Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 30 Repeal! 【Seek Self-Determination, Seek Complete Determination, Seek Everything】

"I'll pay attention to your attitude next time, or I'll abolish your entire Imperial Ice Pie!"

Standing high, Red stood outside, and the clothes were hunting and thundering. The gods of war seem to be dying and despise each other.

"You...how can..."

Blush has always been very surprised by Zhiqing's appearance, now Chenglong and Xiao Ding also appeared, which made him a little confused. In his opinion, the real fairyland that God punished the world should be slaughtered by the devil, and the rest should be deliberately left and right by them, and how they ran out of three. "Hey Blush, are you surprised and mad that your abacus is gone?"

Red Cyan was cold again, and he stared at him.

"Red and Green, now you only have three, we have nearly twenty. If you want to fight, you must lose!"

Blushing clenched fists, with a murder on his face. Their strength has declined more than before, but the punishment is more severe.

Those who are semi-authentic or close are not there. It can be said that compared with the previous one, the intensity has been greatly reduced.

"Haha... blushing, I want to say it, don't talk so much nonsense. The mainland has been calm for more than a month. I don't think you want him to continue to calm down. Actually, I think so too!"

The opening of this time is Chenglong. First of all, no matter how strong you are, the momentum will never be lost to the opponent, so as not to be taken away by them!

"Oh? You are a little virgin, how dare you say it!"

Looking into Leng's eyes, he knew that Chenglong was a genius, but compared with Hong Qing, it was still far from good enough.

"Ha ha..."

After Chenglong finished listening, he suddenly smiled.

"Why are you laughing?"

His blushing face was gloomy, and Chenglong's attitude made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Look at him!"

Chenglong pointed out that the immortal ambassador was still in the underground pit, and the figure disappeared and disappeared.

There were more attack waves from the pit, and the entire end of the continent was shaken three times. After seeing the situation in front of them, they sighed coldly and saw Chenglong holding a drowsy stalk in his hand, as if he was a chicken.

Although Xianling was attacked by Hongqing just now, it was only a breath, and there was still a force of war. In the hands of Chenglong, there is no room for resistance.

"It's you..."

Suddenly, they thought of something, their faces became very big, and they quickly stood in a charming form, and they took out the fairy weapons to guard Chenglong's attack.

Before, they ever guessed that the mysterious man who threatened them during the war would bring demons, otherwise they would attack invisible? I thought, I didn't think he hides.

.Oh.....it's no fool, but since it's here, what would you get away with? Or outsiders still think we're being punished!"

Chenglong sneered, one person threatened more than a dozen people.

(Okay) "You..." Yan Hong blushed upon hearing this, and his eyes flickered. Outsiders, except for their boundaries, seem to be no outsiders. Besides, mortals can't see them at all!

"I will not leave the sacred

When Yu Heng's words were opened, the blushing and other people's faces changed a lot, and the power of divine punishment was strengthened. They don't know why?

"Forget it, but in heaven, someone will deal with you!".

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