Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 22 Wonderland! 【Seek Self-Determination, Seek Complete Determination, Seek Everything】

"Tian Zun will scan the entire Tianzun Road with God's knowledge from time to time, but these guys have no magic power, they are similar to nothingness, they just show their real bodies in dreams.

The interpretation to ChiQing is equivalent to telling YuHeng that they are sitting and waiting to die, but how do they compromise?

"No, Yan Feng is still practicing."

When everyone was silent, Chenglong screamed. Yes, Yan Feng is already a real fairy. Now it's solid. If interrupted forcibly, it will be endless. If you don't interrupt it, you'll be caught by that thing. The consequences are even more unimaginable.

"Chenglong don't panic, things haven't reached that point yet, other gods suckers need to digest for a while.

Zhiqing heaved a sigh of relief, then he turned his eyes to look at Wuxian.

"Xiao Ding, I believe that when you came, did the family members explain it?"

The red face is serious, the eyes are determined, and the voice is powerful.

"Haha Chiqing, what do you do, you say that, we definitely did it!"

Xiao Ding smiled, and the five nodded with their brushes.

"Very good, from now on, everyone go to the mountains to meditate, and wait until Antong opens!"

"Okay, Big Brother, if we have the chance, we'll go to heaven to drink, eat meat, and kill the Quartet!"

Xiaoding and others nodded, then turned their eyes to look at Chenglong.

"Brother, you are the most amazing genius I have ever seen, but it is difficult to meet each other. If there is a chance in heaven, I will definitely invite you to chat with our family. And introduce you to our elders!"

Xiao Ding patted Chenglong on the shoulder, he was moved by the truth.

"Second brother, don't worry, we will definitely have such an opportunity!"

The key point in Chenglong is that he seems to be alive and dead, and he can hear that Chi Qing's arrangement is to help Qi Feng make time. In their view, everyone on the road of Tianzun has higher achievements than them in the future, so it is necessary to sacrifice themselves in exchange for their chances of survival!

"Haha, good brother, it's not too late, let's go!"

Xiaoding smiled and flew away with the five of them.


Chenglong's gaze turned to Chiqing, and an invisible pressure enveloped them, making everyone feel heavy!

"Don't worry bro, we'll be fine, you shouldn't be meditating and gathering together during this time, I hope we'll all use our breath to force them out!"

0. Asking for flowers......

After red and green confession, people are called. Of course, Real Fairyland and Fairyland are kept separate, lest they be innocent. After all these arrangements, Chi Qing also found a mountain to meditate on. He will use himself to guide this matter.

"Yu Heng"


Their location at this time is in a cave, and there are various ways around it. Chenglong knew that these defensive gods and mana were impossible for this unknown creature. It's just self comforting.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine!"

Looking at his lover and friend, Chenglong had a faint smile on his face.

"I'm sure you'll be fine!"

People nodded, restless.

"Donglin, come here!"

Chenglong called Donglin to a corner and arranged a lineup to isolate these people.

"Brother, what!"

Donglin was a little nervous, Chenglong didn't give him such a big upgrade last time.

"Oh, it's nothing, here are a few pieces of jade, in heaven, listen to my arrangement, and hand them over to Wu Wuchang!"

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