Pirate's Strongest Cheat

47:【The Three Hancock Sisters? 】(Five More For Subscription)

Because it was planned to head straight to Mariejois after three days.

Therefore, during these three days, Gu Ding lived in The fish men island, during which time he was hilarious with Mikoto, or wandered around The fish men island. At the same time, some pirates from New World found Gu Ding and wanted to use Gu Ding's head as a pledge to join Charlotte Linlin, but they were all killed by Gu Ding.

Before I knew it, three days passed.

In the evening three days later.

At this time, most of the Celestial Dragons on Mariejois have already left Mariejois, and went to various countries around the world to inspect. In fact, they are inspections, just wandering around, grabbing some women they fancy by the way. For these, the top leaders of the World government and other countries are very aware of it, but they just pretend they didn't see it.

at this time.

The fish men island, murloc street.

In Tiger's room, Tiger walked up to Gu Ding and said hastily. "Mr. Gu Ding, I've got my boat ready and I can go to Mariejois now."

"Don't be so troublesome." Hearing this, Gu Ding smiled, and directly stretched out his hand to pat Tiger's shoulder. Then, before Tiger could resist, waves and vortexes appeared in the space, and the two directly It disappeared in place.

big big big


World government headquarters is located between the first half and the second half of the Grand Line, at the peak of 607 Red Line, and it is also one of the two roads to New World.

At this time, on the top of the Red Line, houses are built here, where the high-level World Government lives, and there is a group of villas not far away, where the Celestial Dragons live. In addition to the villas where the Celestial Dragons live, there is another building that looks very ordinary, and these are places where slaves are held. The residence of the Li Tian dragon people is some distance away.

There are dozens of people guarding the place where the slaves are held, and all of them are strong.

But it's just good.

at this time.

There were waves of waves in the space, which attracted the attention of the group of bodyguards.

Immediately afterwards, a vortex emerged, and the figures of Gu Ding and Tiger suddenly appeared here.

"who is it?"

"Catch it!"


The appearance of the two made the group of bodyguards stunned for a moment, but then they came back to their senses, and without the slightest hesitation, they all took out pistols from their waists and pointed them at Gu Ding and Tiger, intending to kill these two who suddenly appeared. Both hands and feet were broken, and then (abbc) arrested and tortured.

It's just that before they pulled the trigger, Gu Ding, who had been prepared for a long time, emerged with devilish energy, turning into devil snakes one after another, attacking the bodyguards in an instant.

The moment the snake touched the bodyguard.

Directly corrupt their skin, followed by flesh and blood, through bones.

The moment these bodyguards were touched by the magic snake, within a second, they died directly, and most of their bodies were corrupted by the magic energy, turning into blood and flowing on the ground, without even screaming. I had time to shout it out.

"This, here is?"

At this time, Tiger looked at the surrounding environment a little blankly, but he hadn't recovered yet.

Seeing this, Gu Ding couldn't help but smiled and reminded. "Don't be dazed, this is Mariejois, the headquarters of the World government. And our location is exactly where the slaves are held. Hurry up and do what you want to do.

"it is good!"

Hearing Gu Ding's words, Tiger came back to his senses and nodded quickly. Although he was shocked by Gu Ding's space ability, the current situation made it too late for him to be shocked. After nodding towards Gu Ding, he turned around and rushed into the building where the slaves were held.

Seeing this, Gu Ding also shook his head, and followed him in.

In this building, it was dark, only a few candles were lit for illumination. Inside are cages one after another, and each cage houses a slave, and these cages are divided into several areas, placed in different places, and each place has a large number of cages.

Inside, there are still a few strong men guarding here to prevent the slaves from escaping.

It's just that after Gu Ding came in, he found that these strong men had been knocked down by Tiger. At this time, Tiger had already taken out the keys from several strong men, ready to open these cages.

"Mr. Gu Ding, please come and open these cages with me too?" Tiger said while handing a key to Gu Ding.

"Okay." Hearing this, Gu Ding nodded, took the key, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Then they separated from Tiger and began to open those cages one by one.

Liuliu National Congress

At this time, the slaves in these cages looked at Gu Ding and Tiger blankly, a little dazed.

Although Gu Ding and Tiger could tell at a glance that they were here to save them, they still couldn't believe it and hadn't recovered yet. After all, this is Mariejois, the headquarters of the World government, who dares to come here to save them?

I don't know how long it took, the cages were opened one by one, and these slaves began to come back to their senses.

"You, are you here to save us?"


"Can we, really, really get out of here?"

The slaves murmured, the desire for survival gradually appeared in He Ran's eyes.

But at this time, Gu Ding didn't have time to reply to these slaves. At this time, he had already driven to a cage, but when he saw the people locked in this cage, a light flashed in Gu Ding's eyes.

Locked in this cage are three little girls.

These three little girls are all dirty and unkempt, but from the bright eyes, it can be seen that these three little girls are very different. The other slaves all had no expression in their eyes, as if they had no soul, they were just puppets. But from the eyes of these three little girls, it can be seen that even though they were locked up here, they did not give up hope of escaping.

"Three, they are all little girls, could it be the three Hancock sisters?" Gu Ding murmured in his heart while opening the cage with a key

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