Pirate's Strongest Cheat

Chapter 80 Summit War (For Subscription)

On this day, the sea in Marineford was very calm.

This kind of calm gives people an unreal feeling.

The soldiers of Naval Headquarters are all in full formation, waiting for Gu Ding's arrival.

At the same time, waiting for Gu Ding are the Whitebeard Pirates and Red Hair Pirates lurking underwater. However, as spectators, rather than participants in the war, Whitebeard and Redhead both brought only one warship and did not lead their subordinate forces.

"Where is Gu Ding, it's this time, where is he?" Whitebeard Edward Newgate thought.

Like him is Shanks the redhead.

While they were waiting anxiously, there was a commotion on the sea.

"Then, what is that?"

"Look! A black dot in the sky!"

"Is Gu Ding attacking?"

The Marines stared nervously at the gradually expanding black spot in the sky.


The black spot expands into a black hole, and a person emerges from the black hole.

The man was sitting on a chair, floating in the air, with his head in his hands, looking very distressed.

Then more people came out, some of them made gestures with their hands that the Marines had never heard of, and then a huge wooden platform was created out of thin air, like a bridge, across the Harbor of Marineford.

"What are they going to do?"

Sengoku frowned, watching the strange behavior of Gu Ding and his group.

Sakazuki took a step forward, his hands turned into magma, and said, "Whatever he wants to do, just don't let him do it.

"Sakazuki, don't be impulsive." Kuzan looked at Gu Ding, who was resting his chin on one hand, in the distance, feeling ominous in his heart.

"Kuzan, what you said just now insults the justice of Marine."

Sakazuki had disagreements with Kuzan on weekdays, and he was very upset when Kuzan stopped him at this time.

"Okay! Don't even look at what time it is!"

Sengoku scolded, and then looked in the direction of Gu Ding.

"Report to the master, the arrangement has been completed.". Bai Ye whispered beside Gu Ding.

"But, I haven't figured out how to start yet." Gu Ding touched his chin in distress: "Forget it, forget it, let the guests come on stage first, they must be waiting impatiently."

Gu Ding ordered to go down, and immediately two pirates who had been waiting for a long time pulled the phone bug and stood up to the staff.

These two pirates are Lilwu and Morris.

The two old guys who were imprisoned in the Eternal Hell at Level 6 did many bad things when they were young. After being imprisoned in the Eternal Hell, they lost their temper, one became smooth and the other became lazy. After seeing the report of Gu Ding recruiting pirates, he rushed to The fishmen island day and night. Later, he volunteered to be the host of the war ceremony.

"Guests who have come from afar, you have been waiting for a long time! Gu Ding, the captain of the God Pirates, has prepared the viewing seats for you, and please come to the seats!" Lil Wu said.

Lilwu's voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly by everyone.

"It's this old guy, he's not dead yet."

After hearing Lilwu's voice, Whitebeard smiled dumbly.

"Father, what's the matter?" Marco asked puzzled.

"Lilwu, an old guy. Paramecia is a heart sound fruit capable person. What he said can directly resound in people's minds. At that time, he did a lot of tricks on Marine and caused a lot of scandals. Forget it, it's all over .Let's go up."

After saying that, Whitebeard took the lead to lead the boat up to the surface of the sea. Redheads follow.

The first time they came out of the water, the ninjas of the Konoha Pirates activated the Wood Style Technique to prop up their ship, but it was a few meters lower than Gu Ding's position.

"The guests are welcome, the ceremony begins!" Lilwu's voice resounded in the ears of everyone in Marineford again.

Gu Ding stood in the air, took the phone bug, and started his performance.

"Humble ants, trying to fight the gods in vain, then there is only one end for you, death!"

Gu Ding's words unsurprisingly aroused Marine's anger, but Gu Ding didn't take it seriously, because the loudspeaker on his side was so loud that it could completely overwhelm Marine's noisy voice.

"However, I have always been kind. Apart from killing people, I didn't even kill a few fish in the sea. If you are as kind as me, even if you have no gods, let's be a swimmer."

Speaking of this, Gu Ding raised his eyelids and glanced, countless magma fell from the sky.

Gu Ding shook his head slightly, and continued: "Some people can't control their hands! Is it because they don't want their hands anymore?"

As soon as the words came out, Akainu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Hey! Gu Ding! He actually said that about Akainu Admiral!"

"What a vicious pirate, even Admiral is ignored.

"I wish I could be like him one day."

"Pirate Gu Ding's temper is too hot!"

The Marine soldiers talked a lot, and Hai Ze, who had the honor to come to watch the ceremony, was also dumbfounded.

"Damn it, is this really the same person as the mild-mannered Gu Ding we saw that day?" a subordinate of the Whitebeard Pirates said, clutching his chest.

"'Dad, do we want to make a move?" Marco asked.

Whitebeard shook his head slightly, motioning him to continue watching.

Gu Ding stood in the air without raising his head, until the magma was about to hit his head, he stretched out a hand.

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng!"

The magma fire rain that fell in the sky stagnated for a while, and then was ejected in all directions. Some fell into the sea, and some fell into the high platform where Marine soldiers were stationed.

"Ah! Run!"

"Akainu Admiral killed us!"

"What's going on with the pirate Gu Ding? It doesn't match what the information shows!"

The Marine soldiers who were injured by Akainu's magma were miserable, and Akainu's face became darker because of it.

Aokiji sighed, and thought: "Sure enough, it will become like this."

Seeing that Akainu still wanted to attack, he urged: "Let's just listen to what he has to say first.

Akainu glared at Aokiji and retracted his fist momentarily.

"How about we make a (good) game." Gu Ding said blankly: "The name of this game is 'Akainu must die'! Lilwu, explain the rules of the game to them."

"Yes! Captain!"

The image of Lilwu was projected onto the phone bug screen behind Gu Ding.

Lilwu waved his fist and explained passionately: "Dear guests, and poor Marine, the rules of the game are as follows. Game participants, all Marines! Kill Akainu within the specified time, otherwise the entire island will be destroyed. destroy!"

After saying that, Lilwu looked at Gu Ding.

Gu Ding was a little drowsy and snapped his fingers casually.

In an instant, the sky over Marineford was covered with dark clouds, and a huge thundercloud formed.

The thunder was rolling and the momentum was huge. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it's like the end of the world.

Gradually, an unusually bright thunder light appeared in the center of the dark cloud.

It was the tip of a huge ball of lightning behind the dark clouds.

Intrinsic, catastrophic destructive power handsome!.

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