Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 24 Can't Escape! 【Seek Self-Determination, Seek Complete Determination, Seek Everything

"If I can be safe and sound, I will definitely hold a grand wedding in heaven and welcome you through the door. At that time, let all the super masters in heaven cheer and witness our love!

Chenglong's eyes were full of tears, and they fell into the cracks of the stone tablet under his feet.

Immediately sorted out the mood, wiped away the tears, arranged an enchantment around Fenghuang, and received it in the jade space, which is an independent place. When it comes to heaven, everything will be fine. Chenglong felt relieved. Again, disappeared in place.

“The scenery is very good”

Chenglong looked at a hill in the distance, with a lake below, and the scenery was pleasant.

"This is a feng shui place, and it's not bad to be buried here!"

Chenglong figured it out, found a good place, and didn't hide his breath.


The huge aura set off a puff of air, and the surrounding halos rolled in. As long as he comes here within a thousand miles, he can find his place. He wants to use himself to lead the dream, because he also knows that no matter what, he can't run away, not only him, but also everyone in the real world of the mainland, cannot escape.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed.


In the distance, taking a breath, riding a dragon, he closed his eyes to meditate, and suddenly opened his eyes, his figure disappeared and disappeared. When he arrived, Chi Qing and others had already arrived.

"This is Little C!"

Chenglong looked at his mouth and smiled, knowing that he also recruited. I feel a little heavy inside, but no fear.

"He came to us to punish the world, as if the target was us!" The red face was dignified. When I looked at Chenglong, my mouth moved, but I didn't say anything, because he knew to be targeted by that thing, no matter where you hide, as long as you close your eyes or meditate, you will be recruited. Hide in a cave, but comfort yourself psychologically

"I don't think I'll be interrupted by this kind of thing, but Cheon Joo Young didn't succeed?"

Chi Qing sighed, and then his eyes became firm. After collecting Xiaoqin's body, everyone returned to their positions, because at this time, gathering together has no effect!


A day later, the breath loosened again. Another singer also left with a smile on her face. This time the opponent's shot made people's hearts heavy.

"Made, I don't know what the rest of the world is like!"

Chi Qing came now not frightened by death "but he wondered if there was any movement in the rest of the world.

"It should be, no matter what, if this guy doesn't die, he can't run away!"

Chenglong is considering this matter.

"Haha don't think so much. We continue to cultivate and control what is messy. Death is just a matter of order!"

Zhiqing smiled, and after the body was collected, everyone sat down again.

Three days later, another singer, 527, was attacked. The only real celestial bodies in the sacred world are Chenglong, Qinqing and Xiaoding.

At this time, their faces are ugly, and they all know what they are going to face!

"Go back and wait for him to come!"

Chi Qing didn't say anything at this time. He picked up the body and left everyone.


When I returned to Xiaotan, Chenglong looked at the clear water and fell into meditation. At this time, he felt peaceful in his heart. I started to think back that I had reached the point of punishment.

In his own life, he killed the enemy and escaped from the side of the small town. He was thrilled and thrilled all the way, and he didn't have a real sense of belonging until he came to education. .

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