Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 34 Cast A Shadow! 【Seek Self-Determination, Seek Complete Determination, Seek Everything】

The Scarlet Letter is not yet finished. Everyone behind them fights according to the array. There were nearly 20 people in the large array. Even if riding a dragon can kill one or two, they can also send a joint attack that ordinary people can't resist!

"Okay, here we go!"

Akasaka's unusual excitement was endless, and he was also afraid that these guys would attack the gods who were wasted on the world!

"In this case, we welcome!"

"Crimson is smiling and meditating like everyone behind him, but they 01 still maintain the formed form, but become defensive in nature!

"What kind of medicine are these guys selling in the gourd?"

Chenglong looked aside clearly, the blush didn't seem to come to someone, it was just an excuse for them to be here!

"Let me rest assured that before our gods they cannot look down on any wave!"

Chi Qing gave him a voice and heard the voice. Chenglong is in a much better mood.

After three days, everyone meditated quietly!


Suddenly, the formation of blushing and others erupted into intense chaos, and even a few people were shaking. They were sneaked!

"what happened?"

The crowd opened their eyes, their faces were shocked.

"Red and green, do you really want a decisive battle?" The blushing face looked at each other, the strength of the strike was just that, only red could do it!

"What kind of fart are you farting? I'm not moving anymore! It's not like you're making excuses on purpose..."

Chi Qing was very angry, he didn't understand anything. He has no reason to be a target, he's in a good mood!

"That is..."

Yan Hong turned her gaze to Chenglong, and found that he was looking up at a certain place, looking at him. He immediately took a breath of cold air, his eyes filled with disbelief!

The top of the earth is formed by the power of law, and there is a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters. The outside world is wreaking havoc on the continent. Fortunately, the hole is not that big. Those hurricanes were broken by the halo in the air and lost their strength. Ordinary wind blows!

"In our eyes, we can quietly punch a big hole in the power of the law. It's not easy. You should have been attacked by him just now, but you were fine" or the other side is not strong enough. … ..”

Chenglong's faint voice enveloped one side of the world, but his face was very serious. He has fired 100,000 vigilance points!


Blush returned to God, screamed, and formed a battle with the people. The fairies shake hands and look around warily!

The heavy depression casts a shadow over everyone, and the scene is quiet and everyone's heart can be heard!


The sound of the hurricane is overhead, like an ancient roar from the void!


One thing seemed to be torn apart, and everyone turned their faces to find that the last 737 of the Blush team had only one leg left.


Seeing this scene, everyone started to panic and they all went to that location. Even Chenglong is no exception. He is stared at by inexplicable creatures, and no one will calm down!

The attack of more than 20 real immortals was not covered, and it immediately defeated the border wall. If the continent is under the force of Immortal Law, I am afraid the point of attack will be marked as None. Everyone is supported by a huge breath. Still no mess!

When the dust settled, there was nothing but high winds and debris!

"Oh... this place is nice, there are even gods to make me stronger, but unfortunately, I can't stay long, I will go!"


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