and turned into a long whip, and the group of Marines were sent flying with one whip. For Mikoto, these Marine soldiers are just like ants, and they can be dealt with at will.

And on Gu Ding's side.

Gu Ding landed another punch.

After finding the opportunity, Gu Ding hardly held back his hand, punching and punching Aokiji on the ground continuously.

Aokiji was knocked unconscious almost abruptly.

When Gu Ding wanted to punch again and know Aokiji's life directly.

A voice came suddenly.

"Okay, Gu Ding boy, you'd better not kill him, or Marine will go berserk."

Hearing the sound, Gu Ding couldn't help raising his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, only to see Rayleigh standing on the trunk of a tree and looking at him.

"What do you mean? Uncle Rayleigh." Gu Ding frowned and asked in confusion.

Rayleigh took a sip of his drink and smiled. "This guy is Admiral, a Marine candidate. He is almost 100% able to become Admiral, and he was also brought up by Garp. If you kill this guy without the ability to fight Garp, that old guy Garp will chase after him. You killed."


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