Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 7 Three Bastards! 【Seek Self-Determination, Seek Complete Determination, Seek Everything】

"Made, how many fights have these bastards had?"

Donglin's violent jump was on the sidelines. Hey!

"This kind of killing is very expensive. I guess they arranged three. After all, it is a fairy, and the bottom of the fairyland has disappeared. No wealth, no endless killing awaits us!"

Chi Qing explained a little bit, let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, just kill ~ there are not many people!

"Take a break and be strong!"

After the red and green are over, sit in the void and everyone meditates and recovers!

After half an hour, they ended their practice. This time they did not throw the fairies, but embraced the fairies, with the fairies as the front line, preparing for difficulties!


A powerful attack that explodes a space rift would also kill the kill, but that blow would take too much energy. The connected array is also somewhat unstable!


After breaking the formation, Chenglong found the White House flying towards them and shouted loudly. It's full of breath!

The people stabilized their formation.


A road to the immortal element called them, each of them has the power to destroy speed!

Fortunately, they were arranged in time with Chenglong's reminder, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

"The Calling Has Finally Died"

Everyone found that the attack was gone, and there was no waiting ahead. Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt dizzy, except for Yu Heng and Chi Qing, everyone here is weak! There is almost no strength for fighting!

However, they're so big that it's impossible to get noticed!

During tea time, someone was filmed. Three people came in wearing silver armor, with a hint of sarcasm on their faces. At first glance, he knew he was not the God of Punishment!

"That's right, I'm going to increase!"

Chenglong sneered and disappeared immediately. He was very angry. How could he not be heavy?


When the moment appeared, his fairy had already penetrated a fairy, and his face was defeated on the spot!



The other two gods didn't react, he was killed by a trick!

"Huh!" Yuheng will get the jade space, even if the gods want to dissipate and turn into soul power, they must be in the jade space!

"This is good!"

People who were terrified, Dong Lin reacted first, clapping his hands, Yu Heng's movements, really annoying!


"Killing is good, there must be these three bastards in the battle, you won't kill them, I won't let them go!"

Chi Qing also woke up from the shock and clapped her hands, but Chenglong's method was a bit magical. The repair is not high, the power is so powerful, especially the supernatural power of space, even if he does not respond!


"Not enough, we still have to take out their spirits and refine them into medicinal herbs.

Dong Lin put it next to him, his eyes jumped up excitedly. Xi'an asked him to kill three fingers, he wanted to try it!

"I won't let these bastards go!"

Although he killed three, Chenglong still found it incomprehensible, almost all over the army, he was in a good mood!

"Yes, the more you kill, the better!"

Everyone nodded, Chenglong's blow was really deflated!


Shortly after killing the three gods, someone came, and nearly twenty sects emerged.

"red big brother"

One of the silver armies was very excited after seeing them. They are the concubines of the gods. I just feel the movement and rush!.

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